%{ /* web2c-lexer.l -- lexical analysis for Tangle output. Public domain. */ #include "web2c.h" #include "web2c-parser.h" /* Hack to make it possible to compile the generated code with C++ Required if you use flex. */ #ifdef __cplusplus #define webinput yyinput #else #define webinput input #endif /* For some reason flex wants to do a system call, so we must lose our definition of the Pascal read. */ #undef read char conditional[20], negbuf[2], temp[20]; extern boolean doing_statements; /* We only read one input file. This is the default definition, but giving it ourselves avoids the need to find -lfl or -ll at link time. This is a good thing, since libfl.a is often installed somewhere that the linker doesn't search by default. */ static int yywrap (void) { return 1; } #define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP /* not that it matters */ %} DIGIT [0-9] ALPHA [a-zA-Z] ALPHANUM ({DIGIT}|{ALPHA}|"_") IDENTIFIER ({ALPHA}{ALPHANUM}*) NUMBER ({DIGIT}+) SIGN ("+"|"-") SIGNED ({SIGN}?{NUMBER}) WHITE [ \n\t]+ REAL ({NUMBER}"."{NUMBER}("e"{SIGNED})?)|({NUMBER}"e"{SIGNED}) COMMENT (("{"[^}]*"}")|("(*"([^*]|"*"[^)])*"*)")) W ({WHITE}|"packed ")+ WW ({WHITE}|{COMMENT}|"packed ")* HHB0 ("hh"{WW}"."{WW}"b0") HHB1 ("hh"{WW}"."{WW}"b1") %% {W} ; "{" { while (webinput() != '}'); } "#" { register int c; putc('#', out); while ((c = webinput()) && c != ';') putc(c, out); putc('\n', out); } "ifdef(" {register int c; register char *cp=conditional; new_line(); while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') ; while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') *cp++ = c; *cp = '\0'; (void) webinput(); if (doing_statements) fputs("\t;\n", out); fprintf(out, "#ifdef %s\n", conditional); } "endif(" {register int c; new_line(); fputs("#endif /* ", out); while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') ; while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') (void) putc(c, out); (void) webinput(); conditional[0] = '\0'; fputs(" */\n", out); } "ifndef(" {register int c; register char *cp=conditional; new_line(); while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') ; while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') *cp++ = c; *cp = '\0'; (void) webinput(); if (doing_statements) fputs("\t;\n", out); fprintf(out, "#ifndef %s\n", conditional); } "endifn(" {register int c; new_line(); fputs("#endif /* not ", out); while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') ; while ((c = webinput()) != '\'') putc(c, out); (void) webinput(); conditional[0] = '\0'; fputs(" */\n", out); } "procedure "[a-z_]+";"[ \n\t]*"forward;" ; "function "[(),:a-z_]+";"[ \n\t]*"forward;" ; "@define" return last_tok=define_tok; "@field" return last_tok=field_tok; "and" return last_tok=and_tok; "array" return last_tok=array_tok; "begin" return last_tok=begin_tok; "case" return last_tok=case_tok; "const" return last_tok=const_tok; "div" return last_tok=div_tok; "break" return last_tok=break_tok; "do" return last_tok=do_tok; "downto" return last_tok=downto_tok; "else" return last_tok=else_tok; "end" return last_tok=end_tok; "file" return last_tok=file_tok; "for" return last_tok=for_tok; "function" return last_tok=function_tok; "goto" return last_tok=goto_tok; "if" return last_tok=if_tok; "label" return last_tok=label_tok; "mod" return last_tok=mod_tok; "noreturn" return last_tok=noreturn_tok; "not" return last_tok=not_tok; "of" return last_tok=of_tok; "or" return last_tok=or_tok; "procedure" return last_tok=procedure_tok; "program" return last_tok=program_tok; "record" return last_tok=record_tok; "repeat" return last_tok=repeat_tok; {HHB0} return last_tok=hhb0_tok; {HHB1} return