% This is the source of nahuatl.mf % % (c) 2021 SIL OFL % % Version 1.1 – 26 February 2007 % % https://ctan.org/license/ofl % % Roberto Alvarez Zavala % % This file is part of the package nahuatl V 0.1 % % Please read the files readme.txt % % % Content: nahuatl.mf % font_size:=12pt#; mode_setup; define_pixels(u); ro:=1.618; a=1; b=0.61804; c=0.38194; dr=0.23608; e=0.14591; f=0.09017; g=0.05573; hr=0.03444; i=0.02128; j:=i*0.618; def ccr (expr d,e,f) = ( (d-f)*(w/a) , e*h/b )..( (d+f)*(w/a) , e*h/b )..cycle; enddef; def cir (expr a,b) = draw a..b..cycle; enddef; input A.mf input B.mf input C.mf input D.mf input E.mf input F.mf input G.mf input H.mf input I.mf input J.mf input K.mf input L.mf input M.mf input N.mf input O.mf input P.mf input Q.mf input R.mf input S.mf input T.mf input U.mf end input end bye.