/* * Copyright (c) 2000,2001,2002 Guido Draheim * Use freely under the restrictions of the ZLIB license. */ #include #include #include #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif static const char usage[] = { "zzdir .. \n" " - prints a content table to stdout, but the dir can also be a zip-arch." "\n" " To show the contents of a zip-archive named 'test.zip', you may write \n" " zzdir test \n" }; int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int argn; int exitcode = 0; if (argc <= 1 || ! strcmp (argv[1], "--help")) { printf (usage); return 0; } if (! strcmp (argv[1], "--version")) { printf (__FILE__" version "ZZIP_PACKAGE" "ZZIP_VERSION"\n"); return 0; } for (argn=1; argn < argc; argn++) { ZZIP_DIR * dir; ZZIP_DIRENT * d; dir = zzip_opendir(argv[argn]); if (! dir) { fprintf (stderr, "did not open %s: ", argv[argn]); perror(argv[argn]); exitcode++; continue; } if (argc > 2) printf ("%s: \n", argv[argn]); /* read each dir entry and show one line of info per file */ while ((d = zzip_readdir (dir))) { /* orignalsize / compression-type / compression-ratio / filename */ if (d->st_size > 999999) { printf ("%5dK %-9s %2d%% %s \n", d->st_size>>10, zzip_compr_str(d->d_compr), 100 - (d->d_csize|1)/((d->st_size/100)|1), d->d_name); }else{ printf ("%6d %-9s %2d%% %s \n", d->st_size, zzip_compr_str(d->d_compr), 100 - (d->d_csize|1)*100/(d->st_size|1), d->d_name); } } zzip_closedir(dir); } return exitcode; } /* * Local variables: * c-file-style: "stroustrup" * End: */