% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright 2024 Tristan Miller % ----------------------------------- % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2008 or later. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{sshrc-insight.dtx} % %<*class> %% Copyright 2024 Tristan Miller %% Copyright 2021 Steven B. Segletes %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2008 or later. %% % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2018-04-01] %\DeclareRelease{2024}{}{sshrc-insight.cls} %\DeclareRelease{v2024}{}{sshrc-insight.cls} %\DeclareCurrentRelease{v2024.1.0}{2024-10-21} %\ProvidesClass{sshrc-insight} %<*class> [2024-10-21 v2024.1.0 Class for SSHRC Insight Grant proposals] % % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \DisableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \addtolength\marginparwidth{5ex} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{6ex} \addtolength\evensidemargin{6ex} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{hologo} \begin{document} \DocInput{sshrc-insight.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \CheckSum{219} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \GetFileInfo{sshrc-insight.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment} % % % \title{\textsf{sshrc-insight}: A \LaTeX\ class for\\ SSHRC Insight % Grant proposals\thanks{This document corresponds to % \textsf{sshrc-insight}~\fileversion, dated \filedate. See % §\ref{sec:version} for an explanation of the versioning scheme.}} % % \author{Tristan Miller\\ % Department of Computer Science\\ % University of Manitoba\\ % \texttt{Tristan.Miller@umanitoba.ca}} % % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % \newpage % % \section{Introduction}\label{sec:introduction} % % This document describes the usage of \textsf{sshrc-insight}, a % \LaTeX\ class and template that facilitate the preparation of % funding proposals for the Insight % Grants\footnote{\url{https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/programs-programmes/insight_grants-subventions_savoir-eng.aspx}} % program of Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council % (SSHRC). SSHRC requires these proposals to be submitted through an % online application form that consists of various short- and % long-answer fields, as well as file submission fields where the % applicant must attach various PDF documents structured and formatted % according to certain specifications. \textsf{sshrc-insight} allows % you to compose the long-answer fields and PDF documents with \LaTeX, % \hologo{XeLaTeX}, or \hologo{LuaLaTeX}, with the following principal % benefits: % % \begin{itemize} % \item Formats the PDF documents according to the SSHRC's % specifications. % % \item Allows parts of the proposal to be compiled into separate PDFs % to attach to the appropriate places in the online application % form. % % \item Alternatively, allows the proposal to be compiled into a % single PDF in order to facilitate the writing and pre-submission % reviewing process. % % \item Ensures that citation numbering remains consistent regardless % whether the proposal is compiled as separate PDFs or a single PDF. % % \item Provides character counts for long-answer form fields. % % \item Supports preparation of proposals in either English or French. % \end{itemize} % % The current version of \textsf{sshrc-insight} structures and formats % proposals according to SSHRC's 2024 call. It is expected that % future versions of the class will support the structure and format % of future calls, while maintaining backward compatibility. % % \section{Usage} % % SSHRC provides instructions for structuring and formatting the PDF % documents to attach to the online application form. Since form and % content cannot be entirely separated, the best way of starting a new % proposal is to make a copy of the template proposal distributed with % this class and then adapt it to your project. This template % includes the following files: % % \begin{itemize} % \item \texttt{budget\_justification.tex} % \item \texttt{career\_interruptions.tex} % \item \texttt{detailed\_description.tex} % \item \texttt{exclusion\_of\_potential\_reviewers.tex} % \item \texttt{expected\_outcomes.tex} % \item \texttt{knowledge\_mobilization\_plan.tex} % \item \texttt{list\_of\_references.tex} % \item \texttt{multi-interdisciplinary\_evaluation.tex} % \item \texttt{previous\_critiques.tex} % \item \texttt{research\_contributions.tex} % \item \texttt{research-creation\_support\_material.tex} % \item \texttt{research\_team.tex} % \item \texttt{summary.tex} % \item \texttt{insight\_proposal.tex} % \item \texttt{insight\_proposal.bib} % \end{itemize} % % The \texttt{insight\_proposal.tex} file is the \emph{main document}. % Compile this file to get a complete draft of your proposal (minus % the short-answer fields from the online application form) in a % single PDF, including a table of contents. This makes it convenient % for you (and anyone helping you review your proposal before % submission) to read