### ====================================================================
###  @Perl-file{
###     author          = "Alan Hoenig",
###     version         = "1.00", 
###     date            = "August 1998",
###     filename        = "2vfinst",
###     address         = "Department of Mathematics,
###                        John Jay College,
###                        445 West 59 Street,
###                        New York, NY 10019, USA",
###     email           = "ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu",
###     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
###     keywords        = "AFM, virtual fonts, fonts, PostScript, TeX",
###     supported       = "yes",
###     abstract        = "This is the second Perl script for the 
###                        vfinst virtual font installation utility.
###                        See accompanying file vfinst.tex for 
###                        additional details.",
###     package         = "vfinst",
###     dependencies    = "vfinst, 1vfinst, fontinst",
###  }
### ====================================================================

## This script does the grunt work.  Using information generated by 
## 1vfinst and given in the parameter file vfinst.par, this script 
## will generate TeX files and other scripts to generate the virtual 
## fonts, to create needed directories, and to move files into the 
## proper places.

#< This file contains definitions for the following subroutines:

## What this script expects.
## =========================
## 1. a fresh copy of psfonts.map in the work directory.


require("../vfinst.par"); # system dependent!! Beware!!
&getTDSplaces if &isTDS; # construct some TDS parameters
##$vfencoding = $vfmapdir unless defined $vfencoding;
$cp = $copy;			# a synonym
$rm = $del;			# another synonym

##$vfencoding = "" if $vfencoding eq $root; # This eliminates strange 
				# double backslash path names in 
				# case you place the enc file in the root

## We begin by extracting font information from the file fonts.lst,
## painstakingly prepared by 1vfinst.  This file begins with column 
## headings (which we ignore) and is followed by lines of the form
##   mbm300 mbmr8a   000 mbur8a.pfb  BulmerMT-Regular
## whose fields are the sortkey, proposed Berry fontname, slant, existing
## font outline name, and long (Adobe or Monotype or ...) font name.
## The matching afm file must have a name formed by stripping the existing
## extension if there is one and appending `.afm'.  Note that slant sometimes
## varies within members of a family, as in Bulmer, with slightly 
## different slants depending on whether the font is regular, bold, 
## or semi.

## The `parseberryname' routine takes a Berry name like "mbmri8a" 
## as argument.

sub parseberryname{		
    local($scr) = $_[0];
    $berryfam = substr($scr, 0, 3);
    $berryencoding = substr($scr, -2, 2);
    $berryseries = substr($scr, 3, 1);
    local($l) = length $scr;
    $berryvars = substr($scr, 4, $l-4-2); # variants

## In case the original extensions are uppercase or something wierd, 
## we need to retrieve this information.

sub get_original_extensions{
    local($name_plus_extensions) = $_[0];
    ## $name_plus_extensions looks like `foo.{pfb,afm}'
	=~ /([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.\{([pfabPFAB]*),([aA][fF][mM])\}/;
    local($firstname, $pext, $aext) = ($1, $2, $3);
    $pext = ".$pext" unless $pext eq "";
    $aext = ".$aext";
    ($firstname, $pext, $aext);


## Although all the information in @fontinfo is used somewhere or other,
## we can facilitate later processing by extracting useful information
## and storing it separately.  In addition to reading fonts.lst, this
## routine stores a separate list of the font families we have.

## The array @fonts_to_ignore contains a list of font types to ignore----fonts
## like ornaments, oldstyle figures, etc.
		  "p8a", # ornaments
		  "7a",  # alternate fonts
		  "7d",  # old-style figures
sub examine_fonts{
    foreach $font_type (@fonts_to_ignore) {
	$we_ignore_this_font=$true if $_=~/$font_type\s+/;
sub getfontinfo{
    open (IN, "fonts.lst") || die "Where is file `fonts.lst'?";
    while (<IN>) {
	next if /^$rem/;		# ignore comments
	# in case a user has messed with it...
	push(@fontinfo, $_) unless $we_ignore_this_font;
    @fontinfo = sort @fontinfo;	# just in case, we sort it again
    foreach $line (@fontinfo) {
	local($sk, $bname, $sl, $oln, $fname) = split(/\s+/, $line);
       	push(@berrynames, $bname);
	$sortkeys{$bname} = $sk;
	$slants{$bname} = $sl;
	local($first_name, $pf_ext, $af_ext) = &get_original_extensions($oln);
	$filename{$bname} = "$first_name$pf_ext";
	$afmname{$bname} = "$first_name$af_ext";
	$longfontname{$bname} = $fname;
	# keep track of this family...
	$tmp{$berryfam} = 1;
	# Now see if smallcaps/osf exists for the family...
	$expert{$berryfam} = 1 if $berryencoding =~ /x/;
	$expert{$berryfam} = 1 if $berryvars =~ /c/;
	$expert{$berryfam} = 1 if $berryvars =~ /x/;
	# Examine and store slant info, a function of family and series
	$seriesslant{"$berryfam$berryseries"} = $sl unless $sl eq "000";
	# We check to see fam/series contains an oblique font.  Oblique
	# exists if the penultimate sortkey character == 2.
	$obl{"$berryfam$berryseries"} = 1 if substr($sk,-2,1) eq "2";
    @fams = sort(keys %tmp); undef %tmp;
&getfontinfo;			# font info loaded!

