# fancyhandout ## A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts Many students conducting a presentation are asked to provide a handout containing the essential information of their report. However, LaTeX has never been designed for typesetting such documents mostly consisting out of bullet points. `fancyhandout` breaks up with some of LaTeX's principles and redefines basic LaTeX commands with the aim of producing well-designed and clear structured handouts: A \textsf{sans-serif} font is used by default, sections are not numbered and highlighted by underlining them, head- and footline display document information and for avoiding too large whitespace around the text, the margin sizes are adjusted to a proper value. All together, `fancyhandout` provides a way of typesetting documents not exclusively consisting of running text in a beautiful way. ### Dependencies `fancyhandout` depends on these other LaTeX packages: `csquotes`, `enumitem`, `etoolbox`, `fancyhdr`, `geometry` and `xcolor` ### License This work is licensed under the LPPL 1.3c or any later version.