Example 01: Testcode This section contains some test code that can be inserted to debug the palindrome filter program. B.1. Print the contents of IN_LINE and LETTERS Correct reading of the input is crucial. For debugging purposes we may want to inspect the contents of *IN_LINE* and *LETTERS*. We need a local counter (******* Palindrome variables #quick *******) T : INTEGER; We want the debugging information te be clearly flagged as such. (***************** Palindrome (test) ******************) (** Check contents of IN_LINE and LETTERS. **) WRITELN; WRITELN ('============ DEBUGGING INFORMATION ==============='); WRITELN ('Contents of buffer IN_LINE: '); WRITE ('>>>>'); WITH IN_LINE DO FOR T := 1 TO LENGTH DO WRITE (OUTPUT, CHARS[T]); WRITE ('<<<<'); WRITELN; WRITELN ('Contents of buffer LETTERS: '); WRITE ('>>>>'); WITH LETTERS DO FOR T := 1 TO LENGTH DO WRITE (OUTPUT, CHARS[T]); WRITE ('<<<<'); WRITELN; WRITELN ('========== END OF DEBUGGING INFORMATION =========='); WRITELN; (************* End of Palindrome (test) ***************)