all the long-form proposal text. % % The complete proposal is generated from the other \texttt{.tex} % files---the \emph{subfiles}---which are the individual documents and % long-answer form fields to be attached to or copied into the online % application form. They can be compiled separately for when you want % to work on one part of the proposal at a time, or for when you are % ready to attach the individual PDFs to the online application form. % % The file \texttt{insight\_proposal.bib} is a sample bibliography % demonstrating \textsf{sshrc-insight}'s features for marking % publications according to the application instructions---see % §\ref{sec:bibliographic} for further details. % % The following two subsections describe the structure of the main % document and subfiles, as well as the various macros and % environments provided by \textsf{sshrc-insight}. % % \subsection{Main document} % % \subsubsection{Preamble}\label{sec:mainpreamble} % % Your main proposal document should begin with the following line: % \begin{quote}\verb|\documentclass{sshrc-insight}[=2024]|\end{quote} % The optional argument, \texttt{=2024}, indicates that the class % should use the specifications from SSHRC's 2024 call for proposals. % At present, the only supported specification year is 2024, though % future versions of this class may support specifications for future % years' calls. The class will use the most recent supported % specification in the event that you omit the optional argument; % however, this is not recommended because if you later upgrade % \textsf{sshrc-insight} to a version that supports a later % specification year, re-compiling your old proposal may result in % compilation errors, or incorrect or unexpected formatting. % % The \verb|sshrc-insight| class is based on the default \LaTeX\ % \verb|article| class, so (with a few modifications and exceptions % documented below) all of the macros and environments from the latter % are available for you to use. % % The class automatically sets the page size and margins mandated by % the official application instructions. If compiling with % \hologo{XeLaTeX} or \hologo{LuaLaTeX}, the class sets the font to % Times New Roman, which you are expected to have installed on your % system. If compiling with \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, the class uses the % free Times clone provided by the \textsf{newtxtext} and % \textsf{newtxmath} packages. (Although this is not strictly in % accordance with the application instructions, this is unlikely to % cause any problems with the funding agency, since the font metrics % are virtually identical to the proprietary Times New Roman.) % % Following \cs{documentclass} you can include whatever \LaTeX\ % packages and macros you wish; these will apply to both the main % document and the subfiles. The template proposal includes some % sensible defaults that set the document language and the behaviour % and appearance of hyperlinks, section headings, and lists, though % you are free to remove or adjust these to taste. (In particular, % you may wish to use the \textsf{titlesec} package to further reduce % the size of and spacing around section headings.) The template also % sets up the bibliographic referencing and citation system to use % \textsf{biblatex} and Biber, for which \textsf{sshrc-insight} has % built-in support. (See §\ref{sec:bibliographic} for further % details.) % % You should then provide the proposal metadata using the \cs{title} % macro, and optionally also the \cs{author} and \cs{date} macros, % which behave as they do in the \verb|article| class. % % \subsubsection{Document body} % % As in the \verb|article| class, the main body of the document must % be placed in the \verb|document| environment. % % \DescribeMacro{\maketitle}\DescribeMacro{\tableofcontents} % These are generally the first macros that should be called in the % main body of the document. As with the standard \verb|article| % class, they typeset the title and table of contents. % % \DescribeMacro{\subfile} % This macro is used to include the subfiles in the main document; it % takes the subfile's filename (optionally excluding the \texttt{.tex} % extension) as its sole argument. Each subfile corresponds to a % long-answer field that must be filled in the online application % form, or a document that must be attached as a PDF to the online % application form. The template proposal includes a list of % \cs{subfile} commands (as well as the corresponding template files) % for fields and documents that are required by most or all proposals; % you should comment out or remove any entries that do not apply to % your proposal. % % You may also wish to include among the \cs{subfile} commands further % information or documents that you will be submitting in the % application form. For externally generated PDFs, such as a STRAC % attestation form, you may wish to do this via the \textsf{pdfpages} % package's \cs{includepdf} command. Here is an example of how you % can do this and have the file appear in