# coop-writing LaTeX package v. 1.2.4 Copyright (c) 2022 Geraldo Xexéo This package supports editorial comments and gives some extra support for writing papers, or any document that involves more than one author or editor. Please read the manual in file [coop-writing.pdf](coop-writing.pdf). ## Folders The root folder is the newer and unstable version, while the dist folder should always contain a stable version. The current CTAN version is also in its own folder. ## How to use it You need coop-writing.sty to use the package and [coop-writing.pdf](coop-writing.pdf) to understand it. This package is in active evolution. # Contact Owner: Geraldo Xexéo Contact: xexeo at cos.ufrj.br or via GitHub [https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing](https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing) Please use issues to complain, suggest or to request features: [https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing/issues](https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing/issues) Discussions: [https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing/discussions](https://github.com/xexeo/coop-writing/discussions) # License This package is distributed under MIT License.