# PDF Extra PDF Extra provides extra PDF features for OpTeX (or in limited form for plain LuaTeX and LuaLaTeX). As a minimalistic package OpTeX doesn't support "advanced" features of PDF file format in the base. This third party package aims to provide them. Summary of supported features: - insertion of multimedia (audio, video, 3D); - hyperlinks and other actions, - trigger events; - transitions; - attachments. The repository of PDF Extra is at https://github.com/vlasakm/pdfextra. # Documentation See `pdfextra-doc.pdf` for documentation. It contains user documentation as well as technical documentation interleaved with source code. # Installation instructions Put `pdfextra.opm` where your TeX can find it. Additionaly, for plain/LaTeX you need `pdfextra.tex`, and on top of that `pdfextra.sty` for LaTeX. Or just copy paste anything you want. # Usage In OpTeX do: `\load [pdfextra]`. In plain LuaTeX do: `\input pdfextra`. In LuaLaTeX do: `\usepackage{pdfextra}`. # License This package is available under the Zero-Clause BSD license. See `LICENSE` for more information.