%% $Id: Changes 1142 2020-02-12 19:07:50Z herbert $
pstricks-add.pro ----------- 
0.23 2009-12-17 - add RGBtoGRAY and WavelengthToGRAY
                - intiialize the random generator with realtime
0.22 2009-03-17 - add LineByHand stuff
0.21 2008-10-13 - add bubblesort macro
0.20 2008-01-12 - moved the AlgParser into pst-algparser.pro
                - moved Pyth2 and tan into pstricks.pro
0.14 2007-09-17 - moved Pyth2 into tx@Add part
0.13 2007-09-12 - temporarely version for \psbrace, code
		     will later go into pstricks.pro 
0.12 2007-09-03 - Added 
                  RGBtoGRAY, CMYKtoGRAY, HSBtoGRAY (hv) 
0.11 2007-06-23 - Added wavelengthToCMYK routine (hv)
                - RGBtoCMYK 
0.10 2006-10-15 - bug correction, x^-1 (dr)
                - Constants into tx@Dict to make them global (hv)
                - small stuff (hv)
                - define tan
0.09 2006-10-10 cvi for the wavelength to get an integer (hv)
0.08 2006-06-17 more improvements to the code (hv)
0.07 2006-04-03 remove whitespace (dr)
0.06 2006-01-16 EXP -> Exp, to prevent missmatch with pst-math (hv)
0.05 2005-11-12 fix bug in GTriangle (hv)
0.04 2005-10-06 added subroutines for calculating wavelength to rgb color(hv)
                   changing name of pst-eqdf.pro to pstricks-add.pro
2005.03  2005/05/16 (hv) small changes to the code
2005.02  2005/03/05 (dr) white space removal from expression
2004.02  2004/11/14 (dr) correction of a priority problem ^ before unary - (new rule FS)
2004.01  2004/09/14 (dr) initial version

pstricks-add.sty ----------- (hv)
 v. 0.17 2021-09-10  move \psRiemann into the tex file
 v. 0.16 2018-02-04  use \pscalculate from package pst-calculate
 v. 0.15 2018-02-03  added \psCalc from xpl3 (only for latex)
 v. 0.14 2010-02-11  move pst-fp message into pstricks.sty
 v. 0.13 2009-04-17  change pro file version number
 v. 0.12 2007-11-18  change pro file version number
 v. 0.11 2007-09-04  add a message for loading the prolouge file pstrick-add.pro

pstricks-add.tex ----------- (hv)
 v 3.90  2021-09-10 - changes for using package with lualatex
                    - fix \psOLympicRings
 v 3.89a 2020-02-12 - modified documentation for \psbrace
 v 3.89  2019-11-01 - added otion sngleline for \psbrace
 v 3.88  2019-05-11 - fix for a trailing space after \psrotatet
 v 3.87  2019-01-12 - added \psCallout
 v 3.86  2018-12-08 - added some more options for \psCancel
 v 3.85b 2018-02-04 - use LaTeX package pst-calculate
 v 3.85a 2018-02-03 - added area computing for \psStep
 v 3.85  2018-01-29 - added area computing for \psStep
 v 3.84  2017-09-16 - added \psRandomPointsArea
 v 3.83a 2017-08-24 - updated documentation
 v 3.83  2017-05-10 - use the star version for \psChar if no extra
                      linecolor present.
 v 3.82  2016-09-01 - moved arrow macros to new package pst-arrow
 v 3.81  2016-08-08 - added \psOlympicRings
 v 3.80  2016-04-25 - moved node definitions into pst-node
 v 3.79  2016-02-09 - added optional argument randInit to intialize
                      the random generator
 v 3.78  2016-02-07 - fix bug with strokeopacity for arrows
 v 3.77  2014-12-08 - fix bug with sup/inf for \psStep
 v 3.76  2014-11-29 - fix bug with color setting and \psrotate
 v 3.75  2014-07-22 - use \pcline instead of \psline for \psRelLine
                      and \psParallelLine
 v 3.74  2014-07-15 - Allow a node as a startpoint for \psVector
 v 3.73  2014-06-16 - enable \ncput et al for \psVector
 v 3.72  2014-06-12 - allow multiple coors for \psVector
 v 3.67  2014-05-07 - some minor fixes to \psStep
 v 3.66  2014-04-17 - added \psBigArrow
 v 3.65  2014-01-21 - added \ignorespaces for \psStartPoint
 v 3.64  2014-01-03 - fix for \psCircleTangent
 v 3.63  2013-12-14 - added \ignorespaces in \psRelNode
 v 3.62  2013-11-13 - added \noVerticalLines
 v 3.61  2013-09-18 - added \pstContour
 v 3.60  2013-01-01 - fix bug with correct angle in \psPlotTangent
 v 3.59  2012-09-27 - added uselinecolor option for \psChart
 v 3.58  2012-06-04 - don't close data file
 v 3.57  2011-12-20 - added \psparallelogrambox
 v 3.56  2011-12-12 - added node definitions for \psTangentLine
 v 3.55  2011-12-11 - fix bug in \psplotTangent for arrows and linewidth
 v 3.54  2011-08-20 - new optional argument for the vee arrow line style
 v 3.53  2011-08-03 - use setting of \Pst@Debug for shownode()
 v 3.52  2011-06-09 - add new optional argument for \psCancel
 v 3.51  2011-02-02 - add new Macro\psKiviat for Kiviat diagrams
 v 3.50  2011-01-29 - add new optional argument colorTypeDef for \psMatrix
 v 3.49  2011-01-18 - add macro \psEllipseTangents for drawing tangent
                      lines of a point and an ellipse.
 v 3.48  2010-12-18 - add macro \psCircleTangents for drawing tangent
                      lines of a point and a circle or two circles.
 v 3.47  2010-12-14 - save the absolute coordinates of \psVector in node names
 v 3.46  2010-12-13 - added new macro \psVector for drawing vectors with
                      relative coordinates (hv)  
 v 3.45  2010-11-01 - modified \Put for checking coor type (hv)  
 v 3.44  2010-08-28 - new option XYoffset for \psMatrixPlot (hv)  
 v 3.43  2010-08-17 - moved option method into pst-plot (hv)  
 v 3.42  2010-08-01 - fix bug with \newcount\pst@cntC (hv)  
 v 3.41  2010-06-16 - fix bug with psComment and the \if@star (hv)  
 v 3.40  2010-03-12 - add macros for ticks on curves (ms)  
 v 3.39  2010-03-12 - fixed bug with algebraic option in \psplotTangent  
 v 3.38  2009-12-13 - moved \Pst@algebraic into the base pstricks.tex  
                    - add SAveFinalState for plots
 v 3.37  2009-12-01 - fix bug with Tnormal in \psPlotTangent
 v 3.36  2009-11-14 - fix bug with missing \def\pst@par in objects
                    - add \pstGetDistance
 v 3.35  2009-08-13 - fix bug with trailing space in \psaxes@vi
                    - fix bug with star version of psplotTangent
                      take care of math mode for comma or dot
 v 3.34  2009-05-25 - modified macro \psMatrixPlot
 v 3.33  2009-05-23 - fixed introduced bug with \pstScalePoints
 v 3.32  2009-05-11 - added psTangentLine for a curve of three points
                      Tnormal option is valid
                    - load pst-math for equation solver
 v 3.31  2009-04-29 - added \pstFPDiv for division int(#1=#2/#3)
                    - added axes style "polar" \psaxes[axesstyle=polar](5,5)
                    - fix trailing space with yAxisLabel
                    - added option decimalSeparator to allow special symbols
                      for persian language
 v 3.30  2009-04-17 - rewrote unit calculation for \psgraph. It uses now the
                      package pst-fp, which has the division macro (stolen 
                      from the fp package)
                    - new star option for psPlotTangent
                    - new optional argument for a x interval for psPlotTangent
                    . new macro pslineByHand to make "hand drawn lines"
 v 3.20  2009-03-16 - add option showOriginTick, similiar to showorigin from
                      the basic pst-plot
 v 3.19  2009-03-06 - fix introduced bug with division in the \psgraph macro
 v 3.18  2009-03-03 - fix bug with division in the \psgraph macro
                    - add macro \psComment 
                    - add optional argument for \psplot and \parametricplot 
		      for additional PostScript settings
		    - add macro \psGetSlope  
		    - add \psForeach (without grouping its contents)
 v 3.17  2009-01-17 - add optional argument for \psplot ans \parametricplot 
		      for additional PostScript settings
 v 3.16  2008-12-22 - make showorigin also valid for the ticks
 v 3.15  2008-12-12 - fixed bug with \psgraph and the optional labels
 v 3.14  2008-12-02 - fixed bug with \psaxes and the optional arguments
 v 3.13  2008-11-24 - added the PostScript variable ps@Exit to exit loops in
                      \psaxes and \parametricplot
                    - added yMaxValue option for plotstyles lines, polygons and beziers
                      to draw discontinued functions
 v 3.12  2008-11-14 - modified \psxTick and \psyTick (Martin Chicoine)
                    - new macro \use@keep@par, which doesn't delete the setting
                      after using it
 v 3.11  2008-10-15 - added \psBoxplot
 v 3.10  2008-08-27 - fix bug with \pslabelsep and \psh(v)label
 v 3.09  2008-08-06 - fix bug with lineAngle
		    - make chartNodes variable
 v 3.08  2008-08-06 - fix bug with xyDecimals
 v 3.07  2008-07-18 - fix bug with \psdice
		    - new macro \psChart
                    - added setlinecap to linestyle dashed
                    - fix bug with \psGTriangle and fillstyle for \pspolygon
 v 3.06  2008-06-20 - fix bug with vertical setting of the horizontal labels