the table of contents: % \begin{quote} % \begin{verbatim} % \includepdf[ % pages=-, % addtotoc={1,section,1,STRAC Attestation,STRAC} % ]{attestation} % \end{verbatim} % \end{quote} % % \subsection{Subfiles} % % \subsubsection{Preamble} % % Each subfile must start with the following line: % \begin{quote}\cs{documentclass}\oarg{filename}\verb|{subfiles}|\end{quote} % Here \meta{filename} must be the filename (\emph{without} the % \texttt{.tex} extension) of the main document. % % The preamble of the subfiles should normally be empty; if you need % to import any packages or define any macros, this should be done % instead in the preamble of the main document. % % \subsubsection{Document body} % % \DescribeMacro{\subfiletitle} % In subfiles, this macro should be used in place of the standard % \cs{maketitle} macro. It takes as its sole argument the title of % the subfile. It prints this title, in a relatively compact format, % at the top of the first page of the subfile, and also adds the title % to the table of contents of the main document. If using the % \textsf{hyperref} package, the title will also appear in the PDF % metadata when the subfile is compiled as a separate file. As % described in §\ref{sec:localization}, English titles that exactly % match those specified in the official application instructions will % be automatically localized into French when the document language is % set to \verb|french|. % % \DescribeMacro{\subfilesection}\DescribeMacro{\subfilesubsection} % These two macros can be used to print an unnumbered (sub)section % heading in a subfile. They function identically to the % \verb|article| class's \cs{section*} and \cs{subsection*} except % that the arguments are automatically localized, as they are with % \cs{subfiletitle}. % % \DescribeMacro{\countchars} This macro can be used for writing % long-answer form data, such as the proposal summary and the response % to previous critiques. Its principal benefit is that, in addition % to printing the answer text, it outputs its total character count, % thereby helping you keep your text within the length limit specified % in the application form. The macro takes one mandatory argument, % which is the text of the answer, and one optional argument, which is % the field's length limit in characters: % \begin{quote}\cs{countchars}\oarg{length}\marg{text}\end{quote} % If the length limit is not specified, it defaults to 3800, which is % the limit for all long-answer fields in the 2024 application form. % % Note that the PDF output of \cs{countchars} is not intended to be % used as-is in your final application. Rather, you should copy and % paste its text argument directly from the \LaTeX\ source code into % the online application form. For this reason, please ensure that % you write the argument as plain text rather than as \LaTeX\ markup. % % \subsection{Bibliographic references and research contributions}\label{sec:bibliographic} % % It is recommended to use \textsf{biblatex} and Biber for your % bibliographic references and citations, and the template proposal % assumes that this is how you have things set up. Put all your % \textsf{biblatex} configuration, and all your \cs{addbibresource} % macros, in your main document. You can then use the usual % \textsf{biblatex} commands for citing references and printing % bibliographies in the subfiles. The % \texttt{list\_of\_references.tex} file of the template proposal % gives an example of how to print a master bibliography for citations % across the various subfiles, and the % \texttt{research\_contributions.tex} file shows how to print % self-contained bibliographies for one's own research contributions, % broken down according to the categories specified in the application % instructions. % % \subsubsection{Citation numbering} % % When using \textsf{biblatex} as described above, % \textsf{sshrc-insight} ensures that the numbering of the citations % is consistent regardless whether you compile the main proposal file % or the individual subfiles. It does this by having the subfiles % read in the main document's Biber-generated \texttt{.bbl} file when % the subfiles are compiled individually. For this reason, it is % important that, whenever you add, change, or remove citations and % references, you (re)compile the main document \emph{before} you % (re)compile the subfiles. It also means that, despite log messages % to the contrary, you never need to run Biber on the subfiles. % % \subsubsection{Hyperlinks} % % When \textsf{biblatex} is used in conjunction with % \textsf{hyperref}, it hyperlinks each citation to the corresponding % entry in the list of references. While this works well when % compiling the main document into a single PDF, when compiling the % subfiles individually, there is no list of references to link to % (since the list of references is itself one of the subfiles). For % this reason, \textsf{sshrc-insight} automatically disables % \textsf{biblatex}'s hyperlinks when compiling the subfiles % individually. % % \subsubsection{Marking student