# MathSemantics.sty [![documentation](https://badgen.net/badge/documentation/pdf/green)](https://ronnybergmann.net/MathSemantics.sty/mathsemantics-documentation.pdf) ![LaTeX](https://badgen.net/badge/language/LaTeX/blue) [![GitHub license](https://badgen.net/github/license/kellertuer/MathSemantics.sty)](https://github.com/kellertuer/MathSemantics.sty/blob/master/LICENSE) This LaTeX package `mathsemantics.sty` provides both syntactic and semantic helpers to typeset math in LaTeX. The syntactic layer eases typesetting of formular in general, while the semantic layer provides commands like `\inner{x}{y}` to unify typesetting of inner products. These not only unify typesetting of math formulae but also allow to easily adapt Notation if a user prefers to. The semantic layer is split into topics. ## Example Instead of always writing ```latex \lVert x \rVert ``` for the norm and maybe having to manually increase _both_ delimiters for example in ```latex \Bigr\lVert \frac{x}{2} \Bigr\rVert ``` with the commands from this package this simplifies to ```latex \norm{x} ``` and ```latex \norm[Big]{\frac{1}{2}} ``` For a comprehensive overview over all commands, see the [mathsemantics-documentation.pdf](https://ronnybergmann.net/MathSemantics.sty/mathsemantics-documentation.pdf).