		    - add option value inner for tickstyle
		    - add Makro \psCancel (Stefano Baroni)
 v 3.05  2008-06-06 - rewrote the axes-label setting for the psgraph environment
		    - add \pst@mindim{#1}{#2}#3
		    - rewrote label setting for \psaxes
 v 3.04  2008-06-02 - make \pslinewidth and \psfillstyle available in \psbrace
 v 3.03  2008-05-20 - fix introduced bug with ps.pro
 v 3.02  2008-04-25 - set correct labelFontSize for math mode
                    - add macro \psPie with some additional 
		      optional arguments
 v 3.01  2008-04-15 - import changes from pst-plot in \ps@axisiv
		      new option mathLabel for setting labels in text
		      or math mode
		    - fix bug with labelstyle
 v 3.00  2008-01-01 - delete transalpha stuff
                    - load header file pst-algparser.pro
 v 2.93  2007-12-23 - fix bug with transpalpha
 v 2.92  2007-11-18 - fix bug with pst@getcolor for tickcolor option
 v 2.91  2007-10-20 - add the step types supremum/infimum for showing the
                      integral of a function
		    - add \chardef\f@ur=4
 v 2.90  2007-09-25 - add \DefPSPNodes to defines 9 nodes depending to the
		      pspciture environment.
		    - fix bug in psHomothetie and pstRotate for special coor 
 v 2.89  2007-09-12 - temporarely version for \psbrace, code
		      will later go into pstricks.tex
 v 2.88  2007-09-03 - add \psHomothetie for mirroring any object
		    - add option Tnormal for the \psplotTangent macro
		    - add \psxTick and \psyTick for single ticks with a label
		    - add arrowLW (arrowlinewidth for the line ends o and *
		    - new \psbrace for a better look
 v 2.87  2007-07-19 - fix bug with \psrotate
                      add two optional arguments for \psaxes for the xy label
 v 2.86  2007-06-23 - add option CMYK
		    - add additional arrow types
 v 2.85  2007-04-01 - fix bug with labelFontSize (missing in fractions)
 v 2.84  2007-03-13 - add plotstyle LSM for a Least Square Method to calculate
                      the values for a line y=v*x+u, which fits best all 
		      data records (hv)
 v 2.83  2007-01-22 - write the  x-y values of psDiffEqn to a file (hv)
                    - fix bug in pst@Triangle
 v 2.82  2007-01-02 - rename \pstranspalpha to \psk@transpalpha (hv)
 v 2.81  2006-10-10 - fix a trailing space in \pstScalePoints
		    - add macro \psforeach
		    - fix bug in the line macros \length -> \linelength
 v 2.80  2006-09-25 - fix a trailing space for fillstyle transparent
 v 2.79  2006-09-21 - make ! not active (for french language and SpecialCoor)
                    - added macro \psforeach
		    - added transalpha option for tranparency color
		    - rename the family name to pstricksadd (pst-xkey)
		      allows using the interla macros of xkeyval
 v 2.78  2006-08-07 - allow ! for the y Length in \psgraph
                      fix bug with undefined \psk@barwidth (missing \psset}
 v 2.77  2006-07-12 - use of abs(dx) to get labels for negative \pst@dx
		    - fix bug in trigLabels
 v 2.76  2006-06-24 - renaming all \Pixxx macros to \psPixx
                      to prevent mismatches with other packages,
		      which define also \Pi.
		      also renamed \RadUnit and \RadUnitInv to \pstRad...
		      (not valid for pstricks-add.pro)
 v 2.75  2006-06-17 - plot a derivative of a function by the equation or numerical
                      (\psplot and \paramericplot)
                    - delete macro \psLineIII and the two special options
                    - add macro \psMatrixPlot
                    - option trigLabelBase for advanced setting of trogonometrical
		      x-axis labels
		    - option labelFontSize 
                    - fix introduced bug with Hook arrow and (-)
                    - fix bug for Hook arrow with ArrowInside option
                    - fix bug with readdata
                    - revert all changes
                    - fix a bug with lines and psgraph
 v 2.74  2006-01-02 - add \psdice
 v 2.73  2005-12-21 - renaming the \setLNode and \setLCNode to
                      \psLNode and \psLCNode.
