#!/bin/sh version=3.12 ######################################################################### ## ## ## pdfjam: A shell-script interface to the "pdfpages" LaTeX package ## ## ------ ## ## ## ## Author: David Firth (https://warwick.ac.uk/dfirth) ## ## ## ## Usage: see https://github.com/rrthomas/pdfjam ## ## or "pdfjam --help" ## ## ## ## Relies on: ## ## -- pdflatex (or xelatex or lualatex) ## ## -- the 'pdfpages' package for LaTeX (ideally version >= 0.4f) ## ## ## ## License: GPL version 2 or later. This software comes with ## ## ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose at all; if you ## ## do not accept that, then you must not use it. ## ## ## ## The path searched for site-wide configuration files can be set ## ## by editing the following variable: ## ## ## configpath='/etc:/usr/share/etc:/usr/local/share:/usr/local/etc' ## ## ## ## Nothing else in this file should need to be changed. ## ## ## ######################################################################### ## ## PRELIMINARIES ## ## First determine: ## --- whether verbose commentary should be provided (not if --quiet # or --configpath was specified); ## --- whether this call to pdfjam is a "batch" call; ## --- whether just the help text is required; ## --- or whether all configuration files should be ignored. ## verbose=true for arg do case $arg in --quiet | -q | --configpath) verbose=false ; ;; --version | -V) echo "$version" exit 0 ; ;; --batch) batch=true ; ;; --vanilla) vanilla=true ; ;; *) ;; esac done ## ## Check to see whether this is a "secondary" call to pdfjam: ## if test -z "$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" ## not a secondary call then PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER=0 fi ## ## Keep a copy of the internal file separator, so we can change it safely ## OIFS="$IFS" ## ## Record the full filename of the current working diractory ## pwd=$(pwd) ## ## Trap interrupts so that they kill everything: ## trap 'IFS=$OIFS; exit 1' 1 2 15 ## ## The following will be useful for readability of the script: ## newline=' ' ## ## Define a function to escape tricky characters in file names etc: ## escape_chars () { (printf "%s" "${1}" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._/\-]/\\&/g') } ## ## Define a function to output verbose comments: ## prattle () { ## second argument here is non-null for continuation lines if test $verbose = true; then prefix1=" pdfjam:" ; prefix2=$(printf "%s" "$prefix1" | sed 's/pdfjam:/ /') ; indent="" ; if test "$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" -gt 0 && test "$batch" != true then indent=" " fi IFS="$newline" ; lineCounter=0 ; for line in ${1} do lineCounter=$((lineCounter + 1)) ; if test $lineCounter -eq 1 && test ! -n "${2}" ; then if test -w "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" then printf "$prefix1$indent %s\n" "$line" >> \ "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" else messages="$messages$prefix1$indent $line$newline" ## msg file not made yet fi else if test -w "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" then printf "$prefix2$indent %s\n" "$line" >> \ "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" else messages="$messages$prefix2$indent $line$newline" ## msg file not made yet fi fi ; done ; IFS="$OIFS" ; fi ; return ; } ## ## And here's the first piece of verbose commentary: ## prattle "----" 1 prattle "This is pdfjam version ${version}." ## ######################################################################### ## ## CONFIGURATION ## ## THESE SETTINGS WILL BE OVERRIDDEN by any found in configuration ## files. By default such files are found at any or all of ## /etc/pdfjam.conf ## /usr/share/etc/pdfjam.conf ## /usr/local/share/pdfjam.conf ## /usr/local/etc/pdfjam.conf ## $HOME/.pdfjam.conf ## (And they are read in that order; if a setting is made more than ## once, the last instance prevails.) ## ## An example configuration file can be found at ## https://github.com/rrthomas/pdfjam ## ## The path searched for site-wide configuration files can be changed ## by editing the variable 'configpath' at the top of this file. ## ## ## First get the full path (if it exists) to pdflatex: ## latex=$(command -v pdflatex) if [ -z "$latex" ] ; then latex="not found" ; fi ## ## Likewise for the pdfinfo and iconv (only needed for `--keepinfo'): ## pdfinfo=$(command -v pdfinfo) if [ -z "$pdfinfo" ] ; then pdfinfo="not found"; fi iconv=$(command -v iconv) if [ -z "$iconv" ] ; then iconv="not found"; fi ## ## ## Next a permitted location for temporary files on your system: ## tempfileDir=${TMPDIR:-'/tmp'} ## /tmp is standard on most unix systems ## ## ## Default for the output file location: ## outFile="$pwd" ## Output to the current working directory ## ## ## A few more default settings for pdfjam: ## shortedge='true' ## Default paper is rotated shortedge when doing book ## runs=1 ## Run latex just