|                                  newcolumn                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\nc�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
When using \twocolumns  or \threecolumns, there may be  times when an author
wants to force TEXT1  to break a column at a  point other than at the bottom
of  a page.    This can  be done  by entering  the \newcolumn  markup.   Any
column in the double or triple column formats can be broken by inserting the
\newcolumn (\nc) markup.
This was accomplished by  entering the \newcolumn markup between the desired
list entries while in \twocolumns
Ehrlich, P. et al. 1984. {\it Cold and the Dark}.
New York: W.~Norton.
Osborn, E. 1962. (personal message).
Roszak, T. 1972. {\it Where the Wasteland Ends}.
New York: Harper & Row.
|                                                                             |
| Ehrlich,  P.   et     Roszak, T.  1972.                                     |
|    al.      1984.        Where                                              |
|    Cold  and  the        the  Wasteland                                     |
|    Dark.      New        Ends.      New                                     |
|    York:                  York:  Harper                                     |
|    W. Norton.             & Row.                                            |
| Osborn, E.  1962.                                                           |
|    (personal                                                                |
|    message).                                                                |
|                                                                             |
This markup has the same effect  as \newpage if you are in a printing in one
column instead of multiple columns.
    If you are in multiple columns  and you want to go to the next page, use
\newpage instead of \newcolumn.