# Intelligent brackets - The ibrackets package ## Presentation This small package provides a new definition of square brackets `[` and `]` as active characters to get correct blank spaces in mathematical mode when using them for open intervals instead of parenthesis: `]-\infty, 0[` is equivalent to `(-\infty, 0)`. ## Installation - run LaTeX on ibrackets.ins, you obtain the file ibrackets.sty, - if then you run pdfLaTeX on ibrackets.dtx you get the file ibrackets.pdf which is also in the archive, - put the files ibrackets.sty and ibrackets.pdf in your TeX Directory Structure. ## Author Antoine Missier Email: antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr ## License Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3 or later. See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt