# luatodonotes The package allows the user to insert comments into a document that suggest (for example) further editing that may be needed. The comments are shown in the margins alongside the text; different styles for the comments may be used; the styles are selected using package options. The package is based on the package todonotes by Henrik Skov Midtiby (http://www.ctan.org/pkg/todonotes), and depends heavily on Lua, so it can only be used with LuaLaTeX. ## Installation Run `latex luatodonotes.ins` to generate the package files and copy the listed files into your TEXMF tree. ## Development The latest source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/fabianlipp/luatodonotes If you want to report bugs or you have suggestions for improvements, you can use the issue tracker on GitHub or contact me via email. ## License The luatodonotes package is subject to the LATEX Project Public License. The following external lua libraries are used: * `path_line.lua` and `path_point.lua`: taken from luapower.com (Public domain) * `inspect.lua`: by Enrique GarcĂ­a Cota (MIT License)