%% BEGIN pstricks.con (for Textures 1.5 and 1.6 driver) %% %% Configuration file for PSTricks 97: must be renamed `pstricks.con' %% %% For use with Textures, v1.5 and v1.6. %% %% For earlier versions of textures, you must: %% - Change the definition of \pstVerb to %% \def\pstVerb#1{\special{postscript grestore #1 gsave}} %% - Change \iftrue to \iffalse after \pstcustomize. \def\pstdriver{Textures} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstverb#1{\special{postscript /TX@Save save def #1 TX@Save restore}} \def\pstVerb#1{\special{rawpostscript #1}} \def\pstverbscale{Mag 1000 div 72.27 72 div mul dup neg scale} \def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{******************************************}% \typeout{*** Include header file #1!! ***}% \typeout{******************************************}} \pstcustomize \iffalse % Try changing this to \iftrue (necessary with v1.4 or earlier). \def\pst@Verb#1{% \special{postscript \pst@dict /sps { moveto /Mag ED } def userdict begin}% \special{postscript #1 end gsave}} \else \def\pst@Verb#1{% \special{rawpostscript userdict begin \pst@dict /sps { moveto /Mag ED } def}% \special{postscript #1 end gsave}} \fi \endinput %% %% END: pstricks.con