# Simple Icons LaTeX This package aims to provide [Simple Icons](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons) for LaTeX like [fontawesome-latex](https://github.com/xdanaux/fontawesome-latex/). Updated every week depending on a new release; you can find specific releases on [GitHub](https://github.com/ineshbose/simple-icons-latex). All users are asked to read the [legal disclaimer](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/blob/master/DISCLAIMER.md) from Simple Icons before using the packaged icons. Please refer to the [manual](http://mirrors.ctan.org/fonts/simpleicons/doc/simpleicons.pdf) for more details on usage. For local setup, clone the repository, install system dependencies (fontforge, lcdf-typetools) & `package.json` dependencies and run the script `bindings.js` using [Node.js](https://nodejs.dev). --- Simple Icons / Simple Icons Font
Author: Simple Icons Collaborators
Licence: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
URL: simpleicons LaTeX package
Author: Inesh Bose
Licence: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal