|                                  titlepage                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\tp�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
By convention,  a title page is  a display page, differing  from body pages.
It usually has  sinkage (extra vertical space before  the title), a centered
title  (in bold  or  larger type),  and  a blind  folio (where  the  page is
numbered but the number  is not printed).  It  may also have special text in
the footing.
    By  default, the  first page  of any  paper  is a  title page  in TEXT1,
although it can be suppressed by \notitlepage.  Furthermore, title pages can
be added anywhere in a paper using \titlepage.  Since the title page usually
receives different treatment  from body pages, there  is separate markup for
it.  By  default, the title page adds 1 inch to  the top margin and does not
print a running foot line at the bottom of the page.
    The next  page after  a title page  in TEXT1 is  always assumed  to be a
Some applications  have more  than one  page in  the document which  are not
to  carry a  running top  title.   For  example,  if you  want a  chapter to
always print  without a running top  title, you could add  \titlepage to the
\chapterformat markup:
      \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
      \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
Use the \titlepageformat to change the defaults on the title page.