authors} % % The official application instructions for the ``Research % Contributions'' document indicate that student authors should be % identified with a plus sign. \textsf{sshrc-insight} takes care of % this when printing bibliographic references by means of a % \textsf{biblatex} data annotation, \texttt{student}. To use this % feature, simply add a \hologo{BibTeX} field in the following format % to any entry with a student author: % \begin{quote} % \texttt{author+an = \{}\meta{n}\texttt{=student} $\big [$ % \texttt{;}\meta{n}\texttt{=student} $\big ]$ \dots\ \texttt{\},} % \end{quote} % where each \meta{n} is the position of a student in the author list. % For example, the \hologo{BibTeX} entry % \begin{quote} % \begin{verbatim} % @article{art1, % author = {Ferenc Farkas and Lili Lakatos and Fruzsina Fekete}, % author+an = {1=student;3=student}, % title = {A new approach to underwater basket-weaving}, % journal = {Journal of Underwater Basket-weaving}, % pages = {107--113}, % year = 2024, % }\end{verbatim} % \end{quote} % will be formatted in the reference lists as follows (modulo whatever % bibliography styles you may have applied): % \begin{quote} % Ferenc Farkas\textsuperscript{+}, Lili Lakatos, and Fruzsina % Fekete\textsuperscript{+}. ``A new approach to underwater % basket-weaving''. In: \emph{Journal of Underwater Basket-weaving} % (2024), pp.\,107--113. % \end{quote} % Note that student authors will be marked not just in the reference % lists but also in the citations: a citation to the entry above might % appear as ``(Farkas\textsuperscript{+} et al., 2024)''. % % \DescribeMacro{\sshrcstudent} % Outside bibliographies, the \cs{sshrcstudent} macro can be used for % the same effect; it simply outputs a superscripted plus sign. % % \subsubsection{Marking SSHRC-supported research contributions} % % The official application instructions for the ``Research % Contributions'' document indicate that research contributions % resulting from previous SSHRC support should be identified with an % asterisk in the left margin. \textsf{sshrc-insight} takes care of % this when printing bibliographic references by means of a % \textsf{biblatex} keyword, \texttt{sshrc}. To use this feature, % simply add the following \hologo{BibTeX} field to any entry that % resulted from previous SSHRC support: % \begin{quote} % \texttt{keywords = \{sshrc\},} % \end{quote} % (If the entry already contains a \texttt{keywords} field, you can % simply add \texttt{sshrc} to its list of values, which are normally % separated with commas.) For example, the \hologo{BibTeX} entry % \begin{quote} % \begin{verbatim} % @article{art2, % author = {Lili Lakatos}, % title = {An old approach to underwater basket-weaving}, % journal = {Journal of Underwater Basket-weaving}, % pages = {21--35}, % year = 2021, % keywords = {sshrc}, % }\end{verbatim} % \end{quote} % will be formatted in the reference lists as follows (modulo whatever % bibliography styles you may have applied): % \begin{quote} % \makebox[0pt][r]{\textasteriskcentered~}Lili Lakatos. ``An old % approach to underwater basket-weaving''. In: \emph{Journal of % Underwater Basket-weaving} (2021), pp.\,21--35. % \end{quote} % % \DescribeMacro{\sshrcsupported} % Outside bibliographies, the \cs{sshrcsupported} macro can be used % for the same effect; it simply outputs an asterisk in the left % margin. % % \subsection{Localization}\label{sec:localization} % % \textsf{sshrc-insight} supports preparation of proposals in either % English or French. Although the document and section titles used by % the template proposal are in English, setting the document language % to \texttt{french} (via the \textsf{babel} or \textsf{polyglossia} % packages) will automatically substitute these with the French % equivalents in the PDF output. % % \section{Class development} % % \subsection{Source repository and bug tracker} % % For now, the class's source code is hosted on GitHub at % \url{https://github.com/logological/sshrc-insight}. There you will % also find an issue tracker for reporting bugs and feature requests. % % \subsection{Versioning scheme}\label{sec:version} % % Each release of the \textsf{sshrc-insight} class carries a version % number in the format \textit{year.\allowbreak maj.\allowbreak % min}. Here \textit{year} is the latest year of SSHRC's call for % proposals whose application specifications are implemented by the % class, and \textit{maj} and \textit{min} represent, respectively, % major and minor revisions to the class (including any ancillary % files, such as the template proposal and documentation). A major % revision is one that includes potentially breaking changes or % significant new features; minor revisions are for all other changes. % As documented in §\ref{sec:mainpreamble}, the class provides a % mechanism that preserves compatibility with earlier versions of the % application specifications. % % \subsection{Version history} % % \begin{description} % \item[v2024.1.0 (2024-10-21)] Added support for marking research % contributions according