## Prior to creating the psfonts addendum, let's read the current
## psfonts.map to determine all the raw fonts currently there.  We
## only want to add an entry to psfonts.new if the font is truly new.
## If it exists already, we don't want to add it again.

sub GetExistingRawFonts{
    &copy("$vfmapdir${sep}psfonts.map", "psfonts.map");
    open (MAP, "psfonts.map") || die "Where is psfonts.map?...$!\n";
    &copy("psfonts.map", "psfonts.ori"); # keep an original copy...
    while (<MAP>) {
	next if $_ eq "\n";	# ignore blank lines
	next if /^%/;		# ignore comment lines (beginning with %)
	local($rawfont, $other) = split(/\s+/, $_, 2);
	push(@oldraws, $rawfont); # save name of the raw font
    close MAP;
&GetExistingRawFonts;		# do it!

## We'll use this next routine to see whether a raw font
## already appears in psfonts.map

sub CheckforNewRawFont{
    $isnewfont = $true; local($myfont) = $_[0];
    local(@greplist) = grep(/^$myfont/, @oldraws);
    $isnewfont = $false if defined @greplist;

## This routine checks a raw font to see if it is Adobe Standard 
## encoded.  If so, it stores the original name as an ASE font
## (ASE = Adobe Standard Encoding),                              
## revises $rawfont to reflect the TeXBase1Encoding 8r.  It also 
## sets a flag to show that the change has been made.  Issue     
## routine with the raw font name as arg, eg                     
## &checkencoding($rawfont, $asefont);  The 2 fonts will be the
## same unless the original encoding is 8a AND there are 
## no berry variants except for italic.     

## The question of variants: variants like expert, small caps, figures,
## fraction fonts, etc are not suitable for re-encoding according to
## the TeXBase1 encoding.  On the other hand, regular and sans and
## their italics are suitable 

sub makeASEcheck{                           
    local($myrawfont, $asefont) = @_;                 
    $asefont = $myrawfont;                  
    $isviiir = $false;   # the default    
    if ((substr($asefont, -2, 2) eq "8a") && ($berryvars eq "i")) {
	$isviiir = $true;	# case 1: italicb

    if ((substr($asefont, -2, 2) eq "8a") && ($berryvars eq "")) {
	$isviiir = $true;	# case 2: no variants
    if ((substr($asefont, -2, 2) eq "8a") && ($berryvars =~ "s")) {
	$isviiir = $true;	# case 3: sans serif
    substr($asefont, -2, 2) = "8r" if $isviiir; 
    $_[0] = $myrawfont;  
    $_[1] = $asefont;                 

sub gettypeinfo{ # only for TDS systems
    open (IN, "typeface.lst") || die "Where is my list of typefaces?";
    # Each line in this file looks like:
    #  mbm bulmer monotype
    while (<IN>) {
	local($fam); chop;
	($fam, $face, $supp) = split(/\s+/, $_);
	$typeface{$fam} = $face;
	$supplier{$fam} = $supp;
    close IN;
## This rtn takes the @missdirs and suggests a script for creating
## the missing directories, which are stored in @neededdirs.
$mkdir="mkdir";			# system dependent call
open(SCRIPT, ">mkdirs.bat"); # open this anyway, to zap an old file
print SCRIPT "$rem This script makes any missing directories.\n";
print SCRIPT "$rem It may be deleted after use.\n";
sub makemkdirs{
  foreach $i (0..$#missdirs) {# look at each missing directory
    $missdirs[$i] = "$missdirs[$i]$sep"; # tack on final slash
    while (($pos = index($missdirs[$i], $sep, $pos)) >= 0) {# are
      # any of of its parents missing also?
      $currdir = substr($missdirs[$i],0,$pos);
      $trulymissing=$true; # guess that the dir is really absent
      foreach $j (0..$#neededdirs) {
        $trulymissing=$false if $currdir eq $neededdirs[$j];
        # discard it if we've already flagged it as missing
      if (&isdir($currdir)) {} else {
        push(@neededdirs,$currdir) if $trulymissing;
  if ($#neededdirs >=0) {
    &wlog("\nHere is a suggested script to create the needed directories:\n");
    foreach $newdir (@neededdirs) {
      &wlog("$mkdir $newdir");
      print SCRIPT "$mkdir $newdir\n";
    close SCRIPT;

