# 北京林业大学 (BJFU) 毕业论文模板 (LaTeX) Copyright (C) 2021 Liu Changxin Version 1.2.1 (2021-07-01) ## Abstract This is a class file for producing dissertations and theses according to the Beijing Forestry University (BJFU) Guidelines for Undergraduate Theses and Dissertations. The class should meet all current requirements and is updated whenever the university guidelines change. ## 简介 bjfuthesis是北京林业大学 (BJFU) 毕业生撰写毕业论文使用的LaTeX模板。使用该模板可以快速编写出符合论文格式要求的论文。该模板精心编写,具有使用简单、便捷、可靠的优点。 ## 使用方法 注:虽然同时包含了.lyx文件与.tex文件,但.tex文件不再更新,只起示例作用。推荐使用LyX。 1. 下载并安装MiKTeX:https://miktex.org/download 1. 下载并安装LyX:https://www.lyx.org/Download 1. 导入bjfuthesis.layout 1. 将bjfuthesis.layout文件复制至<LyX安装目录>/Resources/layouts中 1. LyX中点击 工具 -> 重新配置 LyX 1. 重新启动LyX 1. 双击example文件夹下的thesis.lyx 1. 点击 文件 -> 导出 -> 导出 [PDF (XeTeX)] 1. 等到界面右下角旋转的圆圈消失,在example文件夹下,你就可以看见新生成的PDF文件了 1. (可选)论文要求摘要前的部分单面打印,摘要(含)后的部分双面打印。本文档为方便打印,已在需单面打印的部分插入空白页,如不需要,可删除 ## Contribute You can contribute to the template in https://github.com/bjfu-projects/bjfuthesis ## License Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.