# English Language Module for datatool v3.0+ (datatool-english) Version 1.0 (2025-03-01) Author: Nicola L. C. Talbot [dickimaw-books.com](https://www.dickimaw-books.com/) Licence: LPPL Home Page: https://github.com/nlct/datatool-english Required Packages: [datatool](https://ctan.org/pkg/datatool) (3.0+), [tracklang](https://ctan.org/pkg/tracklang) (1.6.4+) Provides English language localisation support for the `datatool` package (v3.0+). Encoding support for UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1). Any other encoding will be treated as US-ASCII. The `*.ldf` files should all be placed on TeX's path. These files don't require any explicit loading. They will automatically be input by `datatool-base.sty` (or relevant supplementary package) if they are found and required by the `tracklang` localisation settings. See the `datatool` and `tracklang` user manuals for further details. This bundle is specific to language support or particular language+region combinations where the region default depends on the language. Region files (such as `datatool-GB.ldf`) are provided with `datatool-regions` which needs to be installed separately. This separation allows arbitrary mix of language and region. Example: \documentclass[en-GB]{article} \usepackage{datatool-base}% v3.0 \newcommand{\mylist}{élan,elephant,élite,elk} \begin{document} Currency: \DTLdecimaltocurrency{1234.56}{\result}\result. Original list: \DTLformatlist{\mylist}. \DTLsortwordlist{\mylist}{\DTLsortwordcasehandler} Sorted list: \DTLformatlist{\mylist}. \end{document} If `datatool-english` is correctly installed, the result will be: > Currency: £1,234.56. > Original list: élan, elephant, élite and elk. > Sorted list: élan, elephant, élite and elk. Otherwise the result will be: > Currency: £1,234.56. > Original list: élan, elephant, élite & elk. > Sorted list: elephant, elk, élan & élite. (This assumes the region file `datatool-GB.ldf` provided with `datatool-regions` is also installed.) The language doesn't need to be an official language for the region. For example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[locales={en-BE}]{datatool-base}% v3.0 \newcommand{\mylist}{élan,elephant,élite,elk} \begin{document} Currency: \DTLdecimaltocurrency{1234.56}{\result}\result. Original list: \DTLformatlist{\mylist}. \DTLsortwordlist{\mylist}{\DTLsortwordcasehandler} Sorted list: \DTLformatlist{\mylist}. \end{document} If both `datatool-english.ldf` (provided with this bundle) and `datatool-BE.ldf` (provided with `datatool-regions`) are installed, the result will be: > Currency: 1.234,56€. > Original list: élan, elephant, élite and elk. > Sorted list: élan, elephant, élite and elk. See also: - [`datatool-regions` (GitHub)](https://github.com/nlct/datatool-regions) - [Localisation with datatool v3.0+](https://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/tracklang/datatool-locale.shtml). This bundle also includes limited support for Old English (Anglo-Saxon) mainly to provide an example for a language that has multiple scripts (in this case, Latin and Runic) or for a language that has an extended Latin or non-Latin script. The language codes are `ang-Latn` for Anglo-Saxon Latin Script and `ang-Runr` for Anglo-Saxon Runic Script. There's only support for UTF-8. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 for the details of that license.