# (c) 2013-2018 Sebastian Humenda # This code is licenced under the terms of the LGPL-3+, see the file COPYING for # more details. """GleeTeX is designed to allow the re-use of the image creation code independently of the HTML conversion code. Therefore, this modules contains the code required to parse equations from HTML, to write converted HTML documents back and to handle the outsourcing of formulas too long for an HTML alt tag to an external file. The pandoc module contains similar functions for using GleeTeX as a pandoc filter.""" import collections import enum import html.parser import os import posixpath import re from . import typesetting # match HTML 4 and 5 CHARSET_PATTERN = re.compile( rb'(?:content="text/html; charset=(.*?)"|charset="(.*?)")') class ParseException(Exception): """Exception to propagate a parsing error.""" def __init__(self, msg, pos=None): self.msg = msg self.pos = pos super().__init__(msg, pos) def __str__(self): return ('line {0.pos[0]}, {0.pos[1]}: {0.msg}'.format(self) if self.pos else self.msg) def get_position(document, index): """This returns the line number and position on line for the given String. Note: lines and positions are counted from 0.""" line = document[:index+1].count('\n') if document[index] == '\n': return (line, 0) newline = document[:index+1].rfind('\n') newline = (newline if newline >= 0 else 0) return (line, len(document[newline:index])) def find_anycase(where, what): """Find with both lower or upper case.""" lower = where.find(what.lower()) upper = where.find(what.upper()) if lower >= 0: return lower else: return upper class EqnParser: """This parser parses ... our of a document. It's not an HTML parser, because the content within .* is parsed verbatim. It also parses comments, to not consider formulas within comments. All other cases are unhandled. Especially CData is problematic, although it seems like a rare use case.""" class State(enum.Enum): # ([\s\S]*?) also matches newlines Comment = re.compile(r'', re.MULTILINE) Equation = re.compile(r'<\s*(?:eq|EQ)\s*(.*?)?>([\s\S.]+?)<\s*/\s*(?:eq|EQ)>', re.MULTILINE) HTML_ENTITY = re.compile(r'(&(:?#\d+|[a-zA-Z]+);)') def __init__(self): self.__document = None self.__data = [] self.__encoding = None def feed(self, document): """Feed a string or a bytes instance and start parsing. If a bytes instance is fed, an HTML encoding header has to be present, so that the encoding can be extracted.""" if isinstance(document, bytes): # try to guess encoding try: encoding = next(filter(bool, CHARSET_PATTERN.search(document) .groups())).decode('ascii') document = document.decode(encoding) except AttributeError: raise ParseException(("Could not determine encoding of " "document, no charset information in the HTML header " "found.")) self.__encoding = encoding self.__document = document[:] self._parse() def find_with_offset(self, doc, start, what): """This find method searches in the document for a given string, staking the offset into account. REturned is the absolute position (so offset + relative match position) or -1 for no hit.""" if isinstance(what, str): pos = doc[start:].find(what) else: match = what.search(doc[start:]) pos = (-1 if not match else match.span()[0]) return (pos if pos == -1 else pos + start) def _parse(self): """This function parses the document, while maintaining state using the State enum.""" in_document = lambda x: (False if x == -1 else True) # maintain a lower-case copy, which eases searching, but doesn't affect # the handler methods doc = self.__document[:].lower() end = len(self.__document) - 1 eq_start = re.compile(r'<\s*eq\s*(.*?)>') start_pos = 0 while start_pos < end: comment = self.find_with_offset(doc, start_pos, '' % match.groups()[0]) return start_pos + match.span()[1] # return end of match def get_encoding(self): """Return the parsed encoding from the HTML meta data. If none was set, UTF-8 is assumed.""" return self.__encoding def get_data(self): """Return parsed chunks. These are either strings or tuples with formula information, see class documentation.""" return list(x for x in self.__data if x) # filter empty bits def gen_id(formula): """Generate an id for identifying a formula as an anchor in a document. The generated ID is guaranteed to be valid in an XML attribute and it won't exceed a certain length. If you happen to have a lot of formulas > 150 characters with exactly the same content in the document, that'll cause a clash of id's.""" # for some characters we just use a simple replacement (otherwise the # would be lost) mapped = {'{':'_', '}':'_', '(':'-', ')':'-', '\\':'.', '^':',', '*':'_'} id = [] prevchar = '' for c in formula: if prevchar == c: continue # avoid multiple same characters if c in mapped: id.append(mapped[c]) elif c.isalpha() or c.isdigit(): id.append(c) prevchar = c # id's must start with an alphabetical character, so prefix the formula with # "formula" to make it a valid html id if id and not id[0].isalpha(): id = ['f', 'o', 'r', 'm', '_'] + id if not id: # is empty raise ValueError("For the formula '%s' no referencable id could be generated." \ % formula) return ''.join(id[:150]) class OutsourcedFormulaParser(html.parser.HTMLParser): """This HTML parser parses the head and tries to keep it close to the original document as possible. As soon as a formula is encountered, only the formulas are parsed. Everything in between and after the them will be fully ignored. A sample formula would look like:


""" def __init__(self): self.