/******************************************************************************/ /* Start of style.h */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This style.h file contains a compilation of stuff from a number of header files that collectively make up my C style environment. This header file was hacked together solely to simplify the distribution of the exceptions package - the originating style.h file is much more complicated and #includes other files. For this reason I make no apology for the poor quality of this style.h file and the as.h and as.c files also provided in support of except.fw. They exist solely so that the user can compile and use the exception package. It is expected that the user will transfer some of these definitions to the user's own style file and replace #includes of this style file to the user's own style file. This file is distributed without warranty and was placed in the public domain by its author Ross Williams on 29 September 1993. */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef DONE_STYLE #define DONE_STYLE #include #include typedef unsigned long ulong; /* 32-bit unsigned. */ typedef unsigned long uwide; /* As wide as the address space. */ typedef unsigned bool; typedef char *string; #define LOCAL static #define EXPORT #define GLOVAR /* STAVAR is for static variables local to a function. */ #define STAVAR static #define ULONG(X) ((ulong) (X)) #define UWIDE(X) ((uwide) (X)) #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE (0) #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE (1) #endif #ifndef EXIT_FAILURE #define EXIT_FAILURE (-1) #endif #ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS #define EXIT_SUCCESS (0) #endif #define NON_ZERO 1 /* Set this to TRUE iff your compiler allows ANSI prototypes. */ #if TRUE #define P_(A) A #else #define P_(A) () #endif /* An uintegral type wide enough to hold a pointer. */ typedef long ptrint; #define EOL '\n' /* Set to the empty string if your compiler doesn't support "const". */ #define const #endif /******************************************************************************/ /* End of style.h */ /******************************************************************************/