#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: Latin-1 -*- """Convert graphviz graphs to LaTeX-friendly formats Various tools for converting graphs generated by the graphviz library to formats for use with LaTeX. Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Kjell Magne Fauske """ # Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Kjell Magne Fauske # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. __author__ = 'Kjell Magne Fauske' __version__ = '2.7.0' __license__ = 'MIT' from itertools import izip from optparse import OptionParser import optparse import sys, tempfile, os, string,re import logging import tempfile from StringIO import StringIO # intitalize logging module log = logging.getLogger("dot2tex") console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-8s %(message)s') # tell the handler to use this format console.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(console) try: import pydot except: log.error("Could not load the pydot module.") sys.exit(1) DEFAULT_TEXTENCODING = 'utf8' DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'pgf' # label margins in inches DEFAULT_LABEL_XMARGIN = 0.11 DEFAULT_LABEL_YMARGIN = 0.055 DEFAULT_EDGELABEL_XMARGIN = 0.01 DEFAULT_EDGELABEL_YMARGIN = 0.01 DEFAULT_GRAPHLABEL_XMARGIN = 0.01 DEFAULT_GRAPHLABEL_YMARGIN = 0.01 DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH = 0.75 DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT = 0.5 # Todo: set papersize based on bb # Todo: Fontcolor # Todo: Support linewidth in draw string # Todo: Support linestyle in draw string # Todo: Need to reconsider edge draw order. # See for instance html2.xdot # Inch to bp conversion factor in2bp = 72.0 # Examples of draw strings # c 5 -black F 14.000000 11 -Times-Roman T 99 159 0 44 8 -a_1 test special_chars = ['$','\\','%','_','#','{',r'}','^','&'] special_chars_escape = [r'\$', r'$\backslash$',r'\%',r'\_',r'\#', r'\{',r'\}',r'\^{}',r'\&'] charmap = dict(zip(special_chars,special_chars_escape)) # Pydot has hardcoded Graphviz' graph, node and edge attributes. # Dot2tex extends the DOT language with several new attributes. Fortunately # it is possible to modify pydot at runtime to accept the new attributes. special_graph_attrs = [ 'd2tdocpreamble', 'd2tfigpreamble', 'd2tfigpostamble', 'd2tgraphstyle', 'd2talignstr', 'd2tvalignmode', 'd2tnominsize', 'texlbl', 'd2ttikzedgelabels', 'd2toutputformat', 'd2tstyleonly', 'd2tnodeoptions', 'd2tedgeoptions', 'd2toptions', ] special_nodeandedge_attrs = [ 'texmode', 'texlbl', 'lblstyle', 'topath', 'exstyle', ] # Modify pydot to understand dot2tex's extensions to the DOT language pydot.Graph.attributes.extend(special_graph_attrs) pydot.Edge.attributes.extend(special_nodeandedge_attrs) pydot.Node.attributes.extend(special_nodeandedge_attrs) helpmsg = """\ Failed to parse the input data. Is it a valid dot file? Try to input xdot data directly. Example: dot -Txdot file.dot | dot2tex > file.tex If this does not work, check that you have an updated version of PyParsing and Graphviz. Users have reported problems with old versions. You can also run dot2tex in debug mode using the --debug option: dot2tex --debug file.dot A file dot2tex.log will be written to the current directory with detailed information useful for debugging.""" def mreplace(s, chararray, newchararray): for a, b in zip(chararray, newchararray): s = s.replace(a, b) return s def escapeTeXChars(string): r"""Escape the special LaTeX-chars %{}_^ Examples: >>> escapeTeXChars('10%') '10\\%' >>> escapeTeXChars('%{}_^\\$') '\\%\\{\\}\\_\\^{}$\\backslash$\\$' """ return "".join([charmap.get(c,c) for c in string]) def nsplit(seq, n=2): """Split a sequence into pieces of length n If the lengt of the sequence isn't a multiple of n, the rest is discareded. Note that nsplit will strings into individual characters. Examples: >>> nsplit('aabbcc') [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('c', 'c')] >>> nsplit('aabbcc',n=3) [('a', 'a', 'b'), ('b', 'c', 'c')] # Note that cc is discarded >>> nsplit('aabbcc',n=4) [('a', 'a', 'b', 'b')] """ return [xy for xy in izip(*[iter(seq)]*n)] def chunks(s, cl): """Split a string or sequence into pieces of length cl and return an iterator """ for i in xrange(0, len(s), cl): yield s[i:i+cl] def replaceTags(template, tags, tagsreplace): """Replace occurences of tags with tagreplace Example: >>> replaceTags('a b c d',('b','d'),{'b':'bbb','d':'ddd'}) 'a bbb c ddd' """ s = template for tag in tags: replacestr = tagsreplace.get(tag, '') if not replacestr: replacestr = '' s = s.replace(tag, replacestr) return s def getboolattr(item, key, default): if str(getattr(item,key,'')).lower() == 'true': return True else: return False def createXdot(dotdata,prog='dot'): # The following code is from the pydot module written by Ero Carrera progs = pydot.find_graphviz() #prog = 'dot' if progs is None: return None if not progs.has_key(prog): log.warning('Invalid prog=%s',prog) # Program not found ?!?! return None tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(tmp_fd) f = open(tmp_name,'w') f.write(dotdata) f.close() format = 'xdot' cmd = progs[prog]+' -T'+format+' '+tmp_name log.debug('Creating xdot data with: %s',cmd) stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(cmd,'t') stdin.close() stderr.close() # I'm not quite sure why this is necessary, but some files # produces data with line endings that confuses pydot/pyparser. data = stdout.readlines() lines = [line for line in data if line.strip()] data = "".join(lines) stdout.close() os.unlink(tmp_name) return data def parseDotData(dotdata): """Wrapper for pydot.graph_from_dot_data Redirects error messages to the log. """ saveout = sys.stdout fsock = StringIO() sys.stdout = fsock graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dotdata) log.debug('Output from pydot:\n'+fsock.getvalue()) fsock.close() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ return graph def parseDrawString(drawstring): """Parse drawstring and returns a list of draw operations""" # The draw string parser is a bit clumsy and slow def doeE(c,s): # E x0 y0 w h Filled ellipse ((x-x0)/w)^2 + ((y-y0)/h)^2 = 1 # e x0 y0 w h Unfilled ellipse ((x-x0)/w)^2 + ((y-y0)/h)^2 = 1 tokens = s.split()[0:4] if not tokens: return None points = map(int,tokens) didx = sum(map(len,tokens))+len(points)+1 return didx, (c , points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]) def doPLB(c, s): # P n x1 y1 ... xn yn Filled polygon using the given n points # p n x1 y1 ... xn yn Unfilled polygon using the given n points # L n x1 y1 ... xn yn Polyline using the given n points # B n x1 y1 ... xn yn B-spline using the given n control points # b n x1 y1 ... xn yn Filled B-spline using the given n control points tokens = s.split() n = int(tokens[0]) points = map(int,tokens[1:n*2+1]) didx = sum(map(len,tokens[1:n*2+1]))+n*2+2 npoints = nsplit(points, 2) return didx, (c, npoints) def doCS(c,s): # C n -c1c2...cn Set fill color. # c n -c1c2...cn Set pen color. # Graphviz uses the following color formats: # "#%2x%2x%2x" Red-Green-Blue (RGB) # "#%2x%2x%2x%2x" Red-Green-Blue-Alpha (RGBA) # H[, ]+S[, ]+V Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) 0.0 <= H,S,V <= 1.0 # string color name tokens = s.split() n = int(tokens[0]) tmp = len(tokens[0])+3 d = s[tmp:tmp+n] didx = len(d)+tmp+1 return didx, (c, d) def doFont(c,s): # F s n -c1c2...cn # Set font. The font size is s points. The font name consists of # the n characters following '-'. tokens = s.split() size = tokens[0] n = int(tokens[1]) tmp = len(size)+len(tokens[1])+4 d = s[tmp:tmp+n] didx = len(d)+tmp return didx, (c, size, d) def doText(c,s): # T x y j w n -c1c2...cn # Text drawn using the baseline point (x,y). The text consists of the # n characters following '-'. The text should be left-aligned #(centered, right-aligned) on the point if j is -1 (0, 1), respectively. # The value w gives the width of the text as computed by the library. tokens = s.split() x, y, j, w = tokens[0:4] n = int(tokens[4]) tmp = sum(map(len,tokens[0:5]))+7 text = s[tmp:tmp+n] didx = len(text)+tmp return didx, [c, x, y, j, w, text] cmdlist = [] stat = {} idx = 0 s = drawstring.strip() while idx < len(s)-1: didx = 1 c = s[idx] stat[c] = stat.get(c,0)+1 try: if c in ('e','E'): didx, cmd = doeE(c,s[idx+1:]) cmdlist.append(cmd) elif c in ('p','P','L','b','B'): didx, cmd = doPLB(c, s[idx+1:]) cmdlist.append(cmd) elif c in ('c','C','S'): didx, cmd = doCS(c, s[idx+1:]) cmdlist.append(cmd) elif c == 'F': didx, cmd = doFont(c, s[idx+1:]) cmdlist.append(cmd) elif c == 'T': didx, cmd = doText(c, s[idx+1:]) cmdlist.append(cmd) except: pass idx += didx return cmdlist,stat def getGraphList(gg, l = []): """Traverse a graph with subgraphs and return them as a list""" if not l: outer = True else: outer = False l.append(gg) if gg.subgraph_list: for g in gg.subgraph_list: getGraphList(g,l) if outer: return l class EndOfGraphElement: def __init__(self): pass def getAllGraphElements(graph, l=[]): """Return all nodes and edges, including elements in subgraphs""" if not l: outer = True l.append(graph) else: outer = False for element in graph.sorted_graph_elements: if isinstance(element, pydot.Node): l.append(element) elif isinstance(element,pydot.Edge): l.append(element) elif isinstance(element, pydot.Graph): l.append(element) getAllGraphElements(element,l) else: log.warning('Unknown graph element') if outer: return l else: l.append(EndOfGraphElement()) class DotConvBase: """Dot2TeX converter base""" def __init__(self, options = {}): self.color = "" self.template = options.get('template','') self.textencoding = options.get('encoding',DEFAULT_TEXTENCODING) self.templatevars = {} self.body = "" if options.get('templatefile',''): self.loadTemplate(options['templatefile']) self.options = options if options.get('texpreproc',False) or options.get('autosize',False): self.dopreproc = True else: self.dopreproc = False def loadTemplate(self, templatefile): try: self.template = open(templatefile).read() except: pass def convertFile(self, filename): """Load dot file and convert""" pass def startFig(self): return "" def endFig(self): return "" def drawEllipse(self, drawop, style = None): return "" def drawBezier(self, drawop, style = None): return "" def drawPolygon(self, drawop, style = None): return "" def drawPolyLine(self, drawop, style = None): return "" def drawText(self, drawop, style = None): return "" def outputNodeComment(self, node): return " %% Node: %s\n" % node.name def outputEdgeComment(self, edge): src = edge.get_source() dst = edge.get_destination() if self.directedgraph: edge = '->' else: edge = '--' return " %% Edge: %s %s %s\n" % (src, edge, dst) def setColor(self, node): return "" def setStyle(self, node): return "" def drawEdge(self, edge): return "" def startNode(self, node): return "" def endNode(self,node): return "" def startGraph(self, graph): return "" def endGraph(self,graph): return "" def startEdge(self): return "" def endEdge(self): return "" def filterStyles(self, style): return style def convertColor(self, drawopcolor,pgf=False): """Convert color to a format usable by LaTeX and XColor""" # Graphviz uses the following color formats: # "#%2x%2x%2x" Red-Green-Blue (RGB) # "#%2x%2x%2x%2x" Red-Green-Blue-Alpha (RGBA) # H[, ]+S[, ]+V Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) 0.0 <= H,S,V <= 1.0 # string color name # Is the format RBG(A)? if drawopcolor.startswith('#'): t = list(chunks(drawopcolor[1:],2)) # parallell lines not yet supported if len(t) > 6: t = t[0:3] rgb = [(round((int(n,16)/255.0),2)) for n in t] if pgf: colstr = "{rgb}{%s,%s,%s}" % tuple(rgb[0:3]) opacity = "1" if len(rgb)==4: opacity = rgb[3] return (colstr, opacity) else: return "[rgb]{%s,%s,%s}" % tuple(rgb[0:3]) elif (len(drawopcolor.split(' '))==3) or (len(drawopcolor.split(','))==3): # are the values space or comma separated? hsb = drawopcolor.split(',') if not len(hsb) == 3: hsb = drawopcolor.split(' ') if pgf: return "{hsb}{%s,%s,%s}" % tuple(hsb) else: return "[hsb]{%s,%s,%s}" % tuple(hsb) else: drawopcolor = drawopcolor.replace('grey','gray') drawopcolor = drawopcolor.replace('_','') drawopcolor = drawopcolor.replace(' ','') return drawopcolor def doDrawString(self, drawstring, drawobj): """Parse and draw drawsting Just a wrapper around doDrawOp. """ drawoperations,stat = parseDrawString(drawstring) return self.doDrawOp(drawoperations, drawobj,stat) def doDrawOp(self, drawoperations, drawobj,stat): """Excecute the operations in drawoperations""" s = "" for drawop in drawoperations: op = drawop[0] style = getattr(drawobj, 'style',None) # styles are not passed to the draw operations in the # duplicate mode if style and not self.options.get('duplicate', False): # map Graphviz styles to backend styles style = self.filterStyles(style) styles = [self.styles.get(key.strip(),key.strip()) \ for key in style.split(',') if key] style = ','.join(styles) else: style = None if op in ['e','E']: s += self.drawEllipse(drawop, style) elif op in ['p','P']: s += self.drawPolygon(drawop, style) elif op == 'L': s += self.drawPolyLine(drawop, style) elif op in ['C','c']: s += self.setColor(drawop) elif op == 'S': s += self.setStyle(drawop) elif op in ['B']: s += self.drawBezier(drawop, style) elif op in ['T']: # Need to decide what to do with the text # Note that graphviz removes the \ character from the draw # string. Use \\ instead # Todo: Use text from node|edge.label or name # Todo: What about multiline labels? text = drawop[5] ## label = getattr(drawobj,'label','\N') ## multiline = False ## if label: ## if label.find(r'\n') >= 0: ## multiline = True ## #print label ## else: ## label = "\N" ## if not multiline and label <> '\N': ## text = drawobj.label texmode = self.options.get('texmode','verbatim') if getattr(drawobj,'texmode', ''): texmode = drawobj.texmode if getattr(drawobj,'texlbl', ''): # the texlbl overrides everything text = drawobj.texlbl elif texmode == 'verbatim': # verbatim mode text = escapeTeXChars(text) pass elif texmode == 'math': # math mode text = "$%s$" % text drawop[5] = text if self.options.get('alignstr',''): drawop.append(self.options.get('alignstr')) if stat['T'] == 1 and \ self.options.get('valignmode','center')=='center': # do this for single line only # Todo: Make this optional pos = getattr(drawobj,'lp',None) or \ getattr(drawobj,'pos',None) if pos: coord = pos.split(',') if len(coord)==2: drawop[1] = coord[0] drawop[2] = coord[1] pass lblstyle = getattr(drawobj,'lblstyle',None) exstyle = getattr(drawobj,'exstyle','') if exstyle: if lblstyle: lblstyle += ',' +exstyle else: lblstyle = exstyle s += self.drawText(drawop,lblstyle) return s def doNodes(self): s = "" for node in self.nodes: self.currentnode = node dstring = getattr(node,'_draw_',"") lstring = getattr(node,'_ldraw_',"") drawstring = dstring+" "+lstring if not drawstring.strip(): continue # detect node type shape = node.shape if not shape: shape = 'ellipse' # default # extract size information x,y = node.pos.split(',') # width and height are in inches. Convert to bp units w = float(node.width)*in2bp h = float(node.height)*in2bp s += self.outputNodeComment(node) s += self.startNode(node) #drawoperations = parseDrawString(drawstring) s += self.doDrawString(drawstring, node) s += self.endNode(node) self.body += s def getEdgePoints(self, edge): points = edge.pos.split(' ') # check direction arrowstyle = '--' i = 0 if points[i].startswith('s'): p = points[0].split(',') tmp = "%s,%s" % (p[1],p[2]) if points[1].startswith('e'): points[2] =tmp else: points[1] = tmp del points[0] arrowstyle = '<-' i += 1 if points[0].startswith('e'): p = points[0].split(',') points.pop() points.append("%s,%s" % (p[1],p[2])) del points[0] arrowstyle = '->' i += 1 if i>1: arrowstyle = '<->' return arrowstyle, points def doEdges(self): s = "" s += self.setColor(('cC',"black")) for edge in self.edges: dstring = getattr(edge,'_draw_',"") lstring = getattr(edge,'_ldraw_',"") hstring = getattr(edge,'_hdraw_',"") tstring = getattr(edge,'_tdraw_',"") tlstring = getattr(edge,'_tldraw_',"") hlstring = getattr(edge,'_hldraw_',"") # Note that the order of the draw strings should be the same # as in the xdot output. drawstring = dstring + " " + hstring + " " + tstring \ + " " + lstring + " " + tlstring + " " + hlstring drawop,stat = parseDrawString(drawstring); if not drawstring.strip(): continue s += self.outputEdgeComment(edge) if self.options.get('duplicate', False): s += self.startEdge() s += self.doDrawOp(drawop, edge,stat) s += self.endEdge() else: s += self.drawEdge(edge) s += self.doDrawString(lstring+" "+tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) self.body += s def doGraph(self): dstring = getattr(self.graph,'_draw_',"") lstring = getattr(self.graph,'_ldraw_',"") # print lstring # Avoid filling background of graphs with white if dstring.startswith('c 5 -white C 5 -white') \ and not getattr(self.graph,'style'): dstring = '' if getattr(self.graph,'_draw_',None): # bug dstring = "c 5 -black " + dstring #self.graph._draw_ pass drawstring = dstring+" "+lstring if drawstring.strip(): s = self.startGraph(self.graph) g = self.doDrawString(drawstring, self.graph) e = self.endGraph(self.graph) if g.strip(): self.body += s +g + e def setOptions(self): # process options # Warning! If graph attribute is true and command line option is false, # the graph attribute will be used. Command line option should have # precedence. self.options['alignstr'] = self.options.get('alignstr','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph,'d2talignstr','') # Todo: bad! self.options['valignmode'] = getattr(self.maingraph,'d2tvalignmode','')\ or self.options.get('valignmode','center') def convert(self, dotdata): # parse data processed by dot. log.debug('Start conversion') try: try: maingraph = parseDotData(dotdata) except: log.info('Failed first attempt to parse graph') if not self.dopreproc: log.info('Could not parse input dotdata directly. ' 'Trying to create xdot data.') try: tmpdata = createXdot(dotdata,self.options.get('prog','dot')) log.debug('xdotdata:\n'+tmpdata) maingraph = parseDotData(tmpdata) except: raise if not self.dopreproc and not hasattr(maingraph,'xdotversion'): # Older versions of Graphviz does not include the xdotversion # attribute if not (dotdata.find('_draw_') > 0 or dotdata.find('_ldraw_') > 0): # need to convert to xdot format # Warning. Pydot will not include custom attributes log.debug('Trying to create xdotdata') tmpdata = createXdot(dotdata,self.options.get('prog','dot')) log.debug('xdotdata:\n'+tmpdata) if tmpdata == None or not tmpdata.strip(): log.error('Failed to create xdotdata. Is Graphviz installed?') sys.exit(1) maingraph = parseDotData(tmpdata) else: # old version pass self.maingraph = maingraph self.pencolor = "" self.fillcolor = "" self.linewidth = 1 # Detect graph type if maingraph.graph_type == 'digraph': self.directedgraph = True else: self.directedgraph = False except: log.error(helpmsg) sys.exit(1) raise if self.dopreproc: return self.doPreviewPreproc() # Romove annoying square # Todo: Remove squares from subgraphs. See pgram.dot dstring = getattr(self.maingraph,'_draw_',"") if dstring: self.maingraph._draw_ = "" setDotAttr(self.maingraph) self.setOptions() # A graph can consists of nested graph. Extract all graphs graphlist = getGraphList(self.maingraph, []) self.body += self.startFig() # To get correct drawing order we need to iterate over the graphs # multiple times. First we draw the graph graphics, then nodes and # finally the edges. # todo: support the outputorder attribute for graph in graphlist: self.graph = graph self.doGraph() if not self.options.get('flattengraph',False): for graph in graphlist: self.graph = graph self.nodes = cleanDotNodes(graph) self.edges = graph.edge_list if not self.options.get('switchdraworder',False): self.doEdges() # tmp self.doNodes() else: self.doNodes() self.doEdges() else: nodelist = [] edgelist = [] for graph in graphlist: self.graph = graph nodelist.extend(cleanDotNodes(graph)) edgelist.extend(graph.edge_list) self.nodes = nodelist self.edges = edgelist if not self.options.get('switchdraworder',False): self.doEdges() # tmp self.doNodes() else: self.doNodes() self.doEdges() self.body += self.endFig() return self.output() def cleanTemplate(self, template): """Remove preprocsection or outputsection""" if not self.dopreproc and self.options.get('codeonly',False): r = re.compile('<>(.*?)<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) m = r.search(template) if m: return m.group(1).strip() if not self.dopreproc and self.options.get('figonly',False): r = re.compile('<>(.*?)<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) m = r.search(template) if m: return m.group(1) if self.dopreproc: r = re.compile('<>.*?<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) else: r = re.compile('<>.*?<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # remove codeonly and figonly section r2 = re.compile('<>.*?<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) tmp = r2.sub('',template) r2 = re.compile('<>.*?<>', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) tmp = r2.sub('',tmp) return r.sub('',tmp) def initTemplateVars(self): vars = {} # get bounding box bbstr = self.maingraph.bb if bbstr: bb = bbstr.split(',') vars['<>'] = "(%sbp,%sbp)(%sbp,%sbp)\n" % (bb[0],bb[1],bb[2],bb[3]) vars['<>'] = bb[0] vars['<>'] = bb[1] vars['<>'] = bb[2] vars['<>'] = bb[3] vars['<>'] = self.body.strip() vars['<>'] = self.body.strip() vars['<>'] = self.textencoding docpreamble = self.options.get('docpreamble','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph, 'd2tdocpreamble','') ## if docpreamble: ## docpreamble = docpreamble.replace('\\n','\n') vars['<>'] = docpreamble vars['<>'] = self.options.get('figpreamble','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph, 'd2tfigpreamble','%') vars['<>'] = self.options.get('figpostamble','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph, 'd2tfigpostamble','') vars['<>'] = self.options.get('graphstyle','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph, 'd2tgraphstyle','') vars['<>'] = self.options.get('margin','0pt') vars['<>'] = vars['<>'] = '' vars['<>'] = vars['<>'] = '' if self.options.get('gvcols',False): vars['<>'] = "\input{gvcols.tex}" else: vars['<>'] = "" self.templatevars = vars def output(self): self.initTemplateVars() template = self.cleanTemplate(self.template) code = replaceTags(template ,self.templatevars.keys(), self.templatevars) #code = self.template.replace('<>', self.body) return code def getLabel(self, drawobj): text = "" texmode = self.options.get('texmode','verbatim') if getattr(drawobj,'texmode', ''): texmode = drawobj.texmode text = getattr(drawobj,'label',None) #log.warning('text %s %s',text,drawobj.to_string()) if text == None or text.strip() == '\N': if not isinstance(drawobj, pydot.Edge): text = getattr(drawobj,'name',None) or \ getattr(drawobj,'graph_name','') else: text = '' elif text.strip() == '\N': text = '' else: text = text.replace("\\\\","\\") if getattr(drawobj,'texlbl', ''): # the texlbl overrides everything text = drawobj.texlbl elif texmode == 'verbatim': # verbatim mode text = escapeTeXChars(text) pass elif texmode == 'math': # math mode text = "$%s$" % text return text # temp def getLabeld(self, drawobj): text = "" texmode = self.options.get('texmode','verbatim') if drawobj.get('texmode', ''): texmode = drawobj["texmode"] text = drawobj.get('label',None) if text == None or text.strip() == '\N': text = drawobj.get('name',None) or \ drawobj.get('graph_name','') else: text = text.replace("\\\\","\\") if drawobj.get('texlbl', ''): # the texlbl overrides everything text = drawobj["texlbl"] elif texmode == 'verbatim': # verbatim mode text = escapeTeXChars(text) pass elif texmode == 'math': # math mode text = "$%s$" % text return text def getNodePreprocCode(self, node): return node['texlbl'] def getEdgePreprocCode(self,edge): return edge.texlbl def getGraphPreprocCode(self,graph): return graph.texlbl def getMargins(self, element): """Return element margins""" margins = element.