sub checkdirs{
  if (&isTDS) {# TDS system
    $prefix = "$vftexmf${sep}fonts$sep";
    while (($key,$sup) = each %supplier) {# check dirs for pfb, afm, vf, tfm
      $typ = $typeface{$key};					      
      $myafm = "${prefix}afm${sep}$sup${sep}$typ";
      $mypfb = "${prefix}type1${sep}$sup${sep}$typ";
      $mytfm = "${prefix}tfm${sep}$sup${sep}$typ";
      $myvf  = "${prefix}vf${sep}$sup${sep}$typ";
  } else {# traditional system
  } # verification concludes
  if ($errorcount == 0) { # everything OK
    &display("All directories in place.");
  } else {# somethings amiss
    &dwlog("Here is a list of missing directories.\n");
    print "\nPlease execute mkdirs.bat when I am finished...\n";

## This function takes 2 args---fontfamily and file type.  
## The 3rd arg contains the place for the file;  it acts like TDSplace
## in case it is a TDS system, but uses the traditional location otherwise.
## Example: $fontsource = &findplacefor($fontfamily,"type1");

$tradfiletype{"type1"}=$vfpsfonts; # translates TDS terms
$tradfiletype{"afm"}=$vfafm;       #  into lingo used for 
$tradfiletype{"tfm"}=$vftfm;       #  traditional installations

sub findplacefor{		
    local($mystring, $mytype)=@_;
    if (&isTDS) {		# otherwise, the TDS case...
	$tradtype = "${vftexmf}${sep}fonts${sep}${mytype}${sep}";
	$tradtype .= "$supplier{$myfam}${sep}$typeface{$myfam}";

## We need to shear an original font---that is, make an oblique (slanted)
## font from an upright, and an unslanted italic from a standard 
## italic.  The guts of this is done by the &shearfonts routine, which 
## can be used to do either of these operations.  (Incidentally, the `t'
## in the middle of variable names $asetname and $berrytname suggest 
## the word `transformed' (sheared). )

sub shearfonts{
    # Now lets sort the variants...
    local(@tmp) = split(//, $berryvars);
    @tmp = sort @tmp;
    $berrytvars = join("", @tmp);
    # Now for the new name...
    $berrytname = "$berryfam$berryseries$berrytvars$berryencoding";
    $asetname = $berrytname;	# they'll be the same except for 8r's
    if ($isviiir == $false) {	# a non-8r font...
	print MAP "$berrytname $adobename \"$currsl SlantFont\" <$mapfontname\n"
	    if $isnewfont;
	print TFM "pltotf $berrytname.pl $berrytname.tfm$appendtolog\n";
	print PUTVFTF "$mv $berrytname.tfm $tfmplace\n";
    } else {			# an 8r font
	$asetname =~ s/8a/8r/;
	if ($isnewfont) {
	    print MAP "$asetname $adobename \"$currsl SlantFont ";
	    print MAP 
                "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont\" <8r.enc <$mapfontname\n";
	print TFM "pltotf $asetname.pl $asetname.tfm$appendtolog\n";
	print PUTVFTF "$mv $asetname.tfm $tfmplace\n";
    # Now for fontinst install instructions.  Normally, we get metric
    # data from the afm file, but we can get it from the mtx file if
    # that exists---which it will in case of an 8r font.
    $from = "fromafm";
    $from = "frommtx" if $isviiir;
    print INST "\\transformfont{$asetname}{\\slantfont{$dotlesssl}";
    print INST "{\\${from}{$asename}}}\n";

sub makeuprights{		# make the upright fonts
    # First, let's get the Berry name for the slanted font
    # We replace the italic i by a u (unslanted italic) in the variants
    $berryvars =~ s/i/u/;
    &shearfonts unless $obl{$famseries};

sub makeslanteds{		# make the slanted fonts
    # First, let's get the Berry name for the slanted font
    # We add an o (oblique) to the variants
    $berryvars .= "o";
    &shearfonts unless $obl{$famseries};

## [It's now time to create the fontinst installation file.  I forego
## the use of the fontinst \latinfamily command for several reasons:
## (1) I don't care for T1 fonts that \latinfamily insists on creating; 
## (2) I want to generate italic small caps which \latinfamily omits; 
## (3) I want to use the true italic angle for each family (\latinfamily
## uses only the 1/6 slant of the Computer Modernfonts, but these 
## slants vary wildly from font family to font family); 
## and (4) I want
## to be able to include other variants besides expert (eg Bitstream's 
## small caps and extensions fonts).]

## Raw files need close examination.  An addendum to psfonts.map
## needs creation.  Scripts to move fonts where they belong, to create 
## property list pl files, and the beginning of the fontinst installation
## file need to be made.

