\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{ncctitlepage} [2005/12/26 v1.00 The titlepage environment (NCC)] % % \changes{v1.00}{2005/12/26}{This version is uploaded to CTAN} % \RequirePackage{textarea} \@ifundefined{if@restonecol}{\newif\if@restonecol} % % The titlepage environment. Sets the empty page style at the top-level % title page. We suppose that a title page can contain many pages and many % title pages inside. The page counter is restored to its % original value after leaving a top-level title page. % \newif\ifNCC@intitle \NCC@intitlefalse \def\titlepage{% \clearpage \if@twocolumn \@restonecoltrue \onecolumn \else \@restonecolfalse \fi \ifNCC@intitle \let\NCC@restorepagecount\@empty \else \pagestyle{empty} \edef\NCC@restorepagecount{% \noexpand\global\noexpand\c@page \@arabic\c@page\relax}% \setcounter{page}\z@ \c@footnote\z@ \def\thefootnote{\@fnsymbol\c@footnote}% \NCC@intitletrue \fi \let\NCC@restoretextarea\@empty } \def\endtitlepage{% \clearpage \NCC@restoretextarea \if@restonecol\twocolumn \fi \NCC@restorepagecount } % % The star-form of the titlepage environment works as an inner one, % i.e. it does not change the page counter. \newenvironment{titlepage*}{\NCC@intitletrue \clearpage\pagestyle{empty}\titlepage }{\endtitlepage} \endinput