%% Copyright 2016 Daniel Ballester Marques %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Daniel Ballester Marques. % section 5 >>>1 @book{authier1982, author = {Authier-Reiriz}, date = {1982}, } @book{derrida1967, author = {Derrida}, date = {1967}, } @book{mumford1949, author = {Mumford}, date = {1949}, } @book{oliveira1943, author = {Oliveira and Leonardos}, date = {1943}, } @book{assis1994, author = {assis}, date = {1994}, } @book{barbour1971, author = {Barbour}, date = {1971}, } @book{clarac1985, author = {Clarac and Bonnin}, date = {1985}, } @book{sa1995, author = {Sá}, date = {1995}, } @book{nichols1993, author = {Nichols}, date = {1993}, } @unpublished{clemente2002, author = {Elvo Clemente}, title = {Poetas rio-grandenses}, date = {2002}, publisher = {\mkbibacro{EDIPUCRS}}, } @book{souto1916, author = {Souto}, date = {1916}, } @book{candido1993, author = {Candido}, date = {1993}, } @book{rahner1962, author = {Rahner}, date = {1962}, } % <<<1 % Section 6 >>>1 @book{teatro1963, title = {Teatro Aberto}, date = {1963}, } @book{morais1955, author = {Morais}, date = {1955}, } @book{barbosa1958, author = {C. Barbosa}, date = {1958}, } @book{barbosa1959, author = {O. Barbosa}, date = {1959}, } @book{barbosa1965a, author = {Cássio Barbosa}, date = {1965}, } @book{barbosa1965b, author = {Celso Barbosa}, date = {1965}, } @book{reeside1927a, author = {Reeside}, date = {1927}, } @book{reeside1927b, author = {Reeside}, date = {1927}, } @book{dreyfuss1989, author = {Dreyfuss}, date = {1989}, } @book{dreyfuss1991, author = {Dreyfuss}, date = {1991}, } @book{dreyfuss1995, author = {Dreyfuss}, date = {1995}, } @book{cruz1998, author = {Cruz and Correa and Costa}, date = {1998}, } @book{cruz1999, author = {Cruz and Correa and Costa}, date = {1999}, } @book{cruz2000, author = {Cruz and Correa and Costa}, date = {2000}, } @book{fonseca1997, author = {Fonseca}, date = {1997}, } @book{paiva1997, author = {Paiva}, date = {1997}, } @book{silva1997, author = {Silva}, date = {1997}, } @book{cross1984, author = {Cross}, date = {1984}, } @book{knox1986, author = {Knox}, date = {1986}, } @book{mezirow1991, author = {Mezirow}, date = {1991}, } @book{ruibarbosa, author = {{Rui Barbosa}}, } @book{lopes2000, author = {Lopes, José Reinaldo de Lima}, title = {O Direito na História}, date = {2000}, publisher = {Max Limonad}, location = {São Paulo}, } @book{bobbio1995, author = {Norberto Bobbio}, title = {O positivismo jurídico}, subtitle = {lições de Filosofia do Direito}, date = {1995}, publisher = {Ícone}, location = {São Paulo}, } @article{jossua1976, author = {Jean Pierra Jossua and Johann Baptist Metz}, title = {Editorial: Teologia e Literatura}, date = {1976}, journaltitle = {Concilium}, location = {Petrópolis}, volume = {115}, number = {5}, pages = {2-5}, } @book{merriam1991, author = {S. Merriam and R. Caffarella}, title = {Learning in adulthood}, subtitle = {a comprehensive guide}, date = {1991}, publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, location = {San Francisco}, } @book{comissao1992, author = {{Comissão das Comunidades Européias}}, title = {A união européia}, date = {1992}, publisher = {Serviço das Publicações Oficiais das Comunidades Européias}, location = {Luxemburgo}, } @legislation{brasil1995, author = {{Brasil}}, nameaddon = {Ministério da Administração Federal e da REforma do Estado}, title = {Plano diretora da reforma do aparelho do Estado}, date = {1995}, location = {Brasília, DF}, } @article{anteprojeto1987, title = {Anteprojeto de lei}, date = {1987}, journaltitle = {Estudos e Debates}, location = {Brasília, DF}, number = {13}, pages = {51-60}, issue = {jan.\isdot}, } @article{aflor1995, title = {A~flor Prometida}, journaltitle = {Folha de S. Paulo}, date = {1995}, location = {São Paulo}, pages = {4}, issue = {2 abr.}, date = {1995}, } @article{noscanaviais1995, title = {Nos~canaviais, mutilação em vez de lazer e escola}, date = {1995}, journaltitle = {O Globo}, location = {Rio de Janeiro}, issue = {16 jul.}, note = {O País, p. 12}, } % <<<1 % Section 7 >>>1 @collection{faria1994, editor = {José Eduardo Faria}, editortype = {organizer}, title = {Direitos humanos, direitos sociais e justiça}, date = {1994}, publisher = {Malheiros}, location = {São Paulo}, } @book{silva1983, author = {Silva}, date = {1983}, } @book{abreu1999, author = {Abreu}, date = {1999}, } @book{vianna1986, author = {Vianna}, date = {1986}, } @book{segatto1995, author = {Segatto}, date = {1995}, } @book{gough1972, author = {Gough}, date = {1972}, } @book{nardi1993, author = {Nardi}, date = {1993}, } @book{morice1996, author = {Morice}, date = {1996}, } % <<<1 % vim: set foldmarker=\ >>>,\ <<< :