__dict__.get('margin',None) #print margins #print type(margins) if margins: margins = margins.split(',') if len(margins) == 1: xmargin = ymargin = float(margins[0]) else: xmargin = float(margins[0]) ymargin = float(margins[1]) else: # use default values if isinstance(element,pydot.Edge): xmargin = DEFAULT_EDGELABEL_XMARGIN ymargin = DEFAULT_EDGELABEL_YMARGIN else: xmargin = DEFAULT_LABEL_XMARGIN ymargin = DEFAULT_LABEL_YMARGIN return (xmargin, ymargin) # Todo: Add support for head and tail labels! # Todo: Support rect nodes if possible. def doPreviewPreproc(self): setDotAttr(self.maingraph) self.initTemplateVars() template = self.cleanTemplate(self.template) template = replaceTags(template ,self.templatevars.keys(), self.templatevars) pp = TeXDimProc(template, self.options) processednodes = {} processededges = {} processedgraphs = {} usednodes = {} usededges = {} usedgraphs = {} # iterate over every element in the graph counter = 0 for element in getAllGraphElements(self.maingraph,[]): if isinstance(element, pydot.Node): # is it a node statement? node = element if node.name.startswith('"'): node_stmt = True else: # node defined in a edge statement (edge_stmt) node_stmt = False name = node.name.replace('"','') if node_stmt: node.name=name #print node.texmode if name=='node' or name=='edge' or name=='graph': continue label = self.getLabel(node) tmpnode = processednodes.get(name,None) # has the node been defined before? if tmpnode: pass ## # is it a new label? ## if node.label or node.texlbl: ## #if tmpnode['texlbl'] <> label and node_stmt: ## tmpnode['texlbl'] = label else: tmpnode = dict(texlbl=None, width=None, height=None, margin=None, style=None, fixedsize=None, shape=None, texmode=None,label=None, lblstyle=None) processednodes[name]= tmpnode if node.width: tmpnode['width'] = node.width if node.height: tmpnode['height'] = node.height if node.margin: tmpnode['margin'] = node.margin if node.style: tmpnode['style'] = node.style if node.texmode: tmpnode['texmode'] = node.texmode if node.label or node.label=='': tmpnode['label'] = node.label if node.texlbl: tmpnode['texlbl'] = node.texlbl if node.lblstyle: tmpnode['lblstyle'] = node.lblstyle if node.shape: tmpnode['shape'] = node.shape if node.fixedsize: tmpnode['fixedsize'] = node.fixedsize.lower() #log.debug('nodeinfo %s %s',name, node.fixedsize) if node.shape: tmpnode['shape'] = node.shape elif isinstance(element, pydot.Edge): if not element.label: continue # Ensure that the edge name is unique. name = element.src + element.dst +str(counter) label = self.getLabel(element) element.texlbl = label processededges[name]=element elif isinstance(element, pydot.Graph): if not getattr(element,'label',None) and \ not getattr(element,'texlbl',None): continue name = element.graph_name label = self.getLabel(element) element.texlbl = label processedgraphs[name]=element else: pass counter += 1 for name, item in processednodes.items(): if item['fixedsize'] == 'true' or item['style'] == 'invis': continue if item['shape'] == 'record': log.warning('Record nodes not supported in preprocessing mode: %s',name) continue item['name'] = name texlbl = self.getLabeld(item) if texlbl: item['texlbl'] = texlbl code = self.getNodePreprocCode(item) pp.addSnippet(name,code) #log.warning(item['texlbl']) usednodes[name] = item for name, item in processededges.items(): code = self.getEdgePreprocCode(item) pp.addSnippet(name,code) usededges[name] = item for name, item in processedgraphs.items(): code = self.getGraphPreprocCode(item) pp.addSnippet(name,code) usedgraphs[name] = item ok = pp.process() if not ok: errormsg = """\ Failed to preprocess the graph. Is the preview LaTeX package installed? ((Debian package preview-latex-style) To see what happened, run dot2tex with the --debug option. """ log.error(errormsg) sys.exit(1) for name,item in usednodes.items(): if not item['texlbl']:continue node = pydot.Node('"'+name+'"',texlbl=item['texlbl'],margin=item['margin']) hp,dp,wt = pp.texdims[name] if self.options.get('rawdim',False): # use dimesions from preview.sty directly node.width = wt node.height = hp+dp node.label=" " node.fixedsize='true' self.maingraph.add_node(node) continue xmargin, ymargin = self.getMargins(node) #print xmargin, ymargin ht = hp+dp minwidth = float(item['width'] or DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) minheight = float(item['height'] or DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT) if self.options.get('nominsize',False): width = wt+2*xmargin height = ht+2*ymargin else: if (wt+2*xmargin) < minwidth: width = minwidth #log.warning("%s %s %s %s %s",minwidth,wt,width,name,tmp) pass else: width = wt+2*xmargin height = ht if ((hp+dp)+2*ymargin) < minheight: height = minheight else: height = ht+ 2*ymargin # Treat shapes with equal widht and height differently # Warning! Rectangles will not alway fit inside a circle # Should use the diagonal. if item['shape'] in ['circle','Msquare','doublecircle','Mcircle']: #log.warning('%s %s', name, item['shape']) if wt< height and width < height: width = height else: height=width pass node.width = width node.height = height node.label=" " node.fixedsize='true' self.maingraph.add_node(node) for name,item in usededges.items(): edge = item hp,dp,wt = pp.texdims[name] xmargin, ymargin = self.getMargins(edge) labelcode = '<<'\ ''\ '
>>' edge.label=labelcode % ((wt + 2*xmargin)*72, (hp+dp+2*ymargin)*72) for name,item in usedgraphs.items(): graph = item hp,dp,wt = pp.texdims[name] xmargin, ymargin = self.getMargins(graph) labelcode = '<<'\ ''\ '
>>' graph.label=labelcode % ((wt + 2*xmargin)*72, (hp+dp+2*ymargin)*72) self.maingraph.d2toutputformat = self.options.get('format', DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT) graphcode = self.maingraph.to_string() graphcode = graphcode.replace('"<<<','<<') graphcode = graphcode.replace('>>>"','>>') return graphcode PSTRICKS_TEMPLATE = r"""\documentclass{article} % <> \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage[<>]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{amsmath} <>% \usepackage[active,auctex]{preview} <>% <>% <>% \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} <>% <>% <>% <>% \enlargethispage{100cm} % Start of code \begin{pspicture}[linewidth=1bp<>]<> \pstVerb{2 setlinejoin} % set line join style to 'mitre' <>% <> <>% \end{pspicture} % End of code <>% \end{document} % <> \begin{pspicture}[linewidth=1bp<>]<> \pstVerb{2 setlinejoin} % set line join style to 'mitre' <>% <> <>% \end{pspicture} <> % <> <>% <> <>% <> """ class Dot2PSTricksConv(DotConvBase): """PSTricks converter backend""" def __init__(self, options = {}): DotConvBase.__init__(self, options) if not self.template: self.template = PSTRICKS_TEMPLATE self.styles = dict( dotted = "linestyle=dotted", dashed = "linestyle=dashed", bold = "linewidth=2pt", solid = "", filled = "", ) def doGraphtmp(self): self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" self.color = "" self.body += '{\n' DotConvBase.doGraph(self) self.body += '}\n' def startFig(self): # get bounding box bbstr = self.maingraph.bb if bbstr: bb = bbstr.split(',') #fillcolor=black, s = "\\begin{pspicture}[linewidth=1bp](%sbp,%sbp)(%sbp,%sbp)\n" % \ (bb[0],bb[1],bb[2],bb[3]) # Set line style to mitre s += " \pstVerb{2 setlinejoin} % set line join style to 'mitre'\n" #return s return "" def endFig(self): #return '\end{pspicture}\n' return "" def drawEllipse(self, drawop, style = None): op, x,y,w,h = drawop s = "" #s = " %% Node: %s\n" % node.name if op == 'E': if style: style = style.replace('filled','') stylestr = 'fillstyle=solid' else: stylestr = "" if style: if stylestr: stylestr += ','+ style else: stylestr = style s += " \psellipse[%s](%sbp,%sbp)(%sbp,%sbp)\n" % (stylestr,x,y, \ # w+self.linewidth,h+self.linewidth) w,h) return s def drawPolygon(self, drawop, style = None): op, points = drawop pp = ['(%sbp,%sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] stylestr = "" if op == 'P': if style: style = style.replace('filled','') stylestr = "fillstyle=solid" if style: if stylestr: stylestr += ','+ style else: stylestr = style s = " \pspolygon[%s]%s\n" % (stylestr, "".join(pp)) return s def drawPolyLine(self, drawop, style = None): op, points = drawop pp = ['(%sbp,%sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] s = " \psline%s\n" % "".join(pp) return s def drawBezier(self, drawop, style = None): op, points = drawop pp= [] for point in points: pp.append("(%sbp,%sbp)" % (point[0],point[1])) #points = ['(%sbp, %sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] arrowstyle = "" return " \psbezier{%s}%s\n" % (arrowstyle, "".join(pp)) def drawText(self, drawop, style=None): if len(drawop)==7: c, x, y, align, w, text, valign = drawop else: c, x, y, align, w, text = drawop valign="" if align == "-1" : alignstr = 'l' # left aligned elif align == "1": alignstr = 'r' # right aligned else: alignstr = "" # centered (default) if alignstr or valign: alignstr = '['+alignstr+valign+']' s = " \\rput%s(%sbp,%sbp){%s}\n" % (alignstr, x,y,text) return s def setColor(self, drawop): c, color = drawop #color = color.replace('grey','gray') #self.pencolor = ""; #self.fillcolor = "" #self.color = "" color = self.convertColor(color) s = "" if c == 'c': # set pen color if self.pencolor <> color: self.pencolor = color s = " \psset{linecolor=%s}\n" % color else: return "" elif c == 'C': # set fill color if self.fillcolor <> color: self.fillcolor = color s = " \psset{fillcolor=%s}\n" % color else: return "" return s def setStyle(self, drawop): c, style = drawop psstyle = self.styles.get(style,"") if psstyle: return " \psset{%s}\n" % psstyle else: return "" def filterStyles(self, style): fstyles = [] for item in style.split(','): keyval = item.strip() if keyval.find('setlinewidth') < 0: fstyles.append(keyval) return ', '.join(fstyles) def startNode(self, node): self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" self.color = "" return "{%\n" def endNode(self,node): return "}%\n" def startEdge(self): self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" return "{%\n" def endEdge(self): return "}%\n" def startGraph(self, graph): self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" self.color = "" return "{\n" def endGraph(self,node): return "}\n" def drawEllipseNode(self, x,y,w,h,node): s = " %% Node: %s\n" % node.name s += " \psellipse(%sbp,%sbp)(%sbp,%sbp)\n" % (x,y, \ w/2+self.linewidth,h/2+self.linewidth) # label if node.label: label = node.label else: label = node.name s += " \\rput(%sbp,%sbp){$%s$}\n" % (x,y,label) return s def drawEdge(self, edge): s = "" if edge.style == 'invis': return "" arrowstyle, points = self.getEdgePoints(edge) if arrowstyle == '--': arrowstyle='' color = getattr(edge,'color','') if self.color <> color: if color: s += self.setColor(('c',color)) else: # reset to default color s += self.setColor(('c','black')) pp= [] for point in points: p = point.split(',') pp.append("(%sbp,%sbp)" % (p[0],p[1])) edgestyle = edge.style styles = [] if arrowstyle: styles.append('arrows=%s' % arrowstyle) if edgestyle: edgestyles = [self.styles.get(key.strip(),key.strip()) for key in edgestyle.split(',') if key] styles.extend(edgestyles) if styles: stylestr = ",".join(styles) else: stylestr = "" if not self.options.get('straightedges',False): s += " \psbezier[%s]%s\n" % (stylestr,"".join(pp)) else: s += " \psline[%s]%s%s\n" % (stylestr, pp[0], pp[-1]) #s += " \psbezier[%s]{%s}%s\n" % (stylestr, arrowstyle,"".join(pp)) ## if edge.label: ## x,y = edge.lp.split(',') ## #s += "\\rput(%s,%s){%s}\n" % (x,y,edge.label) return s def initTemplateVars(self): DotConvBase.initTemplateVars(self) # Put a ',' before <> graphstyle = self.templatevars.get('<>','') if graphstyle: graphstyle = graphstyle.strip() if not graphstyle.startswith(','): graphstyle = ','+graphstyle self.templatevars['<>'] = graphstyle PGF_TEMPLATE = r"""\documentclass{article} \usepackage[x11names, rgb]{xcolor} \usepackage[<>]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{snakes,arrows,shapes} \usepackage{amsmath} <>% \usepackage[active,auctex]{preview} <>% <>% <>% <>% \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} % <>% <> <>% % <> \enlargethispage{100cm} % Start of code % \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=mid,>=latex',join=bevel,<>] \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex',join=bevel,<>] \pgfsetlinewidth{1bp} <>% <> <>% \end{tikzpicture} % End of code <> % \end{document} % <> \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,join=bevel,<>] \pgfsetlinewidth{1bp} <>% <> <>% \end{tikzpicture} <> <> <>% <> <>% <> """ class Dot2PGFConv(DotConvBase): """PGF/TikZ converter backend""" def __init__(self, options={}): DotConvBase.__init__(self, options) if not self.template: self.template = PGF_TEMPLATE self.styles = dict(dashed='dashed', dotted='dotted', bold='very thick', filled='fill', invis="", rounded='rounded corners', ) self.dashstyles = dict( dashed = '\pgfsetdash{{3pt}{3pt}}{0pt}', dotted='\pgfsetdash{{\pgflinewidth}{2pt}}{0pt}', bold = '\pgfsetlinewidth{1.2pt}') def startFig(self): # get bounding box # get bounding box s = "" ## bbstr = self.maingraph.bb ## if bbstr: ## bb = bbstr.split(',') ## s += "%%(%sbp,%sbp)(%sbp,%sbp)\n" % \ ## (bb[0],bb[1],bb[2],bb[3]) return s def endFig(self): #return '\end{tikzpicture}' return "" def startNode(self, node): # Todo: Should find a more elgant solution self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" self.color = "" return "\\begin{scope}\n" def endNode(self,node): return "\\end{scope}\n" def startEdge(self): # Todo: Should find a more elgant solution #self.pencolor = ""; #self.fillcolor = "" #self.color = "" return "\\begin{scope}\n" def endEdge(self): return "\\end{scope}\n" def startGraph(self, graph): # Todo: Should find a more elgant solution self.pencolor = ""; self.fillcolor = "" self.color = "" return "\\begin{scope}\n" def endGraph(self,graph): return "\\end{scope}\n" #return "\\end{scope}" def setColor(self, drawop): c, color = drawop # Todo: Should find a more elgant solution #self.pencolor = ""; #self.fillcolor = "" #self.color = "" res = self.convertColor(color, True) opacity = None if len(res)==2: ccolor, opacity = res else: ccolor = res s = "" if c == 'cC': #self.pencolor = color #self.fillcolor = color if self.color <> color: self.color = color self.pencolor=color self.fillcolor=color if ccolor.startswith('{'): # rgb or hsb s += " \definecolor{newcol}%s;\n" % ccolor ccolor = 'newcol' s += " \pgfsetcolor{%s}\n" % ccolor #s += " \pgfsetfillcolor{%s}\n" % ccolor elif c == 'c': # set pen color if self.pencolor <> color: self.pencolor = color self.color = '' if ccolor.startswith('{'): # rgb or hsb s += " \definecolor{strokecol}%s;\n" % ccolor ccolor = 'strokecol' s += " \pgfsetstrokecolor{%s}\n" % ccolor else: return "" elif c == 'C': # set fill color if self.fillcolor <> color: self.fillcolor = color self.color = '' if ccolor.startswith('{'): # rgb s += " \definecolor{fillcol}%s;\n" % ccolor ccolor = 'fillcol' s += " \pgfsetfillcolor{%s}\n" % ccolor if not opacity == None: self.opacity = opacity # Todo: The opacity should probably be set directly when drawing # The \pgfsetfillcopacity cmd affects text as well #s += " \pgfsetfillopacity{%s};\n" % opacity else: self.opacity = None else: return "" return s def setStyle(self, drawop): c, style = drawop pgfstyle = self.dashstyles.get(style,"") if pgfstyle: return " %s\n" % pgfstyle else: return "" def filterStyles(self, style): fstyles = [] for item in style.split(','): keyval = item.strip() if keyval.find('setlinewidth') < 0 and not keyval=='filled': fstyles.append(keyval) return ', '.join(fstyles) def drawEllipse(self, drawop, style = None): op, x,y,w,h = drawop s = "" #s = " %% Node: %s\n" % node.name if op == 'E': if self.opacity <> None: # Todo: Need to know the state of the current node cmd = 'filldraw [opacity=%s]' % self.opacity else: cmd = 'filldraw' else: cmd = "draw" if style: stylestr = " [%s]" % style else: stylestr = '' s += " \%s%s (%sbp,%sbp) ellipse (%sbp and %sbp);\n" % (cmd, stylestr, x,y, \ # w+self.linewidth,h+self.linewidth) w,h) return s def drawPolygon(self, drawop, style = None): op, points = drawop pp = ['(%sbp,%sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] cmd = "draw" if op == 'P': cmd = "filldraw" if style: stylestr = " [%s]" % style else: stylestr = '' s = " \%s%s %s -- cycle;\n" % (cmd, stylestr, " -- ".join(pp)) return s def drawPolyLine(self, drawop, style = None): op, points = drawop pp = ['(%sbp,%sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] ##if style: ## stylestr = " [%s]" % style ## else: ## stylestr = '' stylestr = '' return " \draw%s %s;\n" %(stylestr, " -- ".join(pp)) def drawText(self, drawop, style = None): # The coordinates given by drawop are not the same as the node # coordinates! This may give som odd results if graphviz' and # LaTeX' fonts are very different. if len(drawop)==7: c, x, y, align, w, text, valign = drawop else: c, x, y, align, w, text = drawop valign="" styles = [] if align == "-1" : alignstr = 'right' # left aligned elif align == "1": alignstr = 'left' # right aligned else: alignstr = "" # centered (default) styles.append(alignstr) styles.append(style) ## if alignstr: ## alignstr = "[" + alignstr+", anchor=mid" + "]" ## else: ## alignstr = "[anchor=mid]" lblstyle = ",".join([i for i in styles if i]) if lblstyle: lblstyle = '['+lblstyle+']' s = " \draw (%sbp,%sbp) node%s {%s};\n" % (x,y,lblstyle,text) return s def drawBezier(self, drawop, style = None): s = "" c, points = drawop arrowstyle = '--' pp= [] for point in points: pp.append("(%sbp,%sbp)" % (point[0],point[1])) #points = ['(%sbp, %sbp)' % (p[0],p[1]) for p in points] #quadp = nsplit(pp, 4) pstrs = ["%s .. controls %s and %s " % p for p in nsplit(pp, 3)] ##if style: ## stylestr = " [%s]" % style ## else: ## stylestr = '' stylestr = '' ## if arrowstyle == '--': ## style = '' ## else: ## style = '[%s]' % arrowstyle s += " \draw%s %s .. %s;\n" % (stylestr, " .. ".join(pstrs), pp[-1]) return s def doEdges(self): s = "" s += self.setColor(('cC',"black")) for edge in self.edges: dstring = getattr(edge,'_draw_',"") lstring = getattr(edge,'_ldraw_',"") hstring = getattr(edge,'_hdraw_',"") tstring = getattr(edge,'_tdraw_',"") tlstring = getattr(edge,'_tldraw_',"") hlstring = getattr(edge,'_hldraw_',"") # Note that the order of the draw strings should be the same # as in the xdot output. drawstring = dstring + " " + hstring + " " + tstring \ + " " + lstring + " " + tlstring + " " + hlstring drawop,stat = parseDrawString(drawstring); if not drawstring.strip(): continue s += self.outputEdgeComment(edge) if self.options.get('duplicate', False): s += self.startEdge() s += self.doDrawOp(drawop, edge,stat) s += self.endEdge() else: topath = getattr(edge,'topath',None) s += self.drawEdge(edge) if not self.options.get('tikzedgelabels',False) and not topath: s += self.doDrawString(lstring+" "+tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) else: s += self.doDrawString(tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) #s += self.drawEdge(edge) #s += self.doDrawString(lstring+" "+tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) self.body += s def drawEdge(self, edge): s = "" if edge.style == 'invis': return "" arrowstyle, points = self.getEdgePoints(edge) # PGF uses the fill style when drawing some arrowheads. We have to # ensure that the fill color is the same as the pen color. color = getattr(edge,'color','') if self.color <> color: if color: s += self.setColor(('cC',color)) else: # reset to default color s += self.setColor(('cC','black')) pp= [] for point in points: p = point.split(',') pp.append("(%sbp,%sbp)" % (p[0],p[1])) edgestyle = edge.style styles = [] if arrowstyle <> '--': #styles.append(arrowstyle) styles = [arrowstyle] if edgestyle: edgestyles = [self.styles.get(key.strip(),key.strip()) for key in edgestyle.split(',') if key] styles.extend(edgestyles) stylestr = ",".join(styles) topath = getattr(edge,'topath',None) pstrs = ["%s .. controls %s and %s " % p for p in nsplit(pp, 3)] extra = "" if self.options.get('tikzedgelabels',False) or topath: edgelabel = self.getLabel(edge) #log.warning('label: %s', edgelabel) lblstyle = getattr(edge,'lblstyle','') if lblstyle: lblstyle = '['+lblstyle+']' else: lblstyle = '' if edgelabel: extra = " node%s {%s}" % (lblstyle,edgelabel) src = pp[0] dst = pp[-1] if topath: s += " \draw [%s] %s to[%s]%s %s;\n" % (stylestr, src, topath, extra,dst) elif not self.options.get('straightedges',False): #s += " \draw [%s] %s .. %s;\n" % (stylestr, " .. ".join(pstrs), pp[-1]) s += " \draw [%s] %s ..%s %s;\n" % (stylestr, " .. ".join(pstrs), extra,pp[-1]) else: s += " \draw [%s] %s --%s %s;\n" % (stylestr, pp[0],extra, pp[-1]) return s def initTemplateVars(self): DotConvBase.initTemplateVars(self) if self.options.get('crop',False): cropcode = "\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}\n" + \ "\PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}\n" + \ "\setlength\PreviewBorder{%s}" % self.options.get('margin','0pt') else: cropcode = "" vars = {} vars['<>'] = cropcode self.templatevars.update(vars) def getNodePreprocCode(self,node): lblstyle = node.get('lblstyle','') text = node.get('texlbl','') if lblstyle: return " \\tikz \\node[%s] {%s};\n" % (lblstyle, text) else: return r"\tikz \node {" + text +"};" def getEdgePreprocCode(self,edge): lblstyle = getattr(edge,'lblstyle','') if lblstyle: return " \\tikz \\node[%s] {%s};\n" % (lblstyle, edge.texlbl) else: return r"\tikz \node " + "{"+edge.texlbl +"};" def getGraphPreprocCode(self,graph): lblstyle = getattr(graph,'lblstyle','') if lblstyle: return " \\tikz \\node[%s] {%s};\n" % (lblstyle, graph.texlbl) else: return r"\tikz \node " + graph.texlbl +"};" TIKZ_TEMPLATE = r"""\documentclass{article} \usepackage[x11names, rgb]{xcolor} \usepackage[<>]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{snakes,arrows,shapes} \usepackage{amsmath} <>% \usepackage[active,auctex]{preview} <>% <>% <>% <>% \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} % <>% <> <>% % <> \enlargethispage{100cm} % Start of code \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex',join=bevel,<>] <>% <> <>% \end{tikzpicture} % End of code <> % \end{document} % <> \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,join=bevel,<>] <>% <> <>% \end{tikzpicture} <> <> <>% <> <>% <> """ class Dot2TikZConv(Dot2PGFConv): """A backend that utilizes the node and edge mechanism of PGF/TikZ""" shapemap = {'doublecircle' : 'circle, double', 'box' : 'rectangle', 'rect' : 'rectangle', 'none' :'draw=none', 'plaintext' : 'draw=none', 'polygon' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=7', 'triangle' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3', 'pentagon' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=5', 'hexagon' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=5', 'septagon' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=7', 'octagon' : 'regular polygon, regular polygon sides=8', } def __init__(self, options={}): # to connect nodes they have to defined. Therefore we have to ensure # that code for generating nodes is outputted first. options['switchdraworder'] = True options['flattengraph'] = True options['rawdim'] = True DotConvBase.__init__(self, options) if not self.template: self.template = TIKZ_TEMPLATE self.styles = dict(dashed='dashed', dotted='dotted', bold='very thick', filled='fill', invis="", rounded='rounded corners', ) self.dashstyles = dict( dashed = '\pgfsetdash{{3pt}{3pt}}{0pt}', dotted='\pgfsetdash{{\pgflinewidth}{2pt}}{0pt}', bold = '\pgfsetlinewidth{1.2pt}') def setOptions(self): Dot2PGFConv.setOptions(self) self.options['tikzedgelabels'] = self.options.get('tikzedgelabels','') \ or getboolattr(self.maingraph,'d2ttikzedgelabels','') self.options['styleonly'] = self.options.get('styleonly','') \ or getboolattr(self.maingraph,'d2tstyleonly','') self.options['nodeoptions'] = self.options.get('nodeoptions','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph,'d2tnodeoptions','') self.options['edgeoptions'] = self.options.get('edgeoptions','') \ or getattr(self.maingraph,'d2tedgeoptions','') def outputNodeComment(self, node): # With the node syntax comments are unnecessary return "" def getNodePreprocCode(self,node): lblstyle = node.get('lblstyle','') shape = node.get('shape','ellipse') shape = self.shapemap.get(shape, shape) #s += "%% %s\n" % (shape) label = node.get('texlbl','') style = node.get('style'," ") or " "; if lblstyle: if style.strip(): style += ','+lblstyle else: style = lblstyle sn = "" if self.options.get('styleonly'): sn += "\\tikz \\node (%s) [%s] {%s};\n" % \ (style, label) else: sn += "\\tikz \\node [draw,%s,%s] {%s};\n" % \ (shape, style, label) return sn def doNodes(self): s = "" nodeoptions= self.options.get('nodeoptions',None) if