# TikZ-Extensions ## License This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License and the GNU Free Documentation License. ## About the Author Name: Qrrbrbirlbel ## Introduction This is not a LaTeX package but a collection of libraries for PGF and TikZ; * `ext.calendar-plus` extends the `calendar` library with more tests, week numbers and a few goodies. * `ext.layers` allows to put nodes etc on a separate layer without having to use `pgfonlayer`. * `ext.nodes` extends the functionalities around nodes. * `ext.node-families` uses the AUX file to sync the sizes of nodes. * `ext.node-families.shapes.geometric` * `ext.paths.arcto` uses `\pgfpatharcto` to construct an arc *to* a point. * `ext.paths.ortho` provides orthogonal path operations `-|-`, `|-|`, `r-rl`, `r-lr`, `r-du` and `r-ud`. * `ext.paths.timer` adds timers to `rectangle`, `parabola`, `sin` and `cos`. * `ext.patterns.images` allows images to be used as a path‘s pattern. * `ext.positioning-plus` adds more ways to position nodes in reference to each other. * `ext.scalepicture` scales a TikZ picture to the desired dimensions. * `ext.topaths.arcthrough` installs a `to path` that expects a third point that defines an arc. * `ext.transformations.mirror` adds transformations that reflect on arbitrary lines. * `ext.misc` which includes * the PGFKeys library `ext.pgfkeys-plus` and * the PGFFor extension `pgffor-ext`. * Shapes: * `ext.shapes.circlearrow` * `ext.shapes.circlecrosssplit` * `ext.shapes.heatmark` * `ext.shapes.rectangleroundedcorners` * `ext.shapes.superellipse` * `ext.shapes.uncenteredrectangle` These were developed in response to questions on tex.stackexchange.com or texwelt.de.