  $INSTprolog = <<"endinstprolog";
% This is a fontinst installation file.
% Created by vfinst$ver at $now on $today.\n
% THIS FILE MAY BE DELETED at completion of the font installation.\n
\\input fontinst.sty\n

## In TDS systems, it's not necessary to have font path names in psfonts.new.
## The following subroutine strips them away, assuming that 
##   [-+\!\?\@\#\$\%\^\&\:\;=\._A-Za-z0-9]
## characterizes the allowable characters in a directory name.  This is 
## probably more inclusive than most operating systems allow, anyway.

sub strip_path_from_map_entries{
    unlink "psfonts.tmp" if -e "psfonts.tmp";
    $good_rename = rename "psfonts.new", "psfonts.tmp";
    die "Cannot rename map file!" unless $good_rename;
    open(TMPIN, "psfonts.tmp");
    open(NEWOUT, ">psfonts.new");
    while ($_ = <TMPIN>) { 
     #$_ =~ s/<(\s*)([-+\!\?\@\#\$\%\^\&\:\;=\._A-Za-z0-9]*$sep )+/<$1/g; #ori
	if ($sep eq "\\") { # DOS and DOS-like systems...
	    $_ =~ s/<(\s*)(([-+\!\?\@\#\$\%\^\&\:\;_A-Za-z0-9]*)$sep$sep)+/</g;
	} else { # UNIX and sensible systems...
	    $_ =~ s/<(\s*)(([-+\!\?\@\#\$\%\^\&\:\;_A-Za-z0-9]*)$sep)+/</g;
      print NEWOUT $_;
    close TMPIN; close NEWOUT;

