// Assumption: T is a struct with a static int `global` and a non-static int // `local`. Lib is a struct with a static string `testName`. typedef import(T, Lib); import TestLib; StartTest('Accessing static testName'); Lib.testName; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': new'); new T; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Unspecified Declaration'); T a; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Initializing to null'); T b = null; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Initializing to new'); T c = new T; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Access static member'); int d = T.global; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Access non-static member'); int e = c.local; EndTest(); StartTest(Lib.testName + ': Access static member from instance'); int f = c.global; EndTest();