%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: mnt.sty % Author: Oliver Corff % Date: December 24, 2004 % Version: \VersionRelease % Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin % % Description: The mnt style file provides access to all % commands necessary for writing Sino-Mongolian % text as in the "Secret History of the Mongols". % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file contains utf8-encoded material. While editing it % in non-Unicode environments may break the display of Chinese % characters, the compile process is safe as all character- % producing commands are expressed in ASCII-only form. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % ------------------- identification ------------------- % \newcommand{\MNTVersionDate}{2004/12/24} \newcommand{\VersionRelease}{0.3} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mnt}[\MNTVersionDate: Mongolyn Nuuc Towqoo Characters for LaTeX2e] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- initial code ------------------- % \input mntsbnum % Access characters by Sum`yaabaatar's number \input mntbrnum % Access characters by Bayar's position \input mntpycmd % Access characters by pinyin style command % \def\graphicfileextension{\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined .eps\else .pdf\fi} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- declaration of options ------------------- % %\DeclareOption{}{} % Nothing yet % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- execution of options ------------------- % %\ProcessOptions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- package loading ------------------- % \RequirePackage{CJK} % For Chinese characters \RequirePackage[\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined\else pdftex\fi]{graphicx} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- main code ------------------- % % \MNT creates the MNT logo % \newcommand{\MNT}{M\textsc{n}T} % % The mnt environment is necessary for issuing Chinese characters. % \newenvironment{mnt}% {% % at begin of environment \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{}% % load CJK in Unicode encoding \makepycmdactive% % Make Pinyin Input active } {\end{CJK}} % at end of environment % % The mnt is used for small portions of Chinese characters. % \newcommand{\textmnt}[1]{% \begin{mnt}#1\end{mnt}} % \newcommand{\UC}[2]{\CJKchar[UTF8]{#1}{#2}}% prints normal hanzi % % The following prints characters stored as bitmaps % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{\graphicfileextension} \newcount\psvaluecount \newlength\psscalebase \newlength\psscalevalue \def\lzero{0.} % leading zero \newcommand{\gaiji}[1]{% \psscalevalue=\psscalebase \psscalevalue=\f@size\psscalevalue \psvaluecount\number\psscalevalue\relax \raisebox{-2pt}{\includegraphics[scale=\lzero\the\psvaluecount]{#1}}}% % \newcommand{\tchar}[1]{\raisebox{0.60ex}{\tiny#1\hspace{-0.15em}}} % \newcommand{\xel}{\tchar{\UC{130}{12}}} \newcommand{\xooloi}{\tchar{\UC{78}{45}}} \newcommand{\glossencoding}[1]{\def\glossencodingvalue{#1}} \newcommand{\mntword}[3]{% \begin{tabular}{c} \textit{#3}\\ % Transliteration on top \textmnt{#1}\\ % Text in characters \hline % horizontal line, of course \begin{CJK}{\glossencodingvalue}{} % gloss encoding {\scriptsize#2} % gloss \end{CJK} \end{tabular} } \newcommand\@mntcharerror[2]{% \@latex@error{Package MNT: Select between 1 and #2 for syllable #1.}\@ehb} \newcommand\@mntnumerror{% \@latex@error{Package MNT: Number too large for this set of syllables.}\@ehb} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The \MnT\ package ends here.