    $appendtolog = " >> maketfm.vlg";
sub processrawfiles{
    # open files first of all...
    open (MAP, ">psfonts.new");
    print MAP "\n";		# cautionary newline
    open (INST, ">makefont.tex"); # fontinst install file
    open (TFM, ">maketfm.bat");
    print TFM "$rem This file makes tfm files. It may be deleted after use.\n";
    print TFM "$rem Created by $vfp on $today at $now.\n";
    open (TLOG, ">maketfm.vlg"); # a log file
    print TLOG 
	"Log file for VFinst maketfm.bat file for $now, $curdate.\n\n";
    close TLOG;
    open (REN, ">newnames.bat");	# renames fonts
    print REN "$rem This file renames files.  It may be deleted after use.\n";
    print REN "$rem Created by $vfp on $today at $now.\n";
    open (PUTFONT, ">putfonts.bat"); # places fonts, afm's properly
    print PUTFONT "$rem This file moves files.  Delete it after use.\n";
    print PUTFONT "$rem Created by $vfp on $today at $now.\n";
    open (PUTVFTF, ">putvftf.bat"); # places tfm's, vf's properly
    print PUTVFTF "$rem This file moves files.  Delete it after use.\n";
    print PUTVFTF "$rem Created by $vfp on $today at $now.\n";
    open (CLEANUP, ">cleanup.bat"); # removes stuff from work dir at end
    print CLEANUP "$rem This file removes files.  Delete it after use.\n";
    print CLEANUP "$rem Created by $vfp on $today at $now.\n";
    print INST "$INSTprolog";
    foreach $berryname (@berrynames) {
	$sortkey = $sortkeys{$berryname};
	$fontfile = $filename{$berryname};
	$adobename = $longfontname{$berryname};
	$slant = $defaultslant;
	$slant = $seriesslant{"$berryfam$berryseries"}
	    if defined($seriesslant{"$berryfam$berryseries"});
	$dotlesssl = $slant; 
	$dotlesssl =~ s/\.//g; # fontinst doesn't want a decimal point
	&makeASEcheck($berryname, $asename); # $berryname is the original
	($fontfirstname, $ext) = split(/\./, $fontfile); 
	$ext =".$ext" unless $ext eq "";
	$fontplace = &findplacefor($berryname, "type1");
	$fontplacefont = "$fontplace$sep$berryname$ext";
	$afmplace = &findplacefor($berryname, "afm");
	$tfmplace = &findplacefor($berryname, "tfm");
	# Now to make addendum to map file, if necessary
        if ($isnewfont) { # addendum to psfonts.map
# need a map name, which must be explicit for traditional systems,
# but only the font name is needed for TDS systems, as its location
# will be known in the kpathsea file database.
	    $mapfontname=$fontplacefont; # for traditional systems
	    $mapfontname="$berryname$ext" if &isTDS;
	    if ($isviiir) { # new font AND 8r-encoding
		print MAP "$asename $adobename $eightR <$mapfontname\n"
		    if $isnewfont; # still new font?
	    } else {		# 8x, 7d, etc encodings
		print MAP "$berryname $adobename <$mapfontname\n";
	# rename files (but only if they havenlt already been renamed)
	if ($fontfirstname ne $berryname) {
	    print REN "$ren $fontfirstname$ext $berryname$ext\n";
	    print REN "$ren $afmname{$berryname} $berryname.afm\n";
	print PUTFONT "$mv $berryname$ext $fontplace\n";
	print CLEANUP "$rm $berryname$ext\n";
	print PUTFONT "$mv $berryname.afm $afmplace\n";
	print CLEANUP "$rm $berryname.afm\n";
	# make tfm's out of the pl files that fontinst will produce...
	print TFM "echo \"$berryname\"$appendtolog\n";
	print TFM "pltotf $berryname.pl $berryname.tfm$appendtolog\n";
	print PUTVFTF "$mv $berryname.tfm $tfmplace\n";
	# 8r-encoded fonts mean more vf's in the system.  fontinst
	# needs to create them, an extra tfm needs to be made from 
	# the extra pl file, and of course this must be moved.  (Up
	# above, we've already added the 8r-incantation to the psfonts.map
	# addendum.
	if ($isviiir) {
	    print INST "\\transformfont{$asename}";
	    print INST "{\\reencodefont{8r}{\\fromafm{$berryname}}}\n";
	    print TFM "echo \"$asename\"$appendtolog\n";
	    print TFM "pltotf $asename.pl $asename.tfm$appendtolog\n";
	    print PUTVFTF "$mv $asename.tfm $tfmplace\n";
	# If oblique versions do NOT exist, we want to create oblique
	# forms of the upright fonts and unslant forms of the italics.
	# Slants depend on both the font family and series.
	$famseries = "$berryfam$berryseries";
	$slantind = -1;		# means stop
	if (not defined($obl{$famseries})) { # no oblique
	    $sgn = "."; $slantind = 0; # upright
	    if ($berryvars =~ /i/) { # in case an italic
		$sgn = "-.";
		$slantind = 1;	# italic
	    $currsl = "$sgn$seriesslant{$famseries}";
	    $dotlesssl = $currsl; 
	    $dotlesssl =~ s/\.//g; # fontinst doesn't want a decimal point
	    if ($dotlesssl eq"") {
		$dotlesssl = "167";
		$currsl = ".167";
	&makeuprights if $slantind == $currentlyslanted;
	&makeslanteds if $slantind == $currentlyupright;
    	## When sorting fonts to make instrucitons in the fontinst install
    	## file, fonts with the same family, weight, and series (5 chars)
    	## belong in the same instruction.  We'll store the list of fonts
    	## in 2 associative arrays indexed by these 5 char sequences---one
    	## array for regular fonts and one for sheared fonts.  Sheared fonts
    	## are either slanted or unslanted italic.
	$fivechars = $berryfam . substr($sortkey,3,2);
	$storefont = $asename; 
	$storeshear = $asetname;
	if ($isviiir) {
	    $storefont = $asename;
	    $storeshear = $asetname;
	$fifonts{$fivechars} .= "$storefont,"; # fonts for fontinst file
	$fishear{$fivechars} .= "$storeshear,"; # sheared fonts for fontinst
    close MAP; # closes psfonts.new
    ## In case this is a TDS system, we can eliminate path names from 
    ## from the entries in psfonts.new.
    if (&isTDS) {
        print REN "$del psfonts.tmp\n";
    if (-s "psfonts.new" > 2) {	# concatenate non-trivial map files
        open (ALL, ">psfonts.all");
        open (SRC, "psfonts.map") || die "The file psfonts.map vanished!";
        while (<SRC>) {print ALL $_;} # insert original map file
        close SRC; open (SRC, "psfonts.new");
        while (<SRC>) {print ALL $_;} # append all additions.
        close SRC;
        print REN "$del psfonts.map\n";
        print REN "$ren psfonts.all psfonts.map\n";
    print REN "$del psfonts.new\n";

sub makevfandstorefiles{
    print TFM "echo \"$vfname\"$appendtolog\n";
    print TFM "vptovf $vfname.vpl $vfname.vf $vfname.tfm$appendtolog\n";
    print PUTVFTF "$mv $vfname.vf $vfplace\n"; # store font files...
    print PUTVFTF "$mv $vfname.tfm $tfmplace\n";

sub printtestlines{
    print PLN "  \\font\\t=$vfname at \\fontsize \n$showfont";
    $showfont = "";
    print PLN "\\noindent\\llap\{\\tt $vfname:\\ \}\{\\t \\tryit\}\n";
    print LTX "\\noindent\\llap\{\\tt $vfenc/$ft/$nfssweight{$weight}/";
    print LTX "$nfsssh\\ \}\{\\fontfamily\{$ft\}\\fontseries\{";
    print LTX "$nfssweight{$weight}\}%\n  \\fontshape\{";
    print LTX "$nfsssh\}\\selectfont \\tryit\}\n";

