%% poligraf.sty generic macros %% Copyright (C) 1996, 2001 Janusz Marian Nowacki. Public domain. %% [Polish:] | [English:] % ,,Mi/edzy \TeX-em a drukarni/a'' | ``Between \TeX{} and the printing house'' % wersja 2.0, kwiecie/n 2001 r. | version 2.0, April 2001 %--- % Cel: obs/luga strony dokumentu | Purpose: preparation of pages for % dla cel/ow drukarskich, separacje | prepress, color separation, cropmarks, % barwne, pasery, ,,lustro''. | color and gray scale bars, mirror print. %--- % Author: Janusz Marian Nowacki % 86-300 Grudzi/adz % ul. /Sniadeckich 82/46 % tel. +48 +56 46-218-37 % Poland % e-mail: j.nowacki@gust.org.pl %% Wsp/o/lpraca i komentarze: | Cooperation and comments: %% BOP s.c. & Staszek Wawrykiewicz % %------------------------------------------------------------------ \catcode`\@=11 % \newdimen\bigpoint \bigpoint 1pt \newdimen\Voffsetdim \Voffsetdim\voffset \advance\Voffsetdim by 1in \newcount\Voffset \Voffset\Voffsetdim \divide\Voffset by \bigpoint \newdimen\Hoffsetdim \Hoffsetdim\hoffset \advance\Hoffsetdim by 1in \newcount\Hoffset \Hoffset\Hoffsetdim \divide\Hoffset by \bigpoint \newcount\overprintblack \overprintblack=1 % \def\cropmarkdistance #1{% \special{!userdict begin /cropmarkdistance #1 def end}} \def\cropmarksize #1{% \special{!userdict begin /cropmarksize #1 def end}} \def\barsize #1{% \special{!userdict begin /barsize #1 def end}} \def\nocolorbars{% \special{!userdict begin /colorbars 0 def end}} \def\onlycolorbars{% \special{!userdict begin /colorbars 3 def end}} \def\onlycolorsteps{% \special{!userdict begin /colorbars 2 def end}} \def\mirror{% \special{!userdict begin /mirror 1 def end}} \def\xoffset #1{% \special{!userdict begin /xoffset #1 def end}} \def\yoffset #1{% \special{!userdict begin /yoffset #1 def end}} \def\labeloff{% \special{!userdict begin /marglabel 0 def end}} % \def\CYAN {1 0 0 0} \def\MAGENTA{0 1 0 0} \def\YELLOW {0 0 1 0} \def\BLACK {0 0 0 1} \def\sepcolor{} \def\NoOverPrintBlack{\overprintblack=0} % \def\Separate #1{% \input cmyk-hax \edef\projectcolor{#1}% \ifx\projectcolor\CYAN \def\sepcolor{\projectCMYK\cyan} \special{!userdict begin /color_sep 0 def /setsep 1 def end} \ifnum\overprintblack>0 \delblacktrue \fi \else \ifx\projectcolor\MAGENTA \def\sepcolor{\projectCMYK\magenta} \special{!userdict begin /color_sep 1 def /setsep 2 def end} \ifnum\overprintblack>0 \delblacktrue \fi \else \ifx\projectcolor\YELLOW \def\sepcolor{\projectCMYK\yellow} \special{!userdict begin /color_sep 2 def /setsep 3 def end} \ifnum\overprintblack>0 \delblacktrue \fi \else \ifx\projectcolor\BLACK \def\sepcolor{\projectCMYK\black} \special{!userdict begin /color_sep 3 def /setsep 4 def end} \fi \fi \fi \fi } % \def\add@makeheadline#1{% \let\oriheadline\makeheadline% \def\makeheadline{#1\oriheadline}% } \def\add@begindvi#1{% \def\PoligrafHook{#1}% \def\@begindvi{% \PoligrafHook% \unvbox \@begindvibox% \gdef\@begindvi{\PoligrafHook}% }} % \ifx\documentclass\@undefined \add@makeheadline{\sepcolor} % for Plain \else \add@begindvi{\sepcolor} % for LaTeX \fi % \catcode`\@=12 % \special{header=crops.pro} % \endinput