once ## tidy='true' ## Delete all temporary files at the end ## keepinfo='false' ## Don't try to preserve "pdfinfo" data ## checkfiles='false' ## Don't use the Unix 'file -Lb' utility to ## identify PDF files from their contents; ## rely on the .pdf or .PDF extension instead. ## suffix='pdfjam' ## Default filename suffix to be used when ## --outfile is either (a) a directory, or (b) ## not specified in a --batch call. ## preamble='' ## Default LaTeX preamble string. ## ## END OF SETTINGS MADE DIRECTLY WITHIN THE SCRIPT ## ## Now read the site's or user's configuration file(s) if such exist, ## unless '--vanilla' was specified. ## if test "$vanilla" != true then if test "$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" = 0 ## not a secondary call to pdfjam then configFiles=$(printf "%s" "$configpath" | \ sed 's/:/\/pdfjam.conf:/g; s/$/\/pdfjam.conf/') configFiles="${configFiles}:$HOME/.pdfjam.conf" PDFJAM_CONFIG="" prattle "Reading any site-wide or user-specific defaults..." IFS=':' for d in $configFiles do if test -f "$d"; then change=$(sed '/^ *#.*/d ; s/ *#.*//; s/^ *//' "$d") comment="## ${newline}## From ${d}: ${newline}##" PDFJAM_CONFIG="$PDFJAM_CONFIG$comment$newline$change$newline" fi done IFS="$OIFS" PDFJAM_CONFIG=$(printf "%s" "$PDFJAM_CONFIG" | sed 's/^/ /') if test "$batch" = true ; then export PDFJAM_CONFIG ; fi if test -z "$PDFJAM_CONFIG" then prattle "(none found)" 1 else prattle "$PDFJAM_CONFIG" 1 fi fi if test -n "$PDFJAM_CONFIG" ; then eval "$PDFJAM_CONFIG" ; fi else if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 then prattle "Called with '--vanilla': no user or site configuration" prattle "files will be read." 1 fi fi ## For backwards compatibility, check here for a $pdflatex setting in the config file if [ -n "${pdflatex:-}" ] ; then latex="$pdflatex" ; fi ## ## If paper size is not set, get default paper size from libpaper >= 2 if ## possible, otherwise guess A4. ## paperspec= if test -z "$paper"; then if command -v paper >/dev/null ; then paperspec=$(paper) if echo "$paperspec" | grep -q '^.*: '; then paperdimensions=$(echo "$paperspec" | cut -f 2 -d " ") paperunit=$(echo "$paperspec" | cut -f 3 -d " ") if test "$paperunit" = "pt"; then paperunit=bp; fi paperwidth=$(echo "$paperdimensions" | cut -f 1 -d "x") paperheight=$(echo "$paperdimensions" | cut -f 2 -d "x") papersize="papersize={$paperwidth$paperunit,$paperheight$paperunit}" paper='' ## We might not have a LaTeX-compatible name else echo "The 'paper' program seems not to be working; not using it" fi fi if test -z "$paperspec"; then paper='a4paper' ## fallback paper size is ISO A4 papersize='' ## clear papersize fi fi ## ## END OF CONFIGURATION BLOCK ## ######################################################################### ## ## HELP TEXT ## ## Defines the output of 'pdfjam --help' ## helptext=" pdfjam is a shell-script front end to the LaTeX 'pdfpages' package; see https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages Usage: pdfjam [OPTIONS] [--] [FILE1 [SEL1]] [FILE2 [SEL2]]... where * 'FILE1' etc. are PDF files (JPG and PNG files are also allowed). For input from /dev/stdin, use the special name '/dev/stdin' in place of any of FILE1, FILE2, etc: this can be mixed with 'real' files as needed, to allow input through a pipe (note that if /dev/stdin is connected to tty, an error results). If 'FILE1' is absent, pdfjam will use '/dev/stdin' (and will use '-' for the page selection -- see next item). * 'SEL1' is a page selection for FILE1, etc. To select all pages (the default) use '-'. See the pdfpages manual for more details. An example: ... file1 '{},2,4-6,9-' ... makes an empty page, followed by pages 2,4,5,6 of file1, followed by pages 9 onwards (up to the end of file1). A page selection can be applied to more than one file, e.g., ... file1 file2 file3 1-7 ... applies page selection '1-7' to all three files; but for example ... file1 file2 2- file3 1-7 ... would apply the page selection '2-' to file1 and file2, and '1-7' to file3. A page selection applies to all the files *immediately* preceding it in the argument list. A missing page selection defaults to '-'; this includes the case where 'FILE1' is absent and so /dev/stdin gets used by default. * 'options' are pdfpages specifications in the form '--KEY VALUE' (see below), or --help (or -h, or -u) Output this text only; no processing of PDF files. --configpath Output the 'configpath' variable and exit immediately; no processing of PDF files. --version (or -V) Output the version number of pdfjam and exit immediately; no processing of PDF files. --quiet (or -q) Suppress verbose commentary on progress. --batch Run pdfjam sequentially on each input file in turn, and produce a separate output file for each input, rather than the default behaviour (which is a single run of pdfjam on all of the input files, producing a single output document). For the location of output