Hi there, This directory contains a Type 1 version of (some of) the Metafont sources from the directory above. The pfb files are intended to be used with the original TFM files, _don't_ run finst or afmtotfm on the afm files! The afm and pfm files are provided just in case you want to install the files on your windowing system. I'm sorry for the Macintosh users amongst you, but I don't know how to create the MacType1 files. The fonts should give exactly the same output results as the .mf originals, up to the point of sillyness. All bugs in the metafont sources have been kept (and there might be new ones). Files are herewith donated to the public domain, and provided as is. Note that I feel that the copyright from the metafont sources still applies, my only statement here is that I do not impose extra restrictions. Conversion process: .mf -> metapost (c) Hobby -> .eps .eps -> metafog (c) Kinch -> .pfb .pfb -> hinted & touched up with FontLab v3.0c More fonts should follow in the next few months. I can be reached for propositions/bugs at: taco.hoekwater@wkap.nl Greetings, Taco Hoekwater