# gitlog.sty -- Typeset git logs as bibliographies The *gitlog* package allows git change log history to be incorporated into LaTeX documents; the log data is obtained from the git distributed version control system. The current release (0.0.beta) is a proof-of-concept release to allow users an early evaluation and to attract ideas and support. Requests and suggestions, as well as code contributions are welcome, via email, or as issues or pull requests on either Github or Bitbucket. The repository URLs are: * https://github.com/Hightor/gitlog/tree/develop * https://bitbucket.org/brentl/gitlog/commits/branch/develop ### Licencing Copyright 2015 Brent Longborough. *gitlog* is licenced under the LPPL. For more details, please see the accompanying manual: gitlog.pdf. ### Change History Current Release: 0.0.beta 2015-11-22. Probably not suitable for high-quality production environments! Please see gitlog.pdf in the package documentation directory for release history and a full changelog. This work consists of these files: gitlog.sty, gitlog.bbx, gitlog.dbx, gitlog.tex, gitlog.sample.bib, gitHeadLocal.gin, gitlog.pdf, and README.md (this file)