%% Copyright 2016 Daniel Ballester Marques %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Daniel Ballester Marques. %% %% Tradução para o espanhol de Juan-Ernesto Sepúlveda. Obrigado! \ProvidesFile{english-abnt.lbx}% [2018-11-17\space v3.4\space ABNT BibLaTeX citation style]% % Init >>> \InheritBibliographyExtras{english}% \InheritBibliographyStrings{english} \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% inherit = {english},% }% % <<< % No preposition between month and year >>>1 \DeclareBibliographyExtras{% \protected\def\mkbibdatelong#1#2#3{% \iffieldundef{#3}% {}% {\stripzeros{\thefield{#3}}% \iffieldundef{#2}{}{\addspace}}% \iffieldundef{#2}% {}% {\mkbibmonth{\thefield{#2}}% \iffieldundef{#1}{}{\addspace}}% \thefield{#1}}% }% % Months abbreviations >>>2 \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% january = {{January}{Jan\adddot}}, february = {{February}{Feb\adddot}}, march = {{March}{Mar\adddot}}, april = {{April}{Apr\adddot}}, may = {{May}{May}}, june = {{June}{June}}, july = {{July}{July}}, august = {{August}{Aug\adddot}}, september = {{September}{Sept\adddot}}, october = {{October}{Oct\adddot}}, november = {{November}{Nov\adddot}}, december = {{December}{Dec\adddot}}, } % <<<2 % <<< % Publication details >>>1 \NewBibliographyString{% apud,% sineloco,% sinenomine,% sheet,% sheets,% illustrated,% monography,% recensionof,% }% \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% apud = {{apud}{apud}},% idem = {{idem}{id\adddot}},% volume = {{volume}{v\adddot}},% volumes = {{volumes}{v\adddot}},% number = {{number}{n\adddot}},% pages = {{pages}{p\adddot}},% involumes = {{in}{in}},% in = {{in}{in}},% inseries = {{in}{in}},% sineloco = {{sine loco}{s\adddot~l\adddot}},% sinenomine = {{sine nomine}{s\adddot~n\adddot}},% sheet = {{sheet}{s\adddot}},% sheets = {{sheets}{s\adddot}},% illustrated = {{illustrated}{il\adddot}},% monography = {{monography}{monography}},% recensionof = {{recension of}{recension of}},% reviewof = {{review of}{review of}},% }% % <<< % Roles expressed as functions >>>1 \NewBibliographyString{% organizer,% organizers,% coordinator,% coordinators,% }% \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% organizer = {{organizer}{org\adddot}},% organizers = {{organizers}{org\adddot}},% coordinator = {{coordinator}{coord\adddot}},% coordinators = {{coordinators}{coord\adddot}},% }% % <<< % Roles expressed as objects >>>1 \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% withcommentator = {{commentary\addcolon}{commentary\addcolon}},% withannotator = {{notes\addcolon}{notes\addcolon}},% withintroduction = {{introduction\addcolon}{introduction\addcolon}},% withforeword = {{foreword\addcolon}{foreword\addcolon}},% withafterword = {{afterword\addcolon}{afterword\addcolon}},% }% % <<< % Roles expressed as actions >>>1 \NewBibliographyString{% >>>2 byorganizer,% byorganizerfo,% bytechrev,% byupdater,% byupdateran,% byphotographer,% byartdir,% byrecorder,% byinterviewer,% bygenorg,% bygenorgfo,% bycoordinator,% bycoeditor,% bydirector,% bygendir,% byproducer,% byscreenwriter,% byinterpreter,% byillustrator,% bytechrev,% }% <<< \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% >>>2 byorganizer = {{organized by\addcolon}% {organized by\addcolon}},% byorganizerfo = {{organized, with a foreword, by\addcolon}% {organized, with a foreword, by\addcolon}},% bytechrev = {{technical revision by\addcolon}% {technical revision by\addcolon}},% byupdater = {{updated by\addcolon}% {updated by\addcolon}},% byupdateran = {{updated and annotated by\addcolon}% {updated and annotated by\addcolon}},% byphotographer = {{photography by\addcolon}% {photography by\addcolon}},% byartdir = {{art direction by\addcolon}% {art direction by\addcolon}},% byrecorder = {{recorded by\addcolon}% {recorded by\addcolon}},% byinterviewer = {{interviewed by\addcolon}% {interviewed by\addcolon}},% bygenorg = {{general organization by\addcolon}% {general organization by\addcolon}},% bygenorgfo = {{general organization and foreword by\addcolon}% {general organization and foreword by\addcolon}},% bycoordinator = {{coordinated by\addcolon}% {coordinated by\addcolon}},% bycoeditor = {{coedited by\addcolon}% {coedited by\addcolon}},% bydirector = {{directed by\addcolon}% {directed by\addcolon}},% bygendir = {{general direction by\addcolon}% {general direction by\addcolon}},% byproducer = {{produced by\addcolon}% {produced by\addcolon}},% byscreenwriter = {{script written by\addcolon}% {script written by\addcolon}},% byinterpreter = {{interpreted by\addcolon}% {interpreted by\addcolon}},% byillustrator = {{illustrated by\addcolon}% {illustrated by\addcolon}},% }% <<< % <<< \endinput% % vim: set foldmarker=\ >>>,\ <<< :