last_tok=hhb1_tok; "then" return last_tok=then_tok; "to" return last_tok=to_tok; "type" return last_tok=type_tok; "until" return last_tok=until_tok; "var" return last_tok=var_tok; "while" return last_tok=while_tok; "others" return last_tok=others_tok; {REAL} { sprintf (temp, "%s%s", negbuf, yytext); negbuf[0] = '\0'; return last_tok=r_num_tok; } {NUMBER} { sprintf (temp, "%s%s", negbuf, yytext); negbuf[0] = '\0'; return last_tok=i_num_tok; } ("'"([^']|"''")"'") return last_tok=single_char_tok; ("'"([^']|"''")*"'") return last_tok=string_literal_tok; "+" { if ((last_tok>=undef_id_tok && last_tok<=field_id_tok) || last_tok==i_num_tok || last_tok==r_num_tok || last_tok==')' || last_tok==']') return last_tok='+'; else return last_tok=unary_plus_tok; } "-" { if ((last_tok>=undef_id_tok && last_tok<=field_id_tok) || last_tok==i_num_tok || last_tok==r_num_tok || last_tok==')' || last_tok==']') return last_tok='-'; else { int c; while ((c = webinput()) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; unput(c); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { return last_tok = unary_minus_tok; } negbuf[0] = '-'; }} "*" return last_tok='*'; "/" return last_tok='/'; "=" return last_tok='='; "<>" return last_tok=not_eq_tok; "<" return last_tok='<'; ">" return last_tok='>'; "<=" return last_tok=less_eq_tok; ">=" return last_tok=great_eq_tok; "(" return last_tok='('; ")" return last_tok=')'; "[" return last_tok='['; "]" return last_tok=']'; ":=" return last_tok=assign_tok; ".." return last_tok=two_dots_tok; "." return last_tok='.'; "," return last_tok=','; ";" return last_tok=';'; ":" return last_tok=':'; "^" return last_tok='^'; {IDENTIFIER} { strcpy (last_id, yytext); l_s = search_table (last_id); return last_tok = (l_s == -1 ? undef_id_tok : sym_table[l_s].typ); } . { /* Any bizarre token will do. */ return last_tok = two_dots_tok; } %% /* Some helper routines. Defining these here means we don't have references to yytext outside of this file. Which means we can omit one of the more troublesome autoconf tests. */ void get_string_literal (char *s) { int i, j; j = 1; s[0] = '"'; for (i=1; yytext[i-1] != 0; i++) { if (yytext[i] == '\\' || yytext[i] == '"') s[j++] = '\\'; else if (yytext[i] == '\'') i++; s[j++] = yytext[i]; } s[j-1] = '"'; s[j] = 0; } void get_single_char (char *s) { s[0]='\''; if (yytext[1] == '\\' || yytext[1] == '\'') { s[1] = '\\'; s[2] = yytext[1]; s[3] = '\''; s[4] = 0; } else { s[1] = yytext[1]; s[2] = '\''; s[3] = 0; } } void get_result_type (char *s) { strcpy(s, yytext); } /* Since a syntax error can never be recovered from, we exit here with bad status. */ int yyerror (const_string s) { /* This is so the convert script can delete the output file on error. */ puts ("@error@"); fflush (stdout); fputs (s, stderr); fprintf (stderr, ": Last token = %d (%c), ", last_tok, last_tok); fprintf (stderr, "error buffer = `%s',\n\t", yytext); fprintf (stderr, "last id = `%s' (", last_id); ii = search_table (last_id); if (ii == -1) fputs ("not in symbol table", stderr); else switch (sym_table[ii].typ) { case undef_id_tok: fputs ("undefined", stderr); break; case var_id_tok: fputs ("variable", stderr); break; case const_id_tok: fputs ("constant", stderr); break; case type_id_tok: fputs ("type", stderr); break; case proc_id_tok: fputs ("parameterless procedure", stderr); break; case proc_param_tok: fputs ("procedure with parameters", stderr); break; case fun_id_tok: fputs ("parameterless function", stderr); break; case fun_param_tok: fputs ("function with parameters", stderr); break; default: fputs ("unknown!", stderr); break; } fputs (").\n", stderr); exit (1); /* Avoid silly warnings. */ return 0; }