This is the README for texlive-dummy-fc36, version 2022-07-17. WARNING! This is a serious hack and you should be clear about what you are doing. The texlive packages available for RHEL-8 (and derived distributions such as CentOS-8) are relatively old (2018) and seriously incomplete. For Fedora, they seem to be more up-to-date, but still cannot "compete" with TeX-Live's own distribution mechanism. Although it is possible to remove the native texlive packages and install a more recent complete TeXLive distribution, any attempt to install packages that depend on texlive resources (such as latex2html, lyx, etc.) will normally trigger the re-installation of the obsolete native packages. This is inefficient and the redundant packages can interfere with the TeXLive resources. This package contains a "dummy" rpm which is intended to satisfy any dependencies on texlive resources, allowing packages like latex2html, lyx, etc. to be installed without using --nodeps and without triggering re-installation of texlive rpms. All native texlive packages will be removed when the texlive-dummy package is installed. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any necessary resources normally provided by native packages have in fact been installed. A recent TeXLive distribution should suffice. If necessary, packages can be installed directly from CTAN into a local or personal texmf tree. This version is based on a Fedora 36 installation and is building on the original CentOS-version by Bob Tennent (rdt at Since Bob does not have a CentOS machine available anymore, the old dummy packages are a bit outdated. However, this Fedora-based version should (sic!) work on other RHEL-derived distributions as well. But your mileage may vary… The source rpm is included in case the user needs to add/remove lines to/from the spec file. Please send the maintainer a note about this so this package can be updated. A brief intro in how to do this: Download the src rpm (texlive-dummy-2022-1.fc36.src.rpm) from CTAN. Create a temporary directory and move the file there. Now extract the source package: rpm2cpio texlive-dummy-2022-1.fc36.src.rpm | cpio -idmv This gives the `texlive-dummy.fc36.spec` file we can edit to add extra dependecies. E. g., towards the end, add a little part to include what is needed for the package you try to install and that still triggers "dnf" or "yum" to pull in a whole lot of texlive stuff. Add the required "Provides:" after the last other "Provides:" and before the line with `%prep` To find out what is needed, use e.g. sudo dnf install --assumeno sagemath | \ awk -e '/^ texlive/ {print "Provides: "$1}' >APPEND This will try to install a package, sagemath in this case, but since it is assuming "no", nothing will be done in the end. Yet the required packages are listed. Extracting those starting with (indented by one space) "texlive" should give you a good list. ATTENTION! Some dependent packages do not begin with "texlive"; biber (included in this version) is one such example! Now rebuild the rpms: rpmbuild -ba texlive-dummy.fc36.spec This will rebuild both the src and installation rpm packages and tell you where they are to be found, usually under ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/texlive-dummy-2022-1.fc36.noarch.rpm ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/texlive-dummy-2022-1.fc36.src.rpm Install these by using sudo dnf reinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/texlive-dummy-2022-1.fc36.noarch.rpm If this works for you, please send me your changes or the updated spec-file. Thanks! Hendrik G Seliger, July 2022 ctan at hseliger . eu Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3.