## This sub reverses the list of fonts and adds reference to `ase2exp'
## if expert fonts
## are present and if the font family is sloppy.  See below for further comments.
		 "8x",   # expert fonts
		 "c8a",  # small caps fonts
		 "co8a", # small caps oblique
sub flistfix{ # assumes $flist contains a comma-separated font list.
    local(@myfonts)=split /,/,$flist;
    foreach $member (@sloppy_afms) {
	$is_sloppy=$true if $fam =~/^$member/;
    if ($#myfonts) { # let's reverse the list for more than 1 entry
	@myfonts=reverse @myfonts;
    $flist=join ',', @myfonts; $flist = "$flist,";
    if ($is_sloppy ) { # Now preface any small caps fonts by `ase2exp'
		       # and any swash fonts by `ase2alt'.
	foreach $type (@expert_like_fonts) {
	foreach $type (@swash_like_fonts) {
	## $myfonts[$#myfonts+1]=$myfonts[$#myfonts];
	## $myfonts[$#myfonts-1]="ase2exp";

## This subrtn prints a long, messy \installfont line to the
## makefont.tex file.  It breaks it at a `}{' if the line is 
## longer than $linelength characters.  It also adds lines to 
## test files, and it adds an entry to maketfm.bat and to 
## putfonts.bat.

$linelength = 76;
sub INSTline{
    local($vffont,$flist,$encfile,$enc,$fam,$series,$shape) = @_;
# $flist contains a list of fonts, regular, exp, alt, etc.  It's necessary
# to reverse the order.  That way, sloppy_afm families, like PAD (Adobe Garamond),
# can have the expert glyph names renamed by calling `ase2exp'.  File ase2exp.mtx
# gets called only if both the font fam is sloppy and expert fonts are present!
# Swash fonts have already played with the order of $flist, so we leave it alone
# if swash.  (The implicit assumption is that font families with swash alternates
# won't be sloppy.)
    &flistfix; # unless $nfsssh eq "sw";
    local($myline) = 
      "  \\installfont\{$vffont\}\{${flist}dotlessj,latinx\}$linesep";
    $myline .= "\{$encfile\}\{$enc\}\{$fam\}\{$series\}\{$shape\}\{\}\n";
    if (($shape eq "un") or ($shape eq "ni")) { # add uline if underlining
	$myline =~ s/latinx/uline,latinx/;
    local($l) = length $myline;
    $myline =~ s/latinx\}/latinx\}\%\n    / if $l > $linelength;
    $myline =~ s/,latinx// if ($shape eq "t") or ($shape eq "ti"); # for titling fonts
			     # or for displays, which have no lowercase letters,
			     # latinx generates errors becasue it refers to lower-
			     # case glyphs
    print INST $myline;

sub parsefivechars{
    $fam = substr($fivechars, 0 ,3);
    local($i) = substr($fivechars, 3, 1);
    $weight = $wt{$i};  
    $nfsswt = $nfssweight{$weight};
    $i = substr($fivechars, 4, 1); 
    $shape = $shp[$i];
    $nfsssh = $nfssshape{$shape};

@fontinstencfiles = (		# maps encoding shape to an etx file
 "OT1n OT1",
 "OT1sc OT1c",
 "OT1sl OT1",
 "OT1it OT1i",
 "OT1si OT1c",
 "OT1ui OT1",
 "OT1t OT1",
 "OT1ti OT1",
 "OT1n9 OT19vf",
 "OT1sc9 OT1c9vf",
 "OT1sl9 OT19vf",
 "OT1it9 OT1i9vf",
 "OT1si9 OT1c9vf",
 "OT1ui9 OT19vf",
 "OT1t9 OT1",
 "OT1ti9 OT1",
 "OT1nx OT1",
 "OT1scx OT1c",
 "OT1slx OT1",
 "OT1itx OT1",
 "OT1six OT1c",
 "OT1uix OT1",
 "OT1tx OT1",
 "OT1tix OT1",
 "OT1un OT1",
 "OT1un9 OT19vf",
 "OT1unx OT1",
 "OT1ni OT1",
 "OT1ni9 OT1i9vf",
 "OT1nix OT1",
 "T1n T1",
 "T1sc T1c",
 "T1sl T1",
 "T1it T1",
 "T1si T1c",
 "T1ui T1",
 "T1t T1",
 "T1ti T1",
 "T1n9 T19vf",
 "T1sc9 T1c9vf",
 "T1sl9 T19vf",
 "T1it9 T19vf",
 "T1si9 T1c9vf",
 "T1ui9 T1",
 "T1t9 T1",
 "T1ti9 T1",
 "T1nx T1",
 "T1scx T1c",
 "T1slx T1",
 "T1itx T1",
 "T1six T1c",
 "T1uix T1",
 "T1tx T1",
 "T1tix T1",
 "T1un T1",
 "T1un9 T19vf",
 "T1unx T1",
 "T1ni T1",
 "T1ni9 T19vf",
 "T1nix T1",