nodeoptions: s += "\\begin{scope}[%s]\n" % nodeoptions for node in self.nodes: self.currentnode = node # detect node type shape = getattr(node,'shape','ellipse') shape = self.shapemap.get(shape, shape) if shape == None: shape='ellipse' pos = getattr(node,'pos',None) if not pos: continue x,y = pos.split(',') label = self.getLabel(node) pos = "%sbp,%sbp" % (x,y) style = node.style or ""; if node.lblstyle: if style: style += ','+node.lblstyle else: style = node.lblstyle if node.exstyle: if style: style += ','+node.exstyle else: style = node.exstyle sn = "" sn += self.outputNodeComment(node) sn += self.startNode(node) if self.options.get('styleonly'): sn += " \\node (%s) at (%s) [%s] {%s};\n" % \ (node.name, pos, style, label) else: color = getattr(node,'color','') drawstr = 'draw' if style.strip() == 'filled': drawstr='fill,draw' style = '' if color: drawstr += ','+color elif color: drawstr += '='+color if style.strip(): sn += " \\node (%s) at (%s) [%s,%s,%s] {%s};\n" % \ (node.name, pos, drawstr, shape, style, label) else: sn += " \\node (%s) at (%s) [%s,%s] {%s};\n" % \ (node.name, pos, drawstr, shape, label) sn += self.endNode(node) s += sn if nodeoptions: s += "\\end{scope}\n" self.body += s def doEdges(self): s = "" edgeoptions = self.options.get('edgeoptions',None) if edgeoptions: s += "\\begin{scope}[%s]\n" % edgeoptions for edge in self.edges: dstring = getattr(edge,'_draw_',"") lstring = getattr(edge,'_ldraw_',"") hstring = getattr(edge,'_hdraw_',"") tstring = getattr(edge,'_tdraw_',"") tlstring = getattr(edge,'_tldraw_',"") hlstring = getattr(edge,'_hldraw_',"") topath = getattr(edge,'topath',None) s += self.drawEdge(edge) if not self.options.get('tikzedgelabels',False) and not topath: s += self.doDrawString(lstring+" "+tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) else: s += self.doDrawString(tlstring+" "+hlstring, edge) if edgeoptions: s += "\\end{scope}\n" self.body += s def drawEdge(self, edge): s = "" if edge.style == 'invis': return "" arrowstyle, points = self.getEdgePoints(edge) # PGF uses the fill style when drawing some arrowheads. We have to # ensure that the fill color is the same as the pen color. color = getattr(edge,'color','') pp= [] for point in points: p = point.split(',') pp.append("(%sbp,%sbp)" % (p[0],p[1])) edgestyle = edge.style #print edgestyle styles = [] if arrowstyle <> '--': #styles.append(arrowstyle) styles = [arrowstyle] if edgestyle: edgestyles = [self.styles.get(key.strip(),key.strip()) for key in edgestyle.split(',') if key] styles.extend(edgestyles) stylestr = ",".join(styles) if color: stylestr = color+','+stylestr src = edge.get_source() dst = edge.get_destination() topath = getattr(edge,'topath',None) pstrs = ["%s .. controls %s and %s " % p for p in nsplit(pp, 3)] pstrs[0] = "(%s) ..controls %s and %s " % (src, pp[1], pp[2]) extra = "" if self.options.get('tikzedgelabels',False) or topath: edgelabel = self.getLabel(edge) #log.warning('label: %s', edgelabel) lblstyle = getattr(edge,'lblstyle','') exstyle = getattr(edge,'exstyle','') if exstyle: if lblstyle: lblstyle += ',' +exstyle else: lblstyle = exstyle if lblstyle: lblstyle = '['+lblstyle+']' else: lblstyle = '' if edgelabel: extra = " node%s {%s}" % (lblstyle,edgelabel) if topath: s += " \draw [%s] (%s) to[%s]%s (%s);\n" % (stylestr, src, topath, extra,dst) elif not self.options.get('straightedges',False): s += " \draw [%s] %s ..%s (%s);\n" % (stylestr, " .. ".join(pstrs), extra,dst) else: s += " \draw [%s] (%s) --%s (%s);\n" % (stylestr, src, extra,dst) return s def startNode(self, node): return "" def endNode(self,node): return "" dimext = r""" ^\!\s Preview:\s Snippet\s (?P\d*)\s ended. \((?P\d*)\+(?P\d*)x(?P\d*)\)""" class TeXDimProc: """Helper class for for finding the size of TeX snippets Uses preview.sty """ # Produce document # Create a temporary directory # Compile file with latex # Parse log file # Update graph with with and height parameters # Clean up def __init__(self,template,options): self.template = template self.snippets_code=[] self.snippets_id=[] self.options = options self.dimext_re = re.compile(dimext,re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE) pass def addSnippet(self,id, code): """A a snippet of code to be processed""" self.snippets_id.append(id) self.snippets_code.append(code) def process(self): """Process all snippets of code with TeX and preview.sty Results are stored in the texdimlist and texdims class attributes. Returns False if preprocessing fails """ import shutil if len(self.snippets_code) == 0: log.warning('No labels to preprocess') return True self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dot2tex') log.debug('Creating temporary directroy %s' % self.tempdir) self.tempfilename = os.path.join(self.tempdir,'dot2tex.tex') log.debug('Creating temporary file %s' % self.tempfilename) f = open(self.tempfilename,'w') s = "" for n in self.snippets_code: s += "\\begin{preview}%\n" s += n.strip()+"%\n" s += "\end{preview}%\n" f.write(self.template.replace('<>',s)) #f.flush() f.close() s = open(self.tempfilename,'r').read() log.debug('Code written to %s\n' % self.tempfilename + s) self.parseLogFile() shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) log.debug('Temporary directory and files deleted') if self.texdims: return True else: return False # cleanup def parseLogFile(self): logfilename = os.path.splitext(self.tempfilename)[0]+'.log' tmpdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.split(logfilename)[0]) if self.options.get('usepdflatex',False): command = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode %s' % self.tempfilename else: command = 'latex -interaction=nonstopmode %s' % self.tempfilename log.debug('Running command: %s' % command) sres = os.popen(command) resdata = sres.read() #log.debug('resdata: %s' % resdata) errcode = sres.close() log.debug('errcode: %s' % errcode) f = open(logfilename,'r') logdata = f.read() log.debug('Logfile from LaTeX run: \n'+logdata) f.close() os.chdir(tmpdir) texdimdata = self.dimext_re.findall(logdata) log.debug('Texdimdata: '+ str(texdimdata)) if len(texdimdata)== 0: log.error('No dimension data could be extracted from dot2tex.tex.') self.texdims = None return c = 1/(100.0*7227) c = 1.0/4736286 self.texdims = {} self.texdimlist = [(float(i[1])*c,float(i[2])*c,float(i[3])*c) for i in texdimdata] #for i in range(len(self.snippets_id)): # self.texdims[self.snippets_id[i]] = self.texdimlist[i] self.texdims = dict(zip(self.snippets_id,self.texdimlist)) def cleanDotNodes(graph): """Remove unnecessary data from node list""" nodes = graph.get_node_list() tmp = [node for node in nodes if node.name.startswith('"')] for node in nodes: node.name = node.name.replace('"','') # There are some strange issues with what nodes are returned # across different operating systems and versions of pydot, pyparsing, # and Graphviz. This is just a quick fix. Need to investigate this further if tmp: return tmp else: return nodes # todo: Should also support graph attributes def setDotAttr(graph): """Distribute default attributes to nodes and edges""" elements = getAllGraphElements(graph,[]) stack = [] definednodes = {} defattrs = {} defedgeattrs = {} for element in elements: if isinstance(element,pydot.Node): node = element nodeattrs = node.__dict__ # is it an attribute statement? (attr_stmt) if node.name == 'node': # The node attributes are stored in node.__dict__. Extract all # items that are not None or functions defattrs.update([a for a in nodeattrs.items() if (a[1] or a[1]=='') and not callable(a[1])]) elif node.name == 'edge': defedgeattrs.update([a for a in nodeattrs.items() if a[1] and not callable(a[1])]) continue elif node.name == 'graph': continue else: name = node.name.replace('"','') if definednodes.get(name,False): continue #pass else: definednodes[name] = True for key,value in defattrs.items(): if value=='\N':continue if not node.__dict__.get(key): node.__dict__[key]=value elif isinstance(element,pydot.Edge): edge = element for key,value in defedgeattrs.items(): if not edge.__dict__.get(key): edge.