		      new macro \psLDNode
	 	    - add missing fillstyle for \psStep
		    - add StepType Riemann
 v 2.72  2005-11-27 - fix introduced bug in psgraph
                    - add new macro \psStep with new option StepType
 v 2.71  2005-10-24 - use \def instead of \edef for subtickcolor
                      and also using \pst@getcolor
	 	    - fix bug with Ox and log axes
 v 2.70  2005-10-20 - use \def instead of \edef for X|YAxisLabel
                    - make psgraph correct use of the origin values
		    - added a new macro \psLNode and \nlput for a
		      node label with absolute position
 v 2.69  2005-10-12 moving the basic arrows into pstricks )-(,]-[
                    bugfix for hook arrow
 v 2.68  2005-10-09 fix a bug with trigLabels and showorigin
 v 2.67  2005-10-08 rewrote \psrotate macro
                    added three predefined hatchstyles for simulating transparent colors 
 		    TRed, TGreen,TBlue 
 v 2.66 2005-10-06 add more support for Gouraud-shading, emulate the PS subroutines
                    if not present in the PS level 
 v 2.65  2005-10-03 add support for Gouraud-shading 
 v 2.64  2005-09-25 fix a bug in reading ticksize values (\pst@getdimdim} 
 v 2.63  2005-09-18 fix another bug with option names 
 v 2.62  2005-09-08 fix new introduced bug in \psbrace 
 v 2.61  2005-09-08 fix bug in \psbrace 
 v 2.60  2005-08-28 added some more line fill styles 
 v 2.59  2005-08-06 bugfix for option intSeparator
	  	    add macro \psrotate
 v 2.58  2005-07-25 ArrowInside=- for \psbrace
 v 2.57  2005-07-07 some improvements to psgraph
 v 2.56  2005-06-25 fix bug with \pscustom and poynom
	 	   fix introduced trailing space in \readdata
 v 2.55  2005-05-26 some tweeks to the code, updating the documentation
 v 2.54  2005-05-25 added option ChangeOrder
 v 2.53  2005-05-23 dito
 v 2.52  2005-05-22 fix bug in psplotTangent
 v 2.51  2005-05-21 drop support of option varStep
 v 2.50  2005-05-20 first try with psplotDiffEqn, plotting differential equation,
                    needs _newest_ pst-eqdf.pro and pstricks.pro
 v 2.49  2005-05-19 fix bug in psplotTangent and make option showpointa available
 v 2.48  2005-05-18 fix some new introduced bugs and make psplotTangent for all
                    plot macros working 
 v 2.47  2005-05-17 make psplotTangens also available for the parametric plot 
                    together with the algebraic option 		   
 v 2.46  2005-05-16 make psplotTangens also available for the polarplot and
                    algebraic option 		   
 v 2.45  2005-05-16 small changes to the code
 v 2.44  2005-05-15 added macro psplotTangent
 v 2.43  2005-04-20 some more tweeks to triglabels
 v 2.42  2005-04-17 small bugfix with the options
 v 2.41  2005-04-17 new option ignoreLines for  \readdata
 v 2.40  2005-04-13 new option trigLabels
 v 2.39  2005-03-17 modify the Rhook subroutine (abs)
 v 2.38  2005-03-03 move the loading of a config file into pstricks-add.sty
 v 2.37  2005-02-20 drop support of tickstyle (pst-plot),
                    fix several bugs in connection with the ticksize option
	 	    minor code changes
 v 2.36  2005-02-20 added missing LabelFactor
 v 2.35  2005-02-19 small improvements
 v 2.34  2005-02-10 fix bug with comma
 v 2.33  2005-01-18 add a config file
 v 2.32  2005-01-16 added hook arrow (for bond lines)
 v 2.31  2004-12-11 activate \pslinestyle for the axes
 v 2.30  2004-12-07 make xyAxes run
 v 2.29  2004-12-04 spurious blank in ArrowInside
 v 2.28  2004-11-23 small changes to the code
 v 2.27  2004-11-19 tickstyle now a pstricks-add key
 v 2.26  2004-11-17 spurious blank in \psbrace
 v 2.25  2004-11-13 fixed a new introduced bug
 v 2.24  2004-11-12 added the psRandom macro for random dots
 v 2.23  2004-11-11 added the star option for psgraph
 v 2.22  2004-11-04 fixed bug with \psset
 v 2.21  2004-10-24 added \psParallelLine for lines parallel to another one
                    added \psIntersectionPoint(#1)(#2)(#3)(#4){nodeName} 
 v 2.20  2004-10-24 added \psRelLine for lines relative to another one
 v 2.19  2004-10-20 small changes
 v 2.18  2004-10-20 add \ncbarr
 v 2.17	 2004-10-14 new multiple arrows