%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % outline.sty -- Outline Style % Hal R. Varian % September, 1987 % % Reads structured files generated by PC-OUTLINE and formats them % in TeX. Before using you must use a global search and replace command % to change all strings of ".HEAD" to "\HEAD". Then load outline.sty % and TeX the outline file. % % Notes % 1. To generate the outline, choose "Send to structured file" from the % device menu in the print routine of PC-OUTLINE. % 2. The title must be indicated manually using \title. It is usually % indicated by a .HEAD 1 % 3. Sometimes the structured file ends with a spurious .HEAD 1 which should % be removed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %for title \def\title#1{\centerline{\bf #1}\medskip} %use \count11 thru \count18 for counters for levels 1 thru 8 \count11=0 \count12=0 \count13=0 \count14=0 \count15=0 \count16=0 \count17=0 \count18=0 %create registers for levels, etc. \newcount\CurrentLevel\CurrentLevel=0 \newcount\LastLevel\LastLevel=0 \newcount\CurrentCounter\CurrentCounter=1 \newcount\CharCode\CharCode=96 %\Indentation measures the amount of indentation \newdimen\Indentation\Indentation=3ex %skip between level 1 headings \def\AdjustSpace{\vskip -.5pc} \parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt \def\HEAD #1 {% \par \CurrentLevel=#1 \CurrentCounter=#1 \advance\CurrentCounter by 10 %level 1 is assigned to register 11, etc. \ifnum\CurrentLevel>\LastLevel %if sublevel, \count\CurrentCounter=1 %reset \CurrentCounter, \else\advance\count\CurrentCounter by 1\fi %otherwise, increment \LastLevel=\CurrentLevel \filbreak %helps prevent entries from being split between pages \hskip\CurrentLevel\Indentation \CharCode=\number\count\CurrentCounter %for lettered levels \let\NumCode=\CharCode %for numbered levels \ifcase#1% \relax\or %there is no level zero \AdjustSpace\advance\CharCode by 64 \Item\char\CharCode.\space\or %level 1: A. \Item\llap{\number\NumCode.\space}\or %level 2: 1. \advance\CharCode by 96 \Item\llap{\char\CharCode)\space}\or %level 3: a) \Item\llap{\number\NumCode)\space}\or %level 4: 1) \advance\CharCode by 96 \Item\llap{\char\CharCode$>$\space}\or %level 5: a> \Item\llap{\number\NumCode$>$\space}\or %level 6: 1> \advance\CharCode by 96 \Item\llap{\char\CharCode:\space}\or %level 7: a: \Item\llap{\number\NumCode:\space}\fi} %level 8: 1: \def\Item{\hangindent\CurrentLevel\Indentation} %%%-Incise----------------------------------------------------------