files, see '--outfile'. The --batch option cannot be used in the case of input from stdin. --outfile PATH (or -o PATH) Specifies where the output file(s) will go. If PATH is an existing directory, pdfjam will attempt to write its output PDF file(s) there, with name(s) derived from the input file name(s) and the --suffix option (see below). Otherwise the output file will be PATH. If '/dev/stdin' is the only or last input file, PATH cannot be a directory. Your current default PATH for output is: $outFile --suffix STRING Specifies a suffix for output file names, to be used when --outfile is either (a) a directory, or (b) not specified in a --batch call. A good STRING should be descriptive: for example, --suffix 'rotated' would append the text '-rotated' to the name of the input file in order to make the output file name, as in 'myfile-rotated.pdf'. The STRING must not have zero length. [Default for you at this site: suffix=$suffix] --checkfiles --no-checkfiles If the Unix 'file' utility is available, with options -L and -b, the output of 'file -Lb FILE1' should be 'PDF document...' where '...' gives version information. If this is the case on your system you should use '--checkfiles'; otherwise use '--no-checkfiles', in which case all input PDF files must have .pdf or .PDF as their name extension. [Default for you at this site: checkfiles=$checkfiles] --preamble STRING Append the supplied STRING to the preamble of the LaTeX source file(s), immediately before the '\begin{document}' line. An example: pdfjam --nup 2x2 myfile.pdf -o myfile-4up.pdf \\ --preamble '\usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy}' The '--preamble' option can be used, for example, to load LaTeX packages and/or to set global options. If '--preamble' is used more than once in the call, the supplied preamble strings are simply concatenated. For a note on avoiding clashes, see the README file, also available at https://github.com/rrthomas/pdfjam --keepinfo --no-keepinfo Preserve (or not) Title, Author, Subject and Keywords (from the last input PDF file, if more than one) in the output PDF file. This requires the pdfinfo utility, from the xpdf package, and the LaTeX 'hyperref' package; if either of those is not available, '--keepinfo' is ignored. [Default for you at this site: keepinfo=$keepinfo] --pdftitle STRING --pdfauthor STRING --pdfsubject STRING --pdfkeywords STRING Provide text for the Title, Author, Subject and Keywords in the output PDF file. Requires the LaTeX 'hyperref' package. These options, individually, over-ride --keepinfo. --longedge --shortedge Specify the direction in which double-sided pages are flipped. It may not work correctly in all cases, so if every other page is rotated 180°, flip this switch. --landscape --no-landscape Specify landscape page orientation (or not) in the output PDF file. [Default for you at this site: landscape=$landscape] --twoside --no-twoside Specify (or not) the 'twoside' document class option. [Default for you at this site: twoside=$twoside] --paper PAPERSPEC (or simply --PAPERSPEC) Specify a LaTeX paper size, for example '--paper a4paper' or simply '--a4paper' for ISO A4 paper. A wide range of paper sizes is available thanks to the LaTeX 'geometry' package. For details see documentation for LaTeX and/or the 'geometry' package. If no default value is set and libpaper is not available, A4 is used. [Default for you at this site: paper=$paper] --papersize '{WIDTH,HEIGHT}' Specify a custom paper size, e.g., --papersize '{10in,18cm}' (Note the braces, and the comma!) [Libpaper default: $papersize] --pagecolor RGBSPEC Specify a background colour for the output pages. The RGBSPEC must be a comma-separated trio of integers between 0 and 255. An example: --pagecolor 150,200,150 [Default is no background colour] --tidy --no-tidy Specify whether the temporary directory created by pdfjam should be deleted. Use '--no-tidy' to help debug most errors. [Default for you at this site: tidy=$tidy] --latex PATHTOLATEX Specify the LaTeX engine to be used (one of pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex). The PATHTOLATEX string must be the full path to a suitable LaTeX executable (for example /usr/bin/xelatex on many unix systems). [Default for you at this site: latex=$latex] --runs N Run latex N times, for each output document made. [Default for you at this site: runs=$runs] --vanilla Suppress the reading of any pdfjam configuration files. --enc Specify a command-line encoding [Default for you at this site: enc=$enc] --KEY VALUE Specify options to '\includepdfmerge', in the LaTeX 'pdfpages' package. See the the pdfpages documentation (usually 'texdoc pdfpages') for more information. Here KEY is the name of any of the many options for '\includepdfmerge', and VALUE is a corresponding value. Examples: --nup 2x1 (for 2-up side-by-side imposition) --scale 0.7 (to scale all input pages to 70% size) --offset '1cm 0.5cm' (to offset all pages -- note the quotes!) --frame true (to put a frame round each input page) --booklet true (to reorder the pages in signatures, generally useful with --nup) --signature N (specify the signature size, as the number of original pages in a signature in the final document. Caveat: booklet is a short form for signature, so if you use booklet true, signature will be ignored) --trim '1cm 2cm 1cm 2cm' --clip true (to trim those amounts from left, bottom, right and top, respectively, of input pages) --angle NNN (The angle of rotation in degrees. Angles that are not either 90, 180 or 270 will still create straight rectangular pages, only the content will be rotated.) etc., etc. For more information see the manual for the 'pdfpages' package, at https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages * '--' can be used to signal that there are no more options to come. Defaults for the options '--suffix', '--keepinfo', '--paper', '--outfile', '--landscape', '--twoside', '--tidy', '--latex', '--runs', '--checkfiles' and '--preamble' can be set in site-wide or user-specific configuration files. The path that is searched for site-wide configuration files (named pdfjam.conf) at this installation is $configpath This configuration path can be changed by editing the pdfjam script if necessary. Any user-specific configuration should be put in a file named .pdfjam.conf in your home directory. (All of these files are ignored if the '--vanilla' argument is used.) For more information, including a sample configuration file, see https://github.com/rrthomas/pdfjam. " ## ## END OF HELP TEXT ## ######################################################################### # # If --help is given, print help and exit. We do this here so that the # configuration files have already been read, and default values can be # shown in the help for arg do case $arg in --help | -u | -h) printf "%s\n" "$helptext" ; exit 0 ; ;; *) ;; esac done ######################################################################### ## ## ERROR CODES ## E_USAGE=64 # command line usage error E_NOINPUT=66 # cannot open input E_UNAVAILABLE=69 # service unavailable E_SOFTWARE=70 # internal software error E_OSFILE=72 # file does not exist or cannot be opened E_CANTCREATE=73 # can't create (user) output file E_CONFIG=78 # configuration error ## ## Define a function to print an error message and exit: ## error_exit () { if [ -r "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" ] then cat "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" >&2 else printf "%s" "$messages" 1>&2 fi printf " pdfjam ERROR: %s\n" "$1" 1>&2 ; exit "$2" ; } ## ######################################################################### ## ## READ AND PROCESS THE ARGUMENTS ## ## In case of NO argument supplied, mention 'pdfjam --help': ## if test $# -eq 0 then prattle "No arguments supplied; continuing anyway. (See" prattle "'pdfjam --help' for information on usage.)" 1 fi ## ## Now do the argument loop. ## fileSpec="" miscOptions="" callOptions="" optionsFinished="" ## ## First note any '--checkfiles' or '--no-checkfiles' option ## for arg do case $arg in --checkfiles) checkfiles=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --checkfiles" ; ;; --no-checkfiles) checkfiles=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --no-checkfiles" ; ;; esac done while test -n "${1}${2}"; do argUnmatched="" if test "$optionsFinished" != true then case ${1} in --) ## signals end of command-line options optionsFinished=true ; shift ; continue ; ;; --configpath) printf "%s\n" "$configpath" ; exit 0;; --* | -q | -o) if test "$pageSpecAwaited" = true ; then ## fill in any missing page specs before continuing fileSpec=$(printf "%s" "$fileSpec" | sed 's/|awaited/|-/g') pageSpecAwaited=false fi case ${1} in --latex) latex="${2}" ; callOptions="$callOptions --latex ${2}" ; shift ;; --batch) batch=true ; ;; --vanilla) callOptions="$callOptions ${1}" ; ;; --quiet | -q) verbose=false ; callOptions="$callOptions ${1}" ; ;; --outfile | -o) outFile="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then outFile=$(escape_chars "$outFile") fi callOptions="$callOptions --outfile $outFile" ; shift ;; --suffix) if test -n "${2}" then suffix="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then suffix=$(escape_chars "$suffix") fi callOptions="$callOptions --suffix $suffix" shift else error_exit \ "'--suffix' string has zero length" \ $E_USAGE ; fi ;; --runs) runs="${2}" ; ## check if the argument is a number > 0 if [ "$runs" -lt 1 ] 2> /dev/null; then error_exit \ "'--runs' number must be at least 1" \ $E_USAGE ; fi callOptions="$callOptions --runs ${2}" ; shift ;; --tidy) tidy=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --tidy" ; ;; --no-tidy) tidy=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --no-tidy" ; ;; --shortedge) shortedge=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --shortedge" ; ;; --longedge) shortedge=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --longedge" ; ;; --keepinfo) keepinfo=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --keepinfo" ; ;; --no-keepinfo) keepinfo=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --no-keepinfo" ; ;; --checkfiles) ;; ## already done above --no-checkfiles) ;; ## already done above --pdftitle) pdfTitle="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then pdfTitle=$(escape_chars "$pdfTitle") fi callOptions="$callOptions --pdftitle $pdfTitle" ; shift ;; --pdfauthor) pdfAuthor="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then pdfAuthor=$(escape_chars "$pdfAuthor") fi callOptions="$callOptions --pdfauthor $pdfAuthor" ; shift ;; --pdfsubject) pdfSubject="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then pdfSubject=$(escape_chars "$pdfSubject") fi callOptions="$callOptions --pdfsubject $pdfSubject" ; shift ;; --pdfkeywords) pdfKeywords="${2}" ; if test "$batch" = true then pdfKeywords=$(escape_chars "$pdfKeywords") fi callOptions="$callOptions --pdfkeywords $pdfKeywords" ; shift ;; --paper) paper="${2}" papersize='' ## clear papersize callOptions="$callOptions ${1} ${2}" ; shift ;; --pagecolor) pagecolor="${2}" ; callOptions="$callOptions ${1} ${2}" ; shift ;; --a0paper | --a1paper | --a2paper | --a3paper | \ --a4paper | --a5paper | --a6paper | \ --b0paper | --b1paper | --b2paper | \ --b3paper | --b4paper | --b5paper | --b6paper | \ --c0paper | --c1paper | --c2paper | \ --c3paper | --c4paper | --c5paper | --c6paper | \ --b0j | --b1j | --b2j | --b3j | --b4j | --b5j | --b6j | \ --ansiapaper | --ansibpaper | --ansicpaper | \ --ansidpaper | --ansiepaper | \ --letterpaper | --legalpaper | --executivepaper) paper=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | sed 's/^--//') ; papersize='' ## clear papersize callOptions="$callOptions ${1}" ; ;; --papersize) paper='' ## clear paper papersize="papersize=${2}" ; callOptions="$callOptions ${1} '${2}'" ; shift ;; --landscape) landscape=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --landscape" ; ;; --no-landscape) landscape=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --no-landscape" ; ;; --twoside) twoside=true ; callOptions="$callOptions --twoside" ; ;; --no-twoside) twoside=false ; callOptions="$callOptions --no-twoside" ; ;; --preamble) preamble="$preamble${2}" ; shift ;; --enc) # command line encoding enc="${2}" callOptions="$callOptions ${1} ${2}" shift ;; --*) ## options for \includepdfmerge argName=$(printf "%s" "${1}" | sed 's/^--//'); value="${2}" miscOptions=$miscOptions,"$argName=$value" ; ## saved for possible use in LaTeX file callOptions="$callOptions ${1} '$value'" ; ## saved for possible use in a further call to pdfjam shift ; ;; esac ;; '' | *) argUnmatched=true ;; esac fi if test "$optionsFinished" = true || test "$argUnmatched" = true then case ${1} in "" | /dev/stdin) fileSpec="${fileSpec}${newline}/dev/stdin|awaited" pageSpecAwaited=true inputFromStdin=true ;; -) if test "$pageSpecAwaited" = true ; then fileSpec=$(printf "%s" "$fileSpec" | \ sed 's/|awaited/|-/g') pageSpecAwaited=false else error_exit "no PDF/JPG/PNG file found at ${1}" \ $E_NOINPUT fi ;; *) ## All other args should be PDF (or JPG/PNG) ## source files and page selections; if not, we'll quit if test "$checkfiles" = true ; ## not always available then case $(file -Lb "${1}") in "PDF document"*|"JPEG image data"*|"PNG image"*) ## it's a PDF file (or JPG/PNG) as expected fileSpec="$fileSpec${newline}${1}|awaited" pageSpecAwaited=true ;; *) case ${1} in *.[pP][dD][fF] | *.[jJ][pP][eE][gG] | \ *.[jJ][pP][gG] | *.[pP][nN][gG]) ## should be PDF/JPG/PNG file, but isn't error_exit "no PDF/JPG/PNG file found at ${1}" \ $E_NOINPUT ;; *) ## if page spec needed, assume this is it; ## otherwise something is wrong if test "$pageSpecAwaited" = true ; then escapedFilePath=$(printf '%s' "$1" | sed -e 's#/#\\/#g') fileSpec=$(printf "%s" "$fileSpec" | \ sed "s/|awaited/|${escapedFilePath}/g") pageSpecAwaited=false else error_exit "no PDF/JPG/PNG file found at ${1}" \ $E_NOINPUT fi ;; esac ;; esac else ## no checking of file contents; rely on .pdf extension case ${1} in *.[pP][dD][fF] | *.[jJ][pP][eE][gG] \ | *.[jJ][pP][gG] | *.