to the official application instructions. % \item[v2024.0.1 (2024-10-17)] Refactored files for CTAN. % \item[v2024.0.0 (2024-10-16)] Initial release. % \end{description} % % \section{Disclaimer} % % The \textsf{sshrc-insight} class is distributed in the hope that it % will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied % warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. (See the \LaTeX\ Project Public License for further % details.) In particular, users should understand that the % \textsf{sshrc-insight} proposal template is wholly unofficial, and % its author(s) accept no responsibility for any omissions, errors, or % discrepancies with respect to the requirements set forth in the % official SSHRC application form, application instructions, and % associated documentation. If you produce a proposal with this % template, then you alone are responsible for ensuring that it % matches all the official requirements before submitting it to the % funding body. % % \appendix % % \section{Implementation} % % \StopEventually{} % % \subsection*{Basic setup} % % Import the \textsf{article} class and define some conditionals for % detecting the typesetting engine. % %\iffalse %<*class> %\fi % \begin{macrocode} \LoadClass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} %% Conditionals for detecting the typesetting engine \RequirePackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} \newif\ifxetexorluatex \ifxetex \xetexorluatextrue \else \ifluatex \xetexorluatextrue \else \xetexorluatexfalse \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % The \textsf{subfiles} package is what allows a proposal to be compiled % either into a single PDF or into separate files for each part. It % takes care of most of the work, though later on we need to apply our % own extensions. % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{subfiles} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection*{Font setup} % % If compiling with \hologo{LuaLaTeX} or \hologo{XeLaTeX}, configure % \textsf{fontspec} to use Times New Roman, which is the font % specified in the official application instructions. If compiling % with \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, use the Times clone provided by % \textsf{newtxtext} and \textsf{newtxmath}. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifxetexorluatex \RequirePackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} \setromanfont{Times New Roman} \else \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1 font encoding \RequirePackage{newtxtext} % Use Times for main text \RequirePackage{newtxmath} % Use Times for math \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection*{Basic page layout, titles, and headings} % % Set the page size and margins and disable page numbers. % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[letterpaper, left=0.75in, top=0.75in, bottom=0.75in, right=0.75in, ]{geometry} \RequirePackage{nopageno} % No page numbers % \end{macrocode} % % Compactly format the titles for the individual parts of the % proposal, and add them as unnumbered entries to the main document's % table of contents. % % \begin{macrocode} %% Compact title for subfiles \RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem} \NewDocumentCommand{\subfiletitle} {m} {% \newpage \ifSubfilesClassLoaded{ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref} {\hypersetup{pdftitle=\GetTranslation{#1}}} {} } {\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\GetTranslation{#1}}} \begingroup \centering\bfseries\MakeUppercase{\uline{\GetTranslation{#1}}} \par \vskip 1.5em% \endgroup \par\@afterindentfalse\@afterheading } %% Suppress section numbers in table of contents \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\renewcommand{\protect\numberline}[1]{}} %% Localized (sub)section headings \NewDocumentCommand{\subfilesection} {m} {\section*{\GetTranslation{#1}}} \NewDocumentCommand{\subfilesubsection} {m} {\subsection*{\GetTranslation{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Provide a mechanism for counting the number of characters in the % long-answer form fields so that we know when we've reached the % character limit specified in the official application instructions. % % \begin{macrocode} %% Count characters, adapted from code by Steven B. Segletes at %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/587567/22603 \RequirePackage{tokcycle}[2021-03-10] \RequirePackage{xcolor} \newcounter{wordcount} \newcounter{lettercount} \newcounter{wordlimit} \newif\ifinword %% USER PARAMETERS \newif\ifrunningcount \newif\ifsummarycount \def\limitcolor{red} \setcounter{wordlimit}{0} %%% %% \tc@defx is like \def, but expands the replacement text once prior %% to assignment \newcommand\addtomacro[2]{\tc@defx#1{#1#2}} \newcommand\changecolor[1] {\tctestifx{.