%% Copyright 2016 Nils Fleischhacker %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Nils Fleischhacker. \tikzpeople@addcolorkey{stripes} \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@paint}{ \tikzpeople@person@paintshirt \tikzpeople@graduate@paintundershirt \tikzpeople@graduate@paintstripes \tikzpeople@person@paintrighthorn \tikzpeople@person@painthead \tikzpeople@person@painthair \tikzpeople@graduate@painthat \tikzpeople@person@paintgoatee \tikzpeople@person@paintlefthorn \tikzpeople@person@painthalo } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@paintstripes}{ \begin{scope} \clip (-4.0pt,-8.0pt) .. controls (-2pt,-10pt) and ( 3pt,-9pt) .. ( 5.0pt,-7.0pt) .. controls ( 5pt, 0pt) and (-5pt, 0pt) .. (-4.0pt,-8.0pt); \draw[stripes] (1.5pt,-9.5pt) .. controls (0.7pt,-6pt) and (-1pt,-4pt) .. (-2.5pt,-2pt) -- (-3.8pt,-2pt) .. controls (-3.2pt,-4pt) and (-0.7pt,-6pt) .. (0pt,-9.5pt) -- cycle; \draw[stripes] (2.3 pt,-2pt) .. controls (3pt,-5pt) and (3pt,-6.5pt) .. (2.9 pt,-9.5pt) -- (3.9 pt,-9.5pt) .. controls (4pt,-6.5pt) and (4pt,-5pt) .. (3.3pt,-2pt); \end{scope} } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@paintundershirt}{ \begin{scope} \clip (-4.0pt,-8.0pt) .. controls (-2pt,-10pt) and ( 3pt,-9pt) .. ( 5.0pt,-7.0pt) .. controls ( 5pt, 0pt) and (-5pt, 0pt) .. (-4.0pt,-8.0pt); \draw[undershirt] (-3 pt,-2 pt) .. controls (-0.1pt,-3 pt) and ( 1.2pt,-6 pt) .. ( 2.2pt,-8 pt) .. controls ( 2.3pt,-6 pt) and ( 2.2pt,-4 pt) .. ( 2 pt,-2 pt) -- cycle; \end{scope} \draw[color=\tikzpeople@shirt\if@tikzpeople@saturated\else!80\fi] (-4.0pt,-8.0pt) .. controls (-2pt,-10pt) and ( 3pt,-9pt) .. ( 5.0pt,-7.0pt) .. controls ( 5pt, 0pt) and (-5pt, 0pt) .. (-4.0pt,-8.0pt); } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@painthat}{ \draw[hat] (175:3pt) .. controls ++(0.5pt,0.5pt) and (1pt,0.5pt) .. (1.5pt,0pt) .. controls (1.7pt,0.5pt) and (25:2.8pt) .. (20:3pt) -- +(0pt,2pt) -- (175:3pt |- 0,3pt) -- cycle; \draw[hat] (4.4pt,3.6pt) -- (-1.5pt,4pt) -- (-4.3pt,2.5pt) -- (2pt,2pt); \draw[color=\tikzpeople@hat\if@tikzpeople@saturated\else!80\fi,line width=0.15*\scalingfactor,cap=round] (0pt,3.2pt) -- (-3.4pt,2.5pt) arc (90:180:0.2pt) -- (-3.5pt,-0.5pt); \draw[hat] (-3.6pt,-0.5pt) -- (-3.7pt,-1.5pt) .. controls (-3.5pt,-1.6pt) .. (-3.3pt,-1.5pt) -- (-3.4pt,-0.5pt); \draw[hat] (-3.5pt,-0.5pt) circle (0.25pt); } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@definecolors}{ \definecolor{shirt}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{hat}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{undershirt}{RGB}{232,232,232} \definecolor{stripes}{rgb}{0.16,0.55,0.31} } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@definestyles}{ \if@tikzpeople@saturated \tikzset{ stripes/.style={color=\tikzpeople@stripes,top color=\tikzpeople@stripes!70, bottom color=\tikzpeople@stripes,shading angle=45} } \else \tikzset{ stripes/.style={color=\tikzpeople@stripes!80,top color=\tikzpeople@stripes!40, bottom color=\tikzpeople@stripes!80,shading angle=45} } \fi } \newcommand{\tikzpeople@graduate@colors}{ shirt/200/{-1/-.9}, hair/180/{-.75/.9}, hat/160/{-.75/1.3}, skin/20/{.5/.75}, undershirt/0/{.4/-.1}, stripes/340/{.8/-.7,0/-1.3}% }