$lowercaseencoding = $false;
$lowercaseencoding = $true if $vfenc =~ /t1/;
sub loadencodingfilenames{
    foreach $elem (@fontinstencfiles) {
	$elem =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $lowercaseencoding == $true;
	($encodingtype,$filename) = split(/ /, $elem);
	$encodingfile{$encodingtype} = $filename;

  $plainprolog = <<"endplainprolog";
\\nopagenumbers \\newdimen\\fontsize
\% Change \\fontsize, \\baselineskip for different type sizes.
\\fontsize = 12pt \\baselineskip = 14pt \n
\\def\\tryit\{A fine flight Officiously Ruffles My Puff!  12345 ,.;:
  \\c{C}e Ph{\\oe}nix Va \\`a M\\\"unchen?\\endgraf\}
\\font\\1=cmr6 \\newcount\\cno
\\def\\dd{\\setbox0 = \\hbox{\\t\\char\\cno}\\ifdim\\wd0>0pt
  \\ifdim\\ht0>0pt \\box0\\lower3pt\\hbox{\\1\\the\\cno}\\fi\\fi
  \\global\\advance\\cno by1\\relax}
  \\centerline{A {\\tt plain} \\TeX{} Test File}
  \\centerline{Prepared by vfinst$ver at $now, on $curday, $curdate.}
$showfont = "  \\showfont\n"; 
  $latexprolog = <<"endlatexprolog";
\\newcommand\{\\tryit\}\{A fine flight Officiously Ruffles My Puff!  
  12345 ,.;: \\c{C}e Ph{\\oe}nix Va \\`a M\\\"unchen?\\endgraf\}\n
  A \\LaTeX{} Test File\\\\
  Prepared by vfinst$ver at $now, on $curday, $curdate.
The text in the left margin separated by slashes yields the NFSS
combination of encoding, family, series, and shape that 
generated that test line.\n\\vspace{1pc}\n

sub getvfname{ # determine the fontname2.1 name for virtual font
    local($fshape) = $_[0];
    local($vfname) = "$fam$weight";	# start with family & weight...
    local($thisvar) = $fshape;	# initialize to normal;
    $thisvar=  "" if $fshape eq "r";
    $thisvar = "c" if $fshape eq "sc";
    $thisvar = "ic" if $fshape eq "si";
    $thisvar = "iw"if $fshape eq "sw"; # swash
    $thisvar = "n" if $fshape eq "un";
    $thisvar = "ni" if $fshape eq "ni";
    $cork = $true; $cork = $false if $vfenc =~ /ot1/i;
    $encdigit = "7"; $encdigit = "8" if $cork;
    $encvar = "t";
    if (defined($expert{$fam})) {
	$encdigit = "9";	# start figuring expertised encodings...
	if ($cork) {
	    $encvar = "e";
	    $encvar = "d" if $type eq "9";
	} else {		# for original tex fonts...
	    $encvar = "t";
	    $encvar = "o" if $type eq "9";
    $vfname .= "$thisvar$encdigit$encvar";
    local($l) = length $vfname;
    print "Trouble---virtual font $vfname has too long a name!\n"
	if $l > 8;

## Many popular font families contain an italic swash raw font.
## Such fonts are distinguished by a fontname which contains the
## sequence `w8'.  This sub creates the swash font by taking the
## list of raw fonts ($regfonts), putting the swash name at the 
## front, and then generating entries into makefont.tex, putfonts.bat,
## and maketfm.bat.

$swashrawfont = "w8";
sub createswashfont{
    local(@fonts) = split(/,/, $regfonts);
    ## local($swashfont) = pop @fonts; # capture the name of swash font
    ## unshift(@fonts, $swashfont);
    local($swfonts) = join(',', @fonts) . ","; # rejoin everything together
    $vfname = &getvfname("sw");
    $nfsssh = "sw";		# new NFSS shape of sw
    local($swfil)="${vfenc}sw"; # name of swash encoding file

