TG02: Test expansions with no indentation. @p indentation = none @O@@{@- @ @ @} @!****************************************************************************** @A@ @$@@{@- The other day upon the stair, @ I think he's from the CIA.@} @$@@{@- I met a man who wasn't there. @@} @$@@{He wasn't there @ today,@} @$@@{again@} @!****************************************************************************** @A@ @$@@{@- In the output begin0 should be at the left margin, then begin1 to begin wayout should be indented by three spaces. Then the "It's scary" should be positioned over the "a" ofd margin. The rest should be at the left margin. begin0 @ end0@} @$@@{@- begin1 @ end1@} @$@@{@- begin2 @ end2@} @$@@{@- begin3 @ end3@} @$@@{@- begin4 @ end4@} @$@@{@- begin wayout----------V @ end wayout----------^@} @$@@{@- It's scary out here So far from the left margin.@} @!******************************************************************************