#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # autolatex/config/cli/figure_assignment_panel.py # Copyright (C) 2013 Stephane Galland # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #--------------------------------- # IMPORTS #--------------------------------- # Standard libraries import os import re import ConfigParser # Include the Glib, Gtk and Gedit libraries from gi.repository import Gtk # AutoLaTeX internal libs from ...utils import utils from . import abstract_panel #--------------------------------- # INTERNATIONALIZATION #--------------------------------- import gettext _T = gettext.gettext #--------------------------------- # CLASS Panel #--------------------------------- # Gtk panel that is managing the configuration of the figure assignments class Panel(abstract_panel.AbstractPanel): __gtype_name__ = "AutoLaTeXFigureAssignmentPanel" def __init__(self, is_document_level, directory, window): abstract_panel.AbstractPanel.__init__(self, is_document_level, directory, window) # # Fill the grid # def _init_widgets(self): # Comment ui_label = self._create_label(_T("List of the figures detected in your document's directory.\nYou can edit the second column to set the translator used for a particular figure.")) self._insert_row(ui_label, None, False) # List of figures self._ui_figure_edit_store = Gtk.ListStore(str) self._ui_figure_store = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) ui_figure_widget = Gtk.TreeView() ui_figure_widget.set_model(self._ui_figure_store) ui_figure_widget.append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_T("Figure"), Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) renderer_combo = Gtk.CellRendererCombo() renderer_combo.set_property("editable", True) renderer_combo.set_property("model", self._ui_figure_edit_store) renderer_combo.set_property("text-column", 0) renderer_combo.set_property("has-entry", False) renderer_combo.connect("edited", self.on_figure_translator_changed) ui_figure_widget.append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_T("Translator"), renderer_combo, text=1)) ui_figure_widget.set_headers_clickable(False) ui_figure_widget.set_headers_visible(True) self._ui_figure_selection = ui_figure_widget.get_selection() self._ui_figure_selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE) # Scroll ui_figure_scroll = self._create_scroll_for(ui_figure_widget) self._insert_row(ui_figure_scroll, None, False) # # Initialize the content # def _init_content(self): self._settings = utils.backend_get_translators(self._directory) self._translators = {} self._regex = re.compile('^([^2]+)') for translator in self._settings.sections(): result = re.match(self._regex, translator) if result: source = result.group(1) if source not in self._translators: self._translators[source] = [] self._translators[source].append(translator) self._settings = utils.backend_get_images(self._directory) self._file_list = {} for translator in self._settings.sections(): if self._settings.has_option(translator, 'automatic assignment'): data = self._settings.get(translator, 'automatic assignment') files = data.split(os.pathsep) for afile in files: if afile not in self._file_list: self._file_list[afile] = {} self._file_list[afile]['translator'] = translator self._file_list[afile]['override'] = False self._file_list[afile]['selected'] = translator if self._settings.has_option(translator, 'files to convert'): data = self._settings.get(translator, 'files to convert') files = data.split(os.pathsep) for afile in files: if afile not in self._file_list: self._file_list[afile] = {} self._file_list[afile]['translator'] = translator self._file_list[afile]['override'] = True self._file_list[afile]['selected'] = translator if self._settings.has_option(translator, 'overriden assignment'): data = self._settings.get(translator, 'overriden assignment') files = data.split(os.pathsep) for afile in files: if afile not in self._file_list: self._file_list[afile] = {} self._file_list[afile]['auto-translator'] = translator for filename in sorted(self._file_list): if 'translator' in self._file_list[filename]: self._ui_figure_store.append( [ filename, self._file_list[filename]['translator'] ] ) # # Connect signals # def _connect_signals(self): self._ui_figure_selection.connect('changed',self.on_figure_selection_changed) def update_widget_states(self): pass # Invoked when the selection in the lsit of figure paths has changed def on_figure_selection_changed(self, selection, data=None): n_sel = self._ui_figure_selection.count_selected_rows() if n_sel > 0: path = self._ui_figure_selection.get_selected_rows()[1][0] sel_iter = self._ui_figure_store.get_iter(path) value = self._ui_figure_store.get_value(sel_iter, 1) afile = self._ui_figure_store.get_value(sel_iter, 0) self._ui_figure_edit_store.clear() result = re.match(self._regex, value) if result: source = result.group(1) if afile in self._file_list and self._file_list[afile]['override']: auto_translator = self._file_list[afile]['auto-translator'] else: auto_translator = self._file_list[afile]['translator'] for translator in self._translators[source]: label = translator if translator == auto_translator: label = label+' (default)' self._ui_figure_edit_store.append( [label] ) # Invoked when the selection in the lsit of figure paths has changed def on_figure_translator_changed(self, combo, path, new_text, data=None): if new_text: if new_text.endswith(' (default)'): new_text = new_text[0:len(new_text)-10] sel_iter = self._ui_figure_store.get_iter(path) self._ui_figure_store.set_value(sel_iter, 1, new_text) afile = self._ui_figure_store.get_value(sel_iter, 0) self._file_list[afile]['selected'] = new_text def _append_file(self, config, section, option, afile): if config.has_option(section, option): path = config.get(section, option) if path: path = path+os.pathsep+afile else: path = afile else: path = afile config.set(section, option, path) # Invoked when the changes in the panel must be saved def save(self): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for source in self._translators: for translator in self._translators[source]: config.add_section(translator) for afile in self._file_list: current = self._file_list[afile]['selected'] if self._file_list[afile]['override']: std = self._file_list[afile]['auto-translator'] else: std = self._file_list[afile]['translator'] if current == std: self._append_file(config, current, 'automatic assignment', afile) else: self._append_file(config, current, 'files to convert', afile) self._append_file(config, std, 'overriden assignment', afile) return utils.backend_set_images(self._directory, config)