sub finishinstfile{
    print INST "\n\\installfonts\n";
    # We'll also prepare the test files...
    open (PLN, ">testpln.tex");
    open (LTX, ">testltx.tex");
    print PLN "$plainprolog";
    print LTX "$latexprolog";
    foreach $family (@fams) {
	@famchoices = ("");	# default
	@famchoices = ("9","x") if defined $expert{$family};
	foreach $type (@famchoices) {
	    print INST "\\installfamily\{$vfenc\}\{$family$type\}\{\}\n";
    print INST "%%\n";
    foreach $fivechars (sort keys %fifonts) {
	$regfonts = $fifonts{$fivechars}; 
	$shears = $fishear{$fivechars};
	$thesearenotdisplayfonts = $true;		# Any display fonts?
	$thesearenotdisplayfonts=$false if $shape =~ /d/; # They ARE displays
	$tfmplace = &findplacefor($fivechars, "tfm");
	$vfplace = &findplacefor($fivechars, "vf");
	@famchoices = ("");	# default
	@famchoices = ("9","x") if defined $expert{$fam};
	# For each entry there are three types of fonts we
 	# construct---the normal shape (which will be upright or
	# italic in fact), the matching small caps, and the
	# shear type (which will be slanted or unslanted italic).
	foreach $type (@famchoices) {
	    $ft = "$fam$type";  
	    # First, handle the main shape (upright or italic)...
	    $vfname = &getvfname($shape); # $shape is "r" or "i"
	    $nfsssh = $nfssshape{$shape};
	    $encodingtype = "$vfenc$nfsssh$type";
	    $fil = $encodingfile{$encodingtype};
	    if ($thesearenotdisplayfonts) {
		&createswashfont if $regfonts =~ /$swashrawfont/;
	        # 2nd, generate sheared variant (oblique or upright it)...
	        $shshape = "o"; $shshape = "u" if $shape eq "i";
	        $nfsssh = $nfssshape{$shshape};
	        $encodingtype = "$vfenc$nfsssh$type";
	        $fil = $encodingfile{$encodingtype};
	        $vfname = &getvfname($shshape);
		    unless $obl{"$fam$weight"};
	        # Third , the matching small caps...
	        $scshape = "sc"; $scshape = "si" if $shape eq "i"; # italic
		$scshape = "si" if $shape eq "o"; # oblique case
	        $nfsssh = $nfssshape{$scshape};
	        $encodingtype = "$vfenc$scshape$type";
	        $fil = $encodingfile{$encodingtype};
	        $vfname = &getvfname($scshape);
		# Next, underline fonts...
		$nshape = "n"; $nshape = "ni" if $shape eq "i";	# italic
		$nshape = "ni" if $shape eq "o"; # oblique
		$nfsssh = $nfssshape{$nshape};
		$encodingtype = "$vfenc$nshape$type";
	        $fil = $encodingfile{$encodingtype};
		# encodingtype mirrors that of main upright or italic font
		$vfname = &getvfname($nshape);
	    } else {		# a display font...
		$nfsssh = "t";	# titling (display)
		$nfsssh = "ti" if $shape eq "di";
	print INST "%%\n";
    print INST "\\endinstallfonts\n\n\\bye\n"; # finis
    print PLN "\n\\bye\n";
    print LTX "\n\\end\{document\}\n";
    # We also need to place the updated psfonts.map in proper place
    # and the fd files where they belong.  Sadly, we can't simply `move'
    # as certain unooperative OS's don't permit this if the file
    # already exists.
    print PUTFONT "$copy psfonts.map $vfmapdir${sep}psfonts.map\n";
    print CLEANUP "$rm psfonts.*\n$rm *.vfi\n$rm makefont.tex\n";
    print PUTVFTF "$mv *.fd $vfinputs\n";
    print CLEANUP "$rm *.mtx\n$rm *.pl\n$rm *.vpl\n$rm *.log\n$rm *.aux\n";
    print CLEANUP "$rm *.vlg\n$rm *.lst\n$rm *.bat\n$rm *.dvi\n$rm *.ps\n";
    ## Now to change executables to `execute' status for Unix systems...
    if ($sep eq "/") {
    	chmod 0755, "mkdirs.bat" if -e "mkdirs.bat";
    	local($cnt) = 
	   chmod 0755, "maketfm.bat", "putfonts.bat", 
           "putvftf.bat", "cleanup.bat", "newnames.bat";
    	print "Couldn't make .bat files executable---check permissions."
    	    if $cnt == 0;


  $finishtalk = <<"endfinishtalk";

Program `2vfinst' finished.  If you're satisfied with the 
way things went, execute the following commands:
  tex makefont
  [TDS only: run the system `texhash' or other tool to update 
    TDS search path.]
(All but the `tex' step take very little time.)
(To test your fonts: execute `mkdirs.bat', `newnames.bat', `tex makefont',
`maketfm.bat', and `putfonts.bat'.  Execute the final 2 steps only 
when you're sure you like the fonts and are ready to keep 
them with your other fonts.)

NOTE WELL: This message is stored in the Ascii file `finish.vfi'.

sub DoItAgain{
    if (&isTDS) {		# get typeface, supplier info
	&gettypeinfo;		# in %supplier, %typeface
    print $finishtalk;
    open (NXT, ">finish.vfi");
    print NXT $finishtalk;
    close NXT;

&DoItAgain; ## Yes!!