package LatexIndent::Replacement; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use LatexIndent::Tokens qw/%tokens/; use LatexIndent::TrailingComments qw/$trailingCommentRegExp/; use LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings qw/%mainSettings/; use LatexIndent::Switches qw/$is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active $is_rr_switch_active/; use LatexIndent::LogFile qw/$logger/; use Exporter qw/import/; our @ISA = "LatexIndent::Document"; # class inheritance, Programming Perl, pg 321 our @EXPORT_OK = qw/make_replacements/; sub make_replacements { my $self = shift; my %input = @_; if ( $is_t_switch_active and !$is_rr_switch_active ) { $logger->trace("*Replacement mode *$input{when}* indentation: -r"); } elsif ( $is_t_switch_active and $is_rr_switch_active ) { $logger->trace("*Replacement mode, -rr switch is active") if $is_t_switch_active; } my @replacements = @{ $mainSettings{replacements} }; foreach (@replacements) { next if !( ${$_}{this} or ${$_}{substitution} ); # default value of "lookForThis" is 1 ${$_}{lookForThis} = 1 if ( !( defined ${$_}{lookForThis} ) ); # move on if this one shouldn't be looked for next if ( !${$_}{lookForThis} ); # default value of "when" is before ${$_}{when} = "before" if ( !( defined ${$_}{when} ) or $is_rr_switch_active ); # update to the logging file if ( $is_t_switch_active and ( ${$_}{when} eq $input{when} ) ) { $logger->trace("-"); $logger->trace("this: ${$_}{this}") if ( ${$_}{this} ); $logger->trace("that: ${$_}{that}") if ( ${$_}{that} ); $logger->trace("substitution: ${$_}{substitution}") if ( ${$_}{substitution} ); $logger->trace("when: ${$_}{when}"); } # perform the substitutions if ( ${$_}{when} eq $input{when} ) { $logger->warn( "*You have specified both 'this' and 'substitution'; the 'substitution' field will be ignored") if ( ${$_}{this} and ${$_}{substitution} ); if ( ${$_}{this} ) { # # *string* replacement # my $this = quotemeta( ${$_}{this} ); my $that = ( defined ${$_}{that} ) ? qq{${$_}{that}} : q(); ${$self}{body} = join( $that, split( /$this/, ${$self}{body}, -1 ) ); } else { # # *regex* replacement # # my $body = ${$self}{body}; eval("\$body =~ ${$_}{substitution}"); ${$self}{body} = $body; } } } } 1;