__head = [] self.__id = None self.__passed_head = False self.__equations = collections.OrderedDict() super().__init__(convert_charrefs=False) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'p': attrs = dict(attrs) if attrs.get('id'): self.__id = attrs['id'] # marks beginning of a formula paragraph self.__equations[self.__id] = '' return elif tag == 'body': self.__passed_head = True self.__head.append('\n\n') if not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append(self.get_starttag_text()) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): if self.__id or self.__passed_head: return # skip everything inside a formula if attrs: self.__head.append('<{} {} />'.format(tag, ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in attrs]))) else: self.__head.append('<%s />' % tag) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if self.__id: # inside a formula if tag == 'p': self.__id = None # end formula block elif not self.__passed_head: formatted = '' % tag self.__head.append(formatted) def handle_data(self, data): if self.__id: self.__equations[self.__id] += data elif not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append(data) def handle_entityref(self, name): if self.__id: self.__equations[self.__id] += '&%s;' % name elif not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append('&%s;' % name) def handle_charref(self, name): if self.__id: self.__equations[self.__id] += '&#%s;' % name elif not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append('&#%s;' % name) def handle_comment(self, blah): if not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append('' % blah) def handle_decl(self, declaration): if not self.__passed_head: self.__head.append('' % declaration) def get_head(self): """Return a string containing everything before the first formula.""" return ''.join(self.__head) def get_formulas(self): """Return an ordered dictionary with id : formula paragraph.""" return self.__equations def error(self, message): raise ParseException(message, ('unknown', 'unknown')) def format_formula_paragraph(formula): """Format a formula to appear as if it would have been outsourced into an external file.""" return '


\n' % \ (gen_id(formula), formula) class HtmlImageFormatter: # ToDo: localisation """HtmlImageFormatter(exclusion_filepath='outsourced_formulas.html', encoding="UTF-8") Format converted formula to be included into the HTML. A typical image attribute will contain the path to the image, style information, a CSS class to be used in custom CSS style sheets and an alternative text (the LaTeX source) for people who disabled images or for blind screen reader users. If set, LaTeX formulas exceeding a configurable maximum length will be excluded. The image will be a link which leads to the excluded image text. The alt attribute is a text-only attribute and e.g. line breaks will be lost for screen reader users, so it makes sense for longer formulas to be external to be easily readable. Furthermore the alt attribute is limited to 255 characters, so formula blocks exceeding that limit need to be treated differently anyway. If that behavior is not wanted, it can be disabled and nothing will be excluded.""" EXCLUSION_FILE_NAME = 'outsourced-descriptions.html' HTML_TEMPLATE_HEAD = ('\n\n\n' + '' + '\nOutsourced Formulas\n\n\n\n') def __init__(self, base_path='', link_prefix=None): self.__exclude_descriptions = False self.__link_prefix = (link_prefix if link_prefix else '') self.__base_path = (base_path if base_path else '') self.__exclusion_filepath = posixpath.join(self.__base_path, HtmlImageFormatter.EXCLUSION_FILE_NAME) if os.path.exists(self.__exclusion_filepath): if not os.access(self.__exclusion_filepath, os.W_OK): raise OSError('The file %s is not writable!' % self.__exclusion_filepath) self.__inline_maxlength=100 self.__file_head = HtmlImageFormatter.HTML_TEMPLATE_HEAD self.__cached_formula_pars = collections.OrderedDict() self.__url = '' self.initialized = False self.initialize() # read already written file, if any self.__css = {'inline' : 'inlinemath', 'display' : 'displaymath'} self.__replace_nonascii = False def set_replace_nonascii(self, flag): """If True, non-ascii characters will be replaced through their LaTeX command. Note that alphabetical characters will not be replaced, to allow easier readibility.""" self.__replace_nonascii = flag def set_max_formula_length(self, length): """Set maximum length of a formula before it gets outsourced into a separate file.""" self.__inline_maxlength = length def set_inline_math_css_class(self, css): """set css class for inline math.""" self.__css['inline'] = css def set_display_math_css_class(self, css): """set css class for display math.""" self.__css['display'] = css def set_exclude_long_formulas(self, flag): """When set, the LaTeX code of a formula longer than the configured maxlength will be excluded and written + linked into a separate file.""" self.__exclude_descriptions = flag def set_url(self, prefix): """Set URL prefix which is used as a prefix to the image file in the HTML link.""" self.__url = prefix def initialize(self): """Initialize the image writer. If a file with already written image descriptions exists, this one will be parsed first and new formulas appended to it. Otherwise a new file will be written upon ending the with-resources block.""" if self.initialized: return self.initialized = True if not os.path.exists(self.__exclusion_filepath): return self document = None with open(self.__exclusion_filepath, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: document = f.read() # parse html document: parser = OutsourcedFormulaParser() parser.feed(document) self.__file_head = parser.get_head() self.__cached_formula_pars = parser.get_formulas() return self def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, useless, unused, not_applicable): self.close() def close(self): """Write back file with excluded image descriptions, if any.""" def formula2paragraph(frml): return '


' % (gen_id(frml), frml) if not self.__cached_formula_pars: return with open(self.__exclusion_filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(self.__file_head) f.write('\n
\n'.join([formula2paragraph(formula) \ for formula in self.__cached_formula_pars.values()])) f.write('\n\n\n') def get_html_img(self, pos, formula, img_path, displaymath=False): """:param pos dictionary containing keys depth, height and width :param formula LaTeX alternative text :param img_path: path to image :param displaymath display or inline math (default False, inline maths) :returns a string with the formatted HTML""" full_url = img_path if self.__url: if self.__url.endswith('/'): self.__url = self.__url[:-1] full_url = self.__url + '/' + img_path # depth is a negative offset depth = float(pos['depth']) * -1 css = (self.__css['display'] if displaymath else self.__css['inline']) return ('{1}').format(full_url, formula, pos, depth, css) def format_excluded(self, pos, formula, img_path, displaymath=False): """This method formats a formula and an formula image in HTML and additionally writes the formula to an external (configured) file to which the image links to. That's useful for blind screen reader users who can then easily have a look at the formula. :param pos dictionary containing keys depth, height and width :param formula LaTeX alternative text :param img_path: path to image :param displaymath if set to true, image is treated as display math formula (default False) :returns string with formatted HTML image which also links to excluded formula""" shortened = (formula[:100] + '...' if len(formula) > 100 else formula) img = self.get_html_img(pos, shortened, img_path, displaymath) identifier = gen_id(formula) # write formula out to external file if identifier not in self.__cached_formula_pars: self.__cached_formula_pars[identifier] = formula exclusion_filelink = posixpath.join(self.__link_prefix, self.__exclusion_filepath) return '{}'.format(exclusion_filelink, gen_id(formula), img) def format(self, pos, formula, img_path, displaymath=False): """This method formats a formula. If self.__exclude_descriptions is set and the formula igreater than the configured length, the formula will be outsourced, otherwise it'll be included in the IMG's alt tag. In either case, a string for the current document containing the formatted HTML is returned. :param pos dictionary containing keys depth, height and width :param formula LaTeX alternative text :param img_path: path to image :param displaymath whether or not formula is in display math (default: no) :returns string with formatted HTML image which also links to excluded formula""" formula = typesetting.increase_readability(formula, self.__replace_nonascii) if self.__exclude_descriptions and \ len(formula) > self.__inline_maxlength: return self.format_excluded(pos, formula, img_path, displaymath) return self.get_html_img(pos, formula, img_path, displaymath) def write_html(file, document, formatter): """Processed HTML documents are made up of raw HTML chunks which are written back unaltered and of processed image. An processed image is a former formula converted to an image with additional meta data. This is passed to the format function of the supplied formatter and the result is written to the given (open) file handle.""" for chunk in document: if isinstance(chunk, dict): is_displaymath = chunk['displaymath'] file.write(formatter.format(chunk['pos'], chunk['formula'], chunk['path'], is_displaymath)) else: file.write(chunk)