Notes on hyphenation setup. ThaiLaTeX >= 0.5.0 comes with hyphenation patterns. However, due to different TeXLive FSH on different systems, the installation cannot be automated. You will need to modify your system manually after installation. What you need is add this line to your "language.dat" file: ---8<--- thai loadhyph-th.tex ---8<--- And then invoke "fmtutil-sys --all". That's all. However, the way to modify "language.dat" differs from systems to systems. For example: Debian/Ubuntu ------------- Mostly, you don't need to modify anything if you install thailatex from their official apt repositories. But just in case you want to install it from source: # cat > /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/90thailatex.cnf << EOF name=thai file=loadhyph-th.tex lefthyphenmin=2 righthyphenmin=3 EOF # update-language # update-fmtutil The file /var/lib/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.* for different TeX engines will be refreshed simultaneously. After that, you can invoke this to regenerate hyphention trie: # fmtutil-sys --all Fedora 17 --------- For Fedora 17's TeXLive 2007, the "language.dat" file is located at /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/. I am not sure how to modify it the right way. You are supposed to create "" file and invoke some command to update "language.dat" accordingly. But I cannot figure out the command. So, the quick way to do it is edit the "language.dat" file directly, by adding our required line. For example: # echo "thai loadhyph-th.tex" \ >> /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat And then, as usual, invoke: # fmtutil-sys --all