@manual{Schmidt04:PSNFSS9.2, author = {Walter Schmidt}, month = {September}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/psnfss}}, title = {Using Common {P}ost{S}cript Fonts With {\LaTeX}. {PSNFSS} Version 9.2}, year = {2004}, } @manual{Stubner05:FPL, author = {Ralf Stubner}, month = {February}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/fonts/fpl}}, title = {{FPL} Fonts---{SC/OsF} for {URW} {P}alladio {L}}, year = {2005}, } @manual{Carlisle05:Graphics, author = {D. P. Carlisle}, month = {November}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics}}, title = {Packages in the `Graphics' Bundle}, year = {2005}, } @manual{Oberdiek06:Ifpdf, author = {Heiko Oberdiek}, month = {February}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek}}, title = {The \textsf{ifpdf} Package}, year = {2006}, } @manual{Oostrum04:Fancyhdr, author = {van Oostrum, Piet}, month = {March}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr}}, title = {Page Layout in \LaTeX}, year = {2004}, } @manual{Rahtz06:Hyperref, author = {Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek}, month = {September}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref}}, title = {Hypertext Marks in \LaTeX: a Manual for Hyperref}, year = {2006}, } @manual{Daly07:Natbib, author = {Patrick W. Daly}, month = {February}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/natbib}}, title = {Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author-Year and Numerical Schemes)}, year = {2007}, } @manual{Garcia06:Opcit, author = {Federico Garcia}, month = {September}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/opcit}}, title = {\textsf{Opcit} (Version 2.0) A Package for Footnote-Style Bibliographical References}, year = {2006}, } @article{Bazargan07:VertStretch, author = {Kaveh Bazargan and CV Radhakrishnan}, journal = {TUGboat}, note = {\url{https://www.tug.org/members/TUGboat/tb28-1/tb88bazargan.pdf}}, number = {1}, pages = {133--136}, title = {Removing Vertical Stretch---Mimicking Traditional Typesetting with {\TeX}}, volume = {28}, year = {2007}, } @manual{classes, author = {Leslie Lamport and Frank Mittelbach and Johannes Braams}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base}}, title = {Standard Document Classes for {\LaTeX{}} version 2e}, year = {1997}, } @manual{Wilson04:Memoir, author = {Peter Wilson}, month = {January}, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/memoir}}, title = {The Memoir Class for Configurable Typesetting}, year = {2004}, } @Manual{Wilson05:Trajan, title = {The {Trajan} Fonts}, author = {Peter Wilson and Herries Press}, month = {June}, year = 2005, note = {\url{http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/fonts/trajan}} } @Misc{NewSystems, author = {{The Association of Research Libraries}}, title = {New Systems of Scholarly Communication}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.arl.org/scomm/change.html}} } @Misc{ScholarsForum, author = {Anne M. Buck and Richard C. Flagan and Betsy Coles}, title = {Scholars' Forum: A New Model For Scholarly Communication}, howpublished = {\url{http://library.caltech.edu/publications/ScholarsForum}} } @Article{Harnad99:FreeAtLast, author = {Stevan Harnad}, title = {Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journal}, journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, year = 1999, month = {December}, note = {\url{http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html}} }