[pP][nN][gG]) ## assume it's a PDF/JPG/PNG file test -f "${1}" || error_exit \ "${1} not found" $E_NOINPUT fileSpec="$fileSpec"$newline${1}"|"awaited pageSpecAwaited=true ;; *) ## if page spec needed, assume this is it; ## otherwise something is wrong if test "$pageSpecAwaited" = true ; then escapedFilePath=$(printf '%s' "$1" | sed -e 's#/#\\/#g') fileSpec=$(printf "%s" "$fileSpec" | \ sed "s/|awaited/|${escapedFilePath}/g") pageSpecAwaited=false else error_exit "no PDF/JPG/PNG file found at ${1}" \ $E_NOINPUT fi ;; esac fi ;; esac fi shift done ## ## Use the default page spec for any that remain unspecified: ## fileSpec=$(printf "%s" "$fileSpec" | sed '/^$/d; s/^ //; s/|awaited$/|-/') ## ## Check whether input from stdin should be used by default: if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 && test "$inputFromStdin" != true then ## the special argument '/dev/stdin' was not used if test -z "$fileSpec" ; then ## no argument specifying a PDF source was given inputFromStdin=true fileSpec="/dev/stdin|-" prattle "No PDF/JPG/PNG source specified: input is from stdin." fi fi ## ## Delete leading comma from $miscOptions: ## miscOptions=$(printf "%s" "$miscOptions" | sed 's/^,//') ## if test -n "$preamble" then callOptions="$callOptions --preamble '$preamble'" fi ## Delete leading space from $callOptions: ## callOptions=$(printf "%s" "$callOptions" | sed 's/^ //') ## ## Set up a document options variable: ## case $landscape in true) orientation=landscape if test -n "$papersize"; then papersize="papersize={$paperheight$paperunit,$paperwidth$paperunit}" fi ;; *) orientation="" ;; esac case $twoside in true) twoside=twoside ;; *) twoside="" ;; esac case $shortedge in true) shortedge="" ;; *) shortedge='\usepackage{everyshi}\makeatletter\EveryShipout{\ifodd\c@page\pdfpageattr{/Rotate 180}\fi}\makeatother' ;; esac documentOptions="$paper","$orientation","$twoside" documentOptions=$(printf "%s" "$documentOptions" | sed 's/^,//' | sed 's/,$//') ## ## END OF ARGUMENT PROCESSING ## ######################################################################### ## ## CHECK SYSTEM SETUP ## ## These checks are not repeated in secondary calls. ## if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 ## not a secondary call then ## Check whether there's a suitable latex to use: case "$latex" in "not found") error_exit "can't find pdflatex!" $E_UNAVAILABLE ;; *) ## if test ! -x "$latex" then error_exit \ "configuration error, $latex is not an executable file" \ $E_CONFIG fi ;; esac ## ## Check that necessary LaTeX packages are installed: ## modifyPath=$(printf "%s" "$latex" | sed 's/\/[^\/]*$//') if [ -n "$modifyPath" ] ; then PATH="$modifyPath:$PATH" export PATH fi case "$latex" in *tectonic*) ;; *) (kpsewhich pdfpages.sty >/dev/null) || error_exit \ "LaTeX package pdfpages.sty is not installed" \ $E_UNAVAILABLE ;; esac fi if test "$keepinfo" = true then case "$pdfinfo" in "not found") if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 then prattle \ "The pdfinfo utility was not found, so --keepinfo is ignored." fi keepinfo=false ;; pdfinfo) ;; *) ## $pdfinfo was set in a configuration file if test ! -x "$pdfinfo" then if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 then prattle \ "No pdfinfo utility at $pdfinfo, so --keepinfo is ignored." keepinfo=false fi fi ;; esac case "$iconv" in "not found") if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 then prattle \ "The iconv utility was not found, so --keepinfo is ignored." fi keepinfo=false ;; iconv) ;; *) ## $iconv was set in a configuration file if test ! -x "$iconv" then if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER -eq 0 then prattle \ "No iconv utility at $iconv, so --keepinfo is ignored." keepinfo=false fi fi ;; esac fi ## A function to check if using non-Cygwin "${latex}" from Cygwin using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin () { if [ -z "${__cache__using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin}" ]; then if uname | grep -q CYGWIN \ && "${latex}" -version | head -1 | grep -qv Cygwin; then __cache__using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin=0 else __cache__using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin=1 fi fi return "${__cache__using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin}" } ## ## END OF CHECKING THE SETUP ## ######################################################################### ## ## TEMPORARY FILES ## ## Make a secure temporary directory (following ## the autoconf manual). ## ## Use mktemp if possible; otherwise fall back on mkdir, ## with random name to make file collisions less likely. ## original_umask=$(umask) umask 177 if test $PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER = 0 ## don't repeat this work for secondary calls then PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR='' trap 'IFS="$OIFS"; \ if test $tidy != false ; then cd "$pwd"; rm -rf "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"; fi; exit 1' \ 1 2 15 trap 'IFS="$OIFS"; \ if test $tidy != false ; then cd "$pwd"; rm -rf "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"; fi' 0 { PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR=$( (umask 077 && mktemp -d "$tempfileDir/pdfjam-XXXXXX") 2>/dev/null) && test -n "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR" && test -d "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR" } || { ## We'll use awk to make random number, for portability random=$(awk 'END { srand(); printf ("%d\n", rand()*1000000); }' /dev/null) PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR="$tempfileDir"/pdfjam"$$"-"$random" (umask 077 && mkdir "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR") } || exit $? ## export PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR ## so that same dir is used in secondary calls if test $tidy = false ; then prattle "Temporary directory for this job is $PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR" fi PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/messages.txt export PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE ## so that secondary calls can write messages there as well printf "%s" "$messages" > "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" ## initial file contents messages="" ## we won't be using this variable again! else PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR/file$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" (umask 077 && mkdir "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR") fi umask "$original_umask" ## Next is from the Cygwin patch contributed by Lucas if using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin; then PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR=$(cygpath -w "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR") fi ## ## TEMPORARY DIRECTORY ALL DONE ## ######################################################################### ## ## HANDLING THE "--batch" OPTION ## ## If --batch was used, we'll call pdfjam separately on each input ## file. ## if test "$batch" = true ; then if test "$fileSpec" = "" ; then error_exit "--batch was used, but no PDF/JPG/PNG source file(s) specified" \ $E_USAGE fi if test "$inputFromStdin" = true ; then error_exit "--batch cannot be used with input from stdin" \ $E_USAGE fi IFS="$newline" for k in $fileSpec ; do sourcePath=$(printf "%s" "$k" | sed 's/|[^|]*$//') pageSpec=$(printf "%s" $k | sed 's/.*|//') callNumber=$((PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER + 1)) prattle "--" prattle "Processing file ${callNumber}, '$sourcePath'..." prattle "Page spec is '$pageSpec'." sourcePath=$(escape_chars "$sourcePath") PDFJAM_EFFECTIVE_CALL="$0 $callOptions -- $sourcePath $pageSpec" export PDFJAM_EFFECTIVE_CALL PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER=$callNumber export PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER eval "$PDFJAM_EFFECTIVE_CALL" ## i.e., call pdfjam again with one input file done if [ "$verbose" = "true" ]; then cat "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" >&2 ; fi IFS=$OIFS exit 0 fi ## ## END OF THE '--batch' PROCESSING ## ######################################################################### ## ## RECORD THE EFFECTIVE CALL TO PDFJAM, FOR POSSIBLE DEBUGGING PURPOSES ## ## Save the text of this (effective) call to pdfjam in a temporary file, ## for later inspection if necessary. ## ## For secondary calls, the effective call text is already made; ## otherwise we make it here. ## if test "$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" -gt 0 then theCall="$PDFJAM_EFFECTIVE_CALL" else filePageSpec="" IFS="$newline" for k in $fileSpec ; do ## Last substitution on next line is needed for silly characters in ## file names... sourcePath=$(printf "%s" $k | sed 's/|[^|]*$//') sourcePath=$(escape_chars "$sourcePath") pageSpec=$(printf "%s" $k | sed 's/.*|//') filePageSpec="$filePageSpec$sourcePath $pageSpec " done IFS="$OIFS" theCall="$0 $callOptions -- $filePageSpec" fi printf "%s\n%s\n" "cd $pwd" "$theCall" > "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/call.txt prattle "Effective call for this run of pdfjam:" prattle "$theCall" 1 ## ######################################################################### ## ## NOW MAKE THE INPUT FILE ETC., READY FOR LATEX ## filePageList="" ## initialize a string to supply to \includepdfmerge counter=0 ## ## Make symbolic link(s) to the source file(s) in the temporary dir, ## and make the $filePageList string for input to \includepdfmerge ## stdinUnread=true IFS="$newline" for k in ${fileSpec} do counter=$((counter + 1)) sourcePath=$(printf "%s" "$k" | sed 's/|[^|]*$//') pageSpec=$(printf "%s" $k | sed 's/.*|//') ## Check, though not exhaustively, for problems with the ## page spec: leading or trailing comma, double comma or ## double dash, alphabetic characters other than the word "last", ## braces not paired as {} with nothing inbetween. A fully ## specified pattern for valid \includepdfmerge page spec would ## be better here; but life is too short... if printf "%s" "$pageSpec" | sed 's/last/99/g' | \ grep '^,.