% Computer Modern italic lower case with dotted diacriticals for Turkish etc. % These letters were originally coded by D. E. Knuth in November, 1979, % inspired by the Monotype faces used in {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}. % Sans serif designs by Richard Southall were added in April, 1982. % The programs were revised for the new \MF\ conventions in 1985. % Dotted diacriticals added by P. A. MacKay, January, 1987. if unknown accsub: input accsub fi % Character codes \020 through \032 are generated. cmchar "Italic letter dad"; dot_sharp_values; beginchar(oct"020",9u#,asc_height#,desc_depth#); italcorr max(1/3x_height#*slant+.5hair#+.5u#, h#*slant+.5stem#-2u#) if math_fitting:-.5u# fi; adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib; pos0(hair,0); pos1(vair,90); pos2(curve,180); pos3(vair,270); x0=x4; x1=x3=.5[x0,x2]; lft x2r=hround(1.5u-.5curve); x4+.5stem=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem); top y1r=x_height+oo; bot y3r=-oo; y0=y2=.5[y1,y3]; filldraw stroke super_arc.e(0,1) & pulled_arc.e(1,2) & pulled_arc.e(2,3) & super_arc.e(3,0); % bowl x5=x0; x7=w; hook_out(5,6,7); % closing hook pickup tiny.nib; pos5'(stem,0); pos4(stem,0); z5'=z5; top y4=h; filldraw stroke z4e--z5'e; % stem sloped_serif.l(4,5',a,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % serif math_fit(-.3x_height#*slant+.5curve#-u#,ic#); numeric dot_shift, dot_top; define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_top); dot_shift=-dot_top-desc_depth; x8=.5w; dot_accent(8,g,dot_shift); penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; cmchar "Italic letter ghayn"; numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=max(dot_size#,cap_curve#); beginchar(oct "021",8u#,min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#+.5dot_diam#),desc_depth#); define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_diam); italcorr x_height#*slant+.5stem#-u#; adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib; pos0(hair,0); pos1(vair,90); pos2(curve,180); pos3(vair,270); x0=x4; x1=x3=.5[x0,x2]; lft x2r=hround(1.5u-.5curve); x4+.5stem=hround(w-1.5u+.5stem); top y1r=x_height+oo; bot y3r=0; y0=y2=.5[y1,y3]; filldraw stroke super_arc.e(0,1) & pulled_arc.e(1,2) & pulled_arc.e(2,3) & super_arc.e(3,0); % bowl pos4(stem,0); y4+.5stem=vround .98x_height; pos5(stem,0); x5=x4; y5=-1/3d; pos6(vair,-90); pos7(hair,-180); pos8(flare,-180); bot y6r=-d-oo; y8-.5flare=vround -.9d; lft x8r=hround(2u-.5flare); x6=x1; bulb(6,7,8); % bulb filldraw circ_stroke z4e---z5e...{left}z6e; % stem and arc math_fit(-min(.3x_height#*slant+.5curve#-u#,1.5u#-desc_depth#*slant), ic#-1/3x_height#*slant); pickup tiny.nib; pos9(dot_diam,0); pos10(dot_diam,90); x9=.55[x2r,x4r]; % top y10r=h+1; if bot y10l-top y1