#1}{}{\addcytoks{\color{#1}{}}% \tc@defx\currentcolor{#1}}} \newcommand\dumpword{% \addcytoks[1]{\accumword}% \ifinword\stepcounter{wordcount}\stepcounter{lettercount} \ifrunningcount\addcytoks[x]{$^{\thewordcount,\thelettercount}$}\fi \ifnum\thewordcount=\value{wordlimit}\relax% \changecolor{\limitcolor}\fi \fi% \inwordfalse \def\accumword{}} \newcommand\addletter[1]{% \stepcounter{lettercount}% \tctestifcatnx A#1{\inwordtrue}{\dumpword}% \addtomacro\accumword{#1}} \xtokcycleenvironment\countem {\addletter{##1}} {\dumpword\groupedcytoks{\processtoks{##1}% \dumpword\expandafter}\expandafter \changecolor\expandafter{\currentcolor}} {\dumpword\addcytoks{##1}} {\dumpword\addcytoks{##1}} {\stripgroupingtrue\def\accumword{}\def\currentcolor{.} \setcounter{wordcount}{0}\setcounter{lettercount}{0}} {\dumpword\ifsummarycount\tcafterenv{% \par(Wordcount=\thewordcount, Lettercount=\thelettercount)}\fi} \def\characterlimit{3800} \newcommand{\countchars}[2][\characterlimit] {\countem #2\endcountem\par\hfill \GetTranslation{Character count:} \thelettercount\ \GetTranslation{of} #1 } % \end{macrocode} % % A command for marking SSHRC-supported contributions (outside of % bibliographies) with an asterisk in the left margin: % % \begin{macrocode} \reversemarginpar \NewDocumentCommand{\sshrcsupported} {} {% \leavevmode% \marginparsep=0pt% \marginpar{\raggedleft\mbox{\textasteriskcentered~}}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection*{Bibliography} % % A command for marking student authors in the bibliography (or % elsewhere): % % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand{\sshrcstudent} {} {\textsuperscript{+}} % \end{macrocode} % % If \textsf{biblatex} is used, we provide some convenient features. % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{ \@ifpackageloaded{biblatex} { % \end{macrocode} % % To enforce consistency in the labelling/numbering of citations when % the proposal is compiled into a single PDFs vs.\ multiple PDFs, use % \textsf{biblatex-readbbl} to force subfiles to use the \texttt{bbl} % file generated for the main file. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifSubfilesClassLoaded { % Force subfiles to read the main file's bibliography \RequirePackage[bblfile=\preamble@file]{biblatex-readbbl} } {} % \end{macrocode} % % Provide a mechanism to mark student authors with a plus, per the % official application instructions. % % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*{\mkbibnamefamily}[1]{% \ifitemannotation{student} {#1\sshrcstudent} {#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % % Provide a mechanism to mark previous SSHRC-supported contributions % with an asterisk in the left margin, per the official application % instructions. % % \begin{macrocode} \renewbibmacro*{begentry} {% \ifkeyword{sshrc} {\makebox[0pt][r]{\textasteriskcentered~}} {}% } } {} } % \end{macrocode} % % When \textsf{biblatex} is used with \textsf{hyperref}, it hyperlinks % each citation to the corresponding entry in the list of references. % This is fine when compiling the proposal into a single PDF, but when % compiling the proposal parts individually, there is no list of % references to link to. So when compiling the subfiles individually, % we disable the hyperlinks. % % \begin{macrocode} %% Disable citation hyperlinks in subfiles \ifSubfilesClassLoaded{ \PassOptionsToPackage{hyperref=false}{biblatex} }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection*{Localizations} % % Provide French versions of the document titles and section headings % specified in the application instructions, as well as a few other % user-visible strings emitted by \textsf{sshrc-insight}. % % \begin{macrocode} %% Localizations \RequirePackage{translations} \DeclareTranslation{french}{1. Relevant research contributions over the last six years}{1. Contributions pertinentes à la recherche faites au cours des six dernières années} \DeclareTranslation{french}{2. Other research contributions}{2. Autres contributions à la recherche} \DeclareTranslation{french}{3. Most significant career research contributions}{3. Plus importantes contributions à la recherche faites au cours d'une carrière} \DeclareTranslation{french}{4. Contributions to training}{4. Contributions à la formation} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Budget Justification}{Justification du budget} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Career Interruptions and Special Circumstances}{Interruptions de carrière et circonstances spéciales} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Context}{Contexte} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Creative outputs}{Réalisations artistiques} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of previous and ongoing research results}{Description des résultats de recherche les plus récents ou en cours} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of proposed student training strategies}{Description des stratégies proposées de formation des étudiants} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Description of the research team}{Description de l'équipe de recherche} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Detailed Description}{Description détaillée} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Exclusion