*\|,$\|,,\|--\|[A-Za-z]\|{[^}]\|[^{]}' 1>/dev/null then error_exit "invalid page spec $pageSpec" $E_USAGE fi case $sourcePath in /dev/stdin) uniqueName="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/stdin.pdf if test "$stdinUnread" = true then if tty -s ; then error_exit \ "tty is connected to stdin, no PDF/JPG/PNG file found" \ $E_NOINPUT fi cat > "$uniqueName" stdinUnread=false fi ;; *) pdfName=$(basename "$sourcePath") sourceDir=$(dirname "$sourcePath") ## zsh on Mac OS 10.5 chokes here cd "$sourceDir" || exit 1 ## just to get the full path sourceDir=$(pwd) cd "$pwd" || exit 1 sourceFullPath="$sourceDir"/"$pdfName" uniqueName="source-$counter.pdf" uniqueName="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/"$uniqueName" ## Next is from the Cygwin patch contributed by Lucas if using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin; then cp "$sourceFullPath" "$uniqueName" else ln -s "$sourceFullPath" "$uniqueName" fi ;; esac filePageList="$filePageList","$uniqueName","$pageSpec" done IFS="$OIFS" filePageList=$(printf "%s" "$filePageList" | \ sed 's/^,//') ## remove leading comma ## ## Do the pdfinfo stuff (if relevant)... ## select_pdfinfo () { printf '%s' "$2" | \ grep -e "^$1:" | \ sed -e 's/^'"$1"':\s*//' } echo_hex_iconv_utf16be () { printf '%s' "$1" | \ "$iconv" -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16BE | \ od -An -v -tx1 | \ tr -d '[:space:]' } echo_pdfinfodata () { if [ -n "$2" ]; then TMPA=$(echo_hex_iconv_utf16be "$2") printf '%s' "/$1 " fi } if test "$keepinfo" = true ; then prattle "Calling ${pdfinfo}..." PDFinfo=$(pdfinfo -enc UTF-8 "$uniqueName") pdftitl=$(select_pdfinfo 'Title' "$PDFinfo") pdfauth=$(select_pdfinfo 'Author' "$PDFinfo") pdfsubj=$(select_pdfinfo 'Subject' "$PDFinfo") pdfkeyw=$(select_pdfinfo 'Keywords' "$PDFinfo") fi echo_iconv_from_enc () { printf '%s' "$2" | \ "$iconv" -f "$1" -t UTF-8 } if test -n "$pdfTitle" ; then pdftitl=$(echo_iconv_from_enc "$enc" "$pdfTitle") fi if test -n "$pdfAuthor" ; then pdfauth=$(echo_iconv_from_enc "$enc" "$pdfAuthor") fi if test -n "$pdfSubject" ; then pdfsubj=$(echo_iconv_from_enc "$enc" "$pdfSubject") fi if test -n "$pdfKeywords" ; then pdfkeyw=$(echo_iconv_from_enc "$enc" "$pdfKeywords") fi ## Converting to PDF string raw_pdftitl=$(echo_pdfinfodata 'Title' "$pdftitl") raw_pdfauth=$(echo_pdfinfodata 'Author' "$pdfauth") raw_pdfsubj=$(echo_pdfinfodata 'Subject' "$pdfsubj") raw_pdfkeyw=$(echo_pdfinfodata 'Keywords' "$pdfkeyw") ## ## Now set up the files for latex... ## fileName="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/a texFile="$fileName".tex msgFile="$fileName".msgs tempFile="$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR"/temp.tex ## Next is adapted from the Cygwin patch sent by Lucas if using_non_cygwin_latex_from_cygwin; then filePageList=$(echo "$filePageList" | sed 's~\\~/~g') fi (cat <>}}} \fi \ifdefined\pdfinfo% \pdfinfo{% $raw_pdftitl % $raw_pdfauth % $raw_pdfsubj % $raw_pdfkeyw % }% \fi \usepackage{pdfpages} EndTemplate ) > "$texFile" if test -z "$pagecolor"; then ## color package is not needed cp "$texFile" "$tempFile" sed '/\\\usepackage.*{color}/d' "$tempFile" > "$texFile" rm "$tempFile" fi (cat <> "$texFile" ## ## INPUT FILES ARE ALL READY ## ######################################################################### ## ## RUN LATEX AND COPY THE RESULTING PDF FILE ## if [ "$runs" -eq 1 ] ; then prattle "Calling ${latex}..." else prattle "Calling ${latex} $runs times..." fi cd "$PDFJAM_TEMP_DIR" || exit 1 failureText=\ "FAILED. The call to $latex resulted in an error. If '--no-tidy' was used, you can examine the log file at $fileName.log to try to diagnose the problem." i=1 while [ "$i" -le "$runs" ] ; do "$latex" "$texFile" > "$msgFile" || { prattle "$failureText" error_exit "Run $i: Output file not written" $E_SOFTWARE } i=$((i + 1)) done cd "$pwd" || exit 1 if test -f "$fileName".pdf ## if LaTeX didn't choke then ## Checks on output file path: if test -d "$outFile" ## outfile is a directory then if test "$sourcePath" = /dev/stdin then error_exit \ "--outfile cannot be a directory when input is stdin" \ $E_USAGE fi if test ! -w "$outFile" then error_exit \ "FAILED: no write permission on ${outFile}." \ $E_OSFILE fi separator="-" if test "$pageSpec" != "-" then separator=-"$pageSpec"- fi outFile=$(printf "%s" "$outFile" | sed 's/\/$//') ## (delete any trailing slash) pdfName=$(basename "$sourcePath") pdfName=$(printf "%s" "$pdfName" | \ sed 's/\.[pP][dD][fF]$//') ## strip extension pdfName="$pdfName$separator$suffix".pdf outFile="$outFile"/"$pdfName" fi fi if test -f "$outFile" && test ! -w "$outFile" ## file exists and we can't over-write it then error_exit "no write permission at ${outFile}" $E_CANTCREATE fi #fileSize=$(wc -c < "$fileName.pdf" | sed 's/^\ *//') ## Avoid explicit output to /dev/stdout. if test "$outFile" = "/dev/stdout" \ && cat "$fileName".pdf 2> /dev/null \ || cat "$fileName".pdf > "$outFile" 2>/dev/null then prattle "Finished. Output was written to '${outFile}'." else error_exit "cannot write output at ${outFile}" $E_CANTCREATE fi if [ "$PDFJAM_CALL_NUMBER" = "0" ] && [ "$verbose" = "true" ] then cat "$PDFJAM_MESSAGES_FILE" >&2 fi exit 0 ## ## END ## #########################################################################