return function(cmd) -- as mentioned in the .sty file this allows explicit flush after each write -- it's not easy to eliminate having to spawn 2 Python processes even with Lua -- if this is a child process, should write to stderr, in which case cmd will be nil local send_content if cmd==nil then send_content=function(str) io.stderr:write(str.."\n") io.stderr:flush() end else process = io.popen(cmd, "w") send_content=function(str) process:write(str.."\n") process:flush() end end local function_table=lua.get_functions_table() -- this only work in Lua 5.3 or assume it's allocated sequentially local send_content_index=#function_table+1 function_table[send_content_index]=function() send_content(token.scan_string()) end local close_index=#function_table+1 function_table[close_index]=function() process:close() end local bgroup=token.create(0x7b, 1) local egroup=token.create(0x7d, 2) token.put_next( bgroup, token.create("ifodd"), token.create(0x31, 12), token.create("fi"), egroup ) local frozen_relax_tok=token.scan_toks(false, true)[1].tok local null_cs_tok=0x20000000 -- \csname\endcsname local cmdname_to_type={ left_brace="1", right_brace="2", math_shift="3", tab_mark ="4", mac_param ="6", sup_mark ="7", sub_mark ="8", spacer ="A", letter ="B", other_char="C", } local function serialize(tl) local result={} for _, v in ipairs(tl) do local s -- serialized result of v local function handle_character(cat, index, char) if index<32 then s="^" else s=cat..char end end if v.csname~=nil then if then handle_character("D", utf8.codepoint(v.csname), v.csname) elseif v.tok==frozen_relax_tok then s="R" elseif v.tok==null_cs_tok then s="\\ " else local c=v.csname s="" for i=1, #c do if c:byte(i)<33 then s=s.."*" end end s="\\" for i=1, #c do if c:byte(i)<33 then s=s.." "..string.char(c:byte(i)+64) else s=s..c:sub(i,i) end end s=s.." " end else assert(cmdname_to_type[v.cmdname]~=nil) handle_character(cmdname_to_type[v.cmdname], v.mode, utf8.char(v.mode)) end result[#result+1]=s end return table.concat(result) end local serialize_index=#function_table+1 function_table[serialize_index]=function() local result_token=token.get_next() assert(result_token.csname~=nil and not local tl=token.scan_toks() --token.set_macro(-2, result_token.csname, table.concat(result)) tex.sprint{token.create "def", result_token, bgroup} tex.sprint(-2, serialize(tl)) tex.sprint(egroup) end local send_balanced_index=#function_table+1 function_table[send_balanced_index]=function() local tl=token.scan_toks() send_content(serialize(tl)) end tex.print( [[\protected \luadef \_pythonimmediate_send_content:e ]] .. send_content_index .. [[\protected \luadef \_pythonimmediate_close_write: ]] .. close_index .. [[\protected \luadef \_pythonimmediate_tlserialize_nodot_unchecked:Nn ]] .. serialize_index .. [[\protected \luadef \_pythonimmediate_send_balanced_tl:n ]] .. send_balanced_index .. [[\relax]]) end