of Potential Reviewers}{Exclusion d'évaluateurs éventuels} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Expected Outcomes}{Résultats escomptés} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Forthcoming contributions}{Contributions à venir} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Knowledge Mobilization Plan}{Plan de mobilisation des connaissances} \DeclareTranslation{french}{List of References}{Liste des références} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Methodology}{Méthodologie} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Nonrefereed contributions}{Contributions non soumises à des comités de lecture} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Objectives}{Objectifs} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Other refereed contributions}{Autres contributions soumises à des comités de lecture} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Previous Critiques}{Réponse à des critiques précédentes} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Refereed contributions}{Publications soumises à des comités de lecture} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Request for Multi/Interdisciplinary Evaluation}{Demande d'évaluation interdisciplinaire ou multidisciplinaire} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Research Contributions}{Contributions à la recherche} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Research Team, Student Training, Previous Output}{Équipe de recherche, résultats les plus récents et formation des étudiants} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Research-creation Support Material}{Documents d'appui liés à la recherche-création} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Summary of Proposal}{Résumé de la proposition} \DeclareTranslation{french}{Character count:}{Nombre de caractères:} \DeclareTranslation{french}{of}{sur} % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % %<*budgetjustification> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Budget Justification} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*careerinterruptions> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Career Interruptions and Special Circumstances} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*detaileddescription> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Detailed Description} \subfilesection{Objectives} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{Context} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{Methodology} %% Enter section text here. \end{document} % %<*exclusionofpotentialreviewers> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Exclusion of Potential Reviewers} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*expectedoutcomes> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Expected Outcomes} %% Enter form text in the command argument below. \countchars{} \end{document} % %<*knowledgemobilizationplan> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Knowledge Mobilization Plan} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*listofreferences> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{List of References} \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{document} % %<*multi-interdisciplinaryevaluation> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Request for Multi/Interdisciplinary Evaluation} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*previouscritiques> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Previous Critiques} %% Enter form text in the command argument below. \countchars{} \end{document} % %<*insightproposal> \documentclass{sshrc-insight}[=2024] %% This is the main file for a skeleton SSHRC Insight Grant proposal %% using the sshrc-insight class. Compile this file to get a complete %% draft of your proposal (minus the short-answer fields from the %% online application form) in a single PDF, including a table of %% contents. This makes it convenient for you (and anyone helping you %% review your proposal before submission) to read all the long-form %% proposal text. %% %% The complete proposal is generated from the other tex files in this %% directory, which are the individual documents and long-answer form %% fields to be attached to or copied into the online application form. %% They can be compiled separately for when you want to work on one %% part of the proposal at a time, or for when you are ready to attach %% the individual PDFs to the online application form. %% Use one of the following two commands to set the hyphenation %% patterns, document and section headings, bibliography strings, %% etc. to Canadian English or French. \usepackage[canadian]{babel} %% \usepackage[french]{babel} %% It is recommended to use biblatex + biber for your references; the %% skeleton proposal assumes that this is how you have things set up. %% (It may be possible to use bibunits + bibtex instead but this has %% not been tested.) Modify the following lines to configure %% biblatex's citation and reference styles to your taste and to %% specify