# uvaletter This is an unofficial LaTeX package that provides a letterhead template for the University of Amsterdam. The design mimics the [official Word template](https://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/over-de-universiteit/huisstijl/downloadstools/brief/brief.html) of the University and complies with the University's [house style](https://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/over-de-universiteit/huisstijl/huisstijl.html). ![](https://github.com/piazzai/uvaletter/blob/master/screenshot.jpg) ## Installation This package is hosted on CTAN and distributed as part of MikTex and TeXLive. It can also be installed manually by cloning this repository in your `$HOME/texmf/tex/latex` folder, which is searched by LaTeX. If you do not have such a folder, you can [create it](https://www.ias.edu/math/computing/faq/local-latex-style-files). ## Usage The package can be loaded with a `pageno` option that enables page numbering. Be aware that, in order for the layout to display, your letter body should be wrapped in a `letterhead` environment. Here is a minimal working example: ```tex \documentclass{letter} \usepackage{uvaletter} \logo{logo.jpg} \recipient{foo} \department{bar} \visiting{} \postal{} \website{} \date{} \yourreference{} \ourreference{} \contactperson{} \phone{} \email{} \subject{} \enclosed{} \begin{document} \begin{letterhead} Hello world! \end{letterhead} \end{document} ``` The `\recipient{}` and `\department{}` commands are mandatory and their arguments must be non-empty. All other commands are optional and can be removed, commented out, or left empty. In order for a logo to be displayed, you must indicate a path to the image in `\logo{}`. All official logos of the University of Amsterdam, including faculties, departments, and institutes, can be found [here](https://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/over-de-universiteit/huisstijl/huisstijlelementen/logo/logo.html). If a path is not provided or the file is not found, the logo space is left blank.