# graphicscache This LaTeX package provides caching of `\includegraphics` calls, with several useful effects: * Recompilations are much faster (10x speedup observed) * Images can be postprocessed with `ghostscript` before inclusion, thus: * Automatic downscaling to specified DPI * Automatic JPEG compression with configurable quality * Much smaller files (e.g. 10MB instead of 150MB)! Note: Due to the one-by-one invocation of `pdflatex` and `ghostscript` for each graphics element, the first compilation is typically slower than usual. Note: graphicscache needs the `\write18` call (also called shell escape). This is a security risk if you have untrusted TeX sources. graphicscache supports **PDFLaTeX** and **LuaLaTeX**, **XeLaTeX** is not supported. ## Quickstart Compile the package using latex graphicscache.ins to generate the file `graphicscache.sty`, which you should place in your TeX input path. On Unix systems, this can be done by: mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex/graphicscache cp graphicscache.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/graphicscache/ texhash Or just drop the graphicscache.sty next to your TeX document. Activate caching with \usepackage{graphicscache} and you are finished. Remember to compile your document with `-shell-escape`, like pdflatex -shell-escape paper.tex Most LaTeX editors allow you to enable shell escape in their settings. Your PDF should now re-compile faster and be significantly smaller! ## Releasing Another feature is creating a "release" tarball containing your TeX sources and the downscaled images. **NOTE**: This is not required for using the caching & compression features of graphicscache! Just use the `release.sh` shell script in your source directory. In this case it is recommended to place the `graphicscache.sty` file in your source tree, since your release target will probably not have it. # first copy graphicscache.sty and release.sh into your paper directory cp ... # then release! bash release.sh paper.tex After checking `test_release/submission.pdf`, the file `release.tar` can be uploaded to arXiv (they will extract it automatically). ## Documentation For more information, check the package documentation, which you can generate with: pdflatex graphicscache.dtx