the bibliography file(s) you want to use. \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[style=authoryear]{biblatex} \addbibresource{insight_proposal.bib} %% The following (optional) block of commands enables hyperlinks and %% PDF metadata, and ensures URLs are set in Times (New Roman). Remove %% or tweak if desired. \usepackage[pdfusetitle]{hyperref} \hypersetup{% colorlinks=true, breaklinks=true, urlcolor=black, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, linktoc=all, } \urlstyle{rm} %% The following (optional) block of commands tightens up the layout to %% save space. Remove or tweak if desired. \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[inline]{enumitem} \setlist{noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt} \usepackage[compact]{titlesec} %% Enter the title and author(s) of your proposal here. \title{My SSHRC Insight proposal} \author{My name} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents %% Remove or comment out any of the following sections that don't apply %% to your proposal. \subfile{previous_critiques} \subfile{multi-interdisciplinary_evaluation} \subfile{summary} \subfile{detailed_description} \subfile{knowledge_mobilization_plan} \subfile{list_of_references} \subfile{research-creation_support_material} \subfile{research_team} \subfile{budget_justification} \subfile{expected_outcomes} \subfile{exclusion_of_potential_reviewers} \subfile{research_contributions} \subfile{career_interruptions} %% If you wish, you could include further documents you will be %% attaching to the final submission. For externally generated PDFs, %% you should add \usepackage{pdfpages} to the document preamble. Here %% is an example of how you might include your STRAC attestation (from %% a file named attestation.pdf) and add it to the table of contents: %% %% \includepdf[ %% pages=-, %% addtotoc={1,section,1,STRAC Attestation,STRAC} %% ]{attestation} \end{document} % %<*researchcontributions> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Research Contributions} \subfilesection{1. Relevant research contributions over the last six years} %% Delete any of the subsections below that do not apply to your %% research contributions. \subfilesubsection{Refereed contributions} \begin{refcontext}[sorting=ydnt] \begin{refsection}{} \nocite{% Add citation keys to your "refereed contributions" here. } \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{refsection}{} \end{refcontext} \subfilesubsection{Other refereed contributions} \begin{refcontext}[sorting=ydnt] \begin{refsection}{} \nocite{% Add citation keys to your "other refereed contributions" here. } \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{refsection}{} \end{refcontext} \subfilesubsection{Nonrefereed contributions} \begin{refcontext}[sorting=ydnt] \begin{refsection}{} \nocite{% Add citation keys to your "nonrefereed contributions" here. } \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{refsection}{} \end{refcontext} \subfilesubsection{Forthcoming contributions} \begin{refcontext}[sorting=ydnt] \begin{refsection}{} \nocite{% Add citation keys to your "forthcoming contributions" here. } \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{refsection}{} \end{refcontext} \subfilesubsection{Creative outputs} \begin{refcontext}[sorting=ydnt] \begin{refsection}{} \nocite{% Add citation keys to your "creative outputs" here. } \begin{sloppypar} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{sloppypar} \end{refsection}{} \end{refcontext} \subfilesection{2. Other research contributions} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{3. Most significant career research contributions} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{4. Contributions to training} %% Enter section text here. \end{document} % %<*research-creationsupportmaterial> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Research-creation Support Material} %% Enter document text here. \end{document} % %<*researchteam> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Research Team, Student Training, Previous Output} \subfilesection{Description of the research team} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{Description of previous and ongoing research results} %% Enter section text here. \subfilesection{Description of proposed student training strategies} %% Enter section text here. \end{document} % %<*summary> \documentclass[insight_proposal]{subfiles} \begin{document} \subfiletitle{Summary of Proposal} %% Enter form text in the command argument below. \countchars{} \end{document} % %<*insightproposalbib> @article{art1, author = {Ferenc Farkas and Lili Lakatos and Fruzsina Fekete}, author+an = {1=student;3=student}, title = {A new approach to underwater basket-weaving}, journal = {Journal of Underwater Basket-weaving}, pages = {107--113}, year = 2024, } @article{art2, author = {Lili Lakatos}, title = {An old approach to underwater basket-weaving}, journal = {Journal of Underwater Basket-weaving}, pages = {21--35}, year = 2021, keywords = {sshrc}, } % % \fi % \Finale