bxdpx-beamer Package ==================== LaTeX: to fix some problems in use of Beamer with dvipdfmx This packges makes the two types of links work: - Navigation symbols - \framezoom'd regions ### Installation - `*.sty` → $TEXMF/tex/latex/bxdpx-beamer ### Usage Load this package as usual in the preamble of Beamer documents: \documentclass[dvipdfmx]{beamer} \usepackage{bxdpx-beamer} This package does not provide any user commands. ### License This package is distributed under the MIT License. Revision History ---------------- * Version 0.3 〈2016/08/06〉 - The driver of geometry package is forced to be `dvipdfm`. * Version 0.2 〈2013/02/27〉 - The first public version. -------------------- Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR") http://zrbabbler.sp.land.to/