__dict__[key]=value elif isinstance(element,pydot.Graph): # push current set of attributes on the stack stack.append((defattrs,defedgeattrs)) defattrs = defattrs.copy() defedgeattrs = defedgeattrs.copy() elif isinstance(element,EndOfGraphElement): defattrs,defedgeattrs = stack.pop() def convertDot(data, backend='pstricks', options = {}): """Convert xdot data to a backend compatible format Input: data - dot backend - pstricks, pgf, eepic """ graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(data) nodes = cleanDotNodes(graph) edges = graph.edge_list # Detect graph type if graph.graph_type == 'digraph': directedgraph = True else: directedgraph = False # process edges and nodes for node in nodes: pass def debug(filename = 'd:/pycode/algs/t.dot'): dotdata = open(filename).read() r = convertDot(dotdata) print r def processCmdLine(): """Set up and parse command line options""" usage = "Usage: %prog [options] " parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-f", "--format", action="store", dest="format", choices = ('pstricks','pgf','pst','tikz'), help="Set output format to 'v' (pstrics, pgf) ", metavar="v") parser.add_option('-t','--texmode', dest='texmode', default = 'verbatim', choices = ('math','verbatim', 'raw'), help = "Set text mode (verbatim, math, raw).") parser.add_option('-d', '--duplicate', dest = 'duplicate', action='store_true', default=False, help='Try to duplicate Graphviz graphics') parser.add_option('-s', '--straightedges', dest = 'straightedges', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force straight edges') parser.add_option('--template', dest = 'templatefile', action = 'store', metavar = "FILE") parser.add_option('-o','--output', dest = 'outputfile', action = 'store', metavar = "FILE", default='',help="Write output to FILE") parser.add_option('-e','--encoding', dest = 'encoding', action = 'store', choices = ('utf8','latin1'), default=DEFAULT_TEXTENCODING, help="Set text encoding to utf8 or latin1") parser.add_option('-V','--version', dest = 'printversion', action='store_true', help="Print version information and exit", default=False), parser.add_option('-w','--switchdraworder', dest = 'switchdraworder', action="store_true", help = "Switch draw order", default=False), parser.add_option('-p','-c','--preview', '--crop', dest = 'crop', action = 'store_true', help="Use preview.sty to crop graph", default=False), parser.add_option('--margin', dest = 'margin', action = 'store', help="Set preview margin", default="0pt"), parser.add_option('--docpreamble', dest = 'docpreamble', action = 'store', help="Insert TeX code in document preamble", metavar="TEXCODE"), parser.add_option('--figpreamble', dest = 'figpreamble', action = 'store', help="Insert TeX code in figure preamble", metavar="TEXCODE"), parser.add_option('--figpostamble', dest = 'figpostamble', action = 'store', help="Insert TeX code in figure postamble", metavar="TEXCODE"), parser.add_option('--graphstyle', dest = 'graphstyle', action = 'store', help="Insert graph style", metavar="STYLE"), parser.add_option('--gvcols', dest='gvcols', action ="store_true", default=False, help="Include gvcols.tex"), parser.add_option('--figonly', dest='figonly', action ="store_true", help="Output graph with no preamble", default=False) parser.add_option('--codeonly', dest='codeonly', action ="store_true", help="Output only drawing commands", default=False) parser.add_option('--styleonly', dest='styleonly', action ="store_true", help="Use style parameter only", default=False) parser.add_option('--debug',dest='debug', action="store_true", help="Show additional debugging information", default=False) parser.add_option('--preproc', dest='texpreproc', action="store_true", help = 'Preprocess graph through TeX', default=False) parser.add_option('--alignstr',dest='alignstr',action='store') parser.add_option('--valignmode', dest='valignmode', default = 'center', choices = ('center','dot'), help = "Set vertical alginment mode (center, dot).") parser.add_option('--nominsize', dest='nominsize', action ="store_true", help="No minimum node sizes", default=False) parser.add_option('--usepdflatex', dest='usepdflatex', action ="store_true", help="Use PDFLaTeX for preprocessing", default=False) parser.add_option('--tikzedgelabels', dest='tikzedgelabels', action ="store_true", help="Let TikZ place edge labels", default=False) parser.add_option('--nodeoptions', dest = 'nodeoptions', action = 'store', help="Set options for nodes", metavar="OPTIONS"), parser.add_option('--edgeoptions', dest = 'edgeoptions', action = 'store', help="Set options for edges", metavar="OPTIONS"), parser.add_option('--runtests',dest='runtests', help="Run testes", action="store_true",default=False) parser.add_option("--prog", action="store", dest="prog", default='dot', choices = ('dot','neato','circo','fdp','twopi'), help="Use v to process the graph", metavar="v"), parser.add_option('--autosize',dest='autosize', help="Preprocess graph and then run Graphviz", action="store_true",default=False) #parser.add_option("--var", action="append", dest="uservars") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options,args,parser def _runtests(): import doctest doctest.testmod() def printVersionInfo(): print "Dot2tex version % s" % __version__ def main(): import platform options, args,parser = processCmdLine() if options.runtests: log.warning('running tests') _runtests() sys.exit(0) if options.debug: # initalize log handler hdlr = logging.FileHandler('dot2tex.log') log.addHandler(hdlr) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) nodebug = False else: nodebug = True log.info('------- Start of run -------') log.info("Dot2tex version % s" % __version__) log.info("System information:\n" " Python: %s \n" " Platform: %s\n" " Pydot: %s\n" " Pyparsing: %s", sys.version_info, platform.platform(), pydot.__version__,pydot.dot_parser.pyparsing_version) log.info('dot2tex called with: %s' % sys.argv) log.info('Program started in %s' % os.getcwd()) if options.printversion: #print options.hest printVersionInfo() sys.exit(0) if len(args) == 0: log.info('Data read from standard input') dotdata = sys.stdin.readlines() elif len(args) == 1: try: dotdata = open(args[0], 'rU').readlines() except: log.error("Could not open input file %s" % args[0]) sys.exit(1) log.info('Data read from %s' % args[0]) # I'm not quite sure why this is necessary, but some files # produces data with line endings that confuses pydot/pyparser. # Note: Whitespace at end of line is sometimes significant log.debug('Input data:\n'+"".join(dotdata)) lines = [line for line in dotdata if line.strip()] dotdata = "".join(lines) #dotdata = convert_line_endings(dotdata,0) #optparse.check_choice() # check for output format attribute fmtattr = re.findall(r'd2toutputformat=(.*?);',dotdata) extraoptions = re.findall(r'd2toptions\s*=\s*"(.*?)"\s*;?',dotdata) if fmtattr: log.info('Found outputformat attribute: %s',fmtattr[0]) gfmt = fmtattr[0] else: gfmt = None if extraoptions: #log.warning('Found d2toptions attribute in graph: %s',extraoptions[0]) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(extraoptions[0].split(),options) if options.debug and nodebug: # initalize log handler hdlr = logging.FileHandler('dot2tex.log') log.addHandler(hdlr) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) nodebug = False output_format = options.format or gfmt or DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT options.format = output_format if output_format in ('pstricks', 'pst'): conv = Dot2PSTricksConv(options.__dict__) elif output_format == 'pgf': conv = Dot2PGFConv(options.__dict__) elif output_format == 'tikz': conv = Dot2TikZConv(options.__dict__) else: log.error("Unknown output format %s" % options.format) sys.exit(1) try: s = conv.convert(dotdata) log.debug('Output:\n'+s) if options.autosize: conv.dopreproc = False s = conv.convert(s) log.debug('Output:\n'+s) if options.outputfile: f = open(options.outputfile, 'w') f.write(s) f.close() else: print s #if options.texpreproc: # print conv.preproc.writeTempFile() except SystemExit: pass except Exception: #log.error("Could not convert the xdot input.") log.exception('Failed to process input') log.info('------- End of run -------') if __name__ == '__main__': main()