\section{Converting trees to dags} The problem with the trees generated in the previous section is that there's a different edge, and therefore a different child, for each possible interval of the field tested, even if those children both execute exactly the same ``original'' arm of the case statement. The code in this section converts the trees to dags, and as part of the process it combines edges pointing to the same node. This can reduce the size of the tree by huge factors. To make the transformation work, I have to represent a {\em set of intervals} on each edge, not just a single interval. Because no two intervals overlap, I can use a wonderful dirty trick, detailed below. I also {\em may} convert a node's name string to a [[namearray]] mapping field values to strings. The goal is for children of the same parent to share a single name array; that way the edges can be merged and the name operator can be implemented with an array reference. If I don't convert a node's name, the only penalty is that the tree might be bigger. (Code generation will be different for the two cases.) @ Now, the dirty representation trick: I can represent a set of numbers $S$ (a union of intervals) as two sets, $lo$ and $hi$, such that \begin{itemize} % l2h substitution cap intersect# % l2h substitution cup union# % l2h substitution emptyset empty#set \item[] $lo \cap hi = \emptyset$ \item[] if ${\tt sort}(lo \cup hi) = a, b, c, d, \ldots$, then $S = [a,b-1] \cup [c,d-1] \cup \ldots$. \end{itemize} The procedure [[addinterval]] adds a new interval to such a set $S$, relying on the fact that no two intervals overlap. <<*>>= procedure addinterval(loset, hiset, lonum, hinum) if member(loset, hinum) then delete(loset, hinum) else insert(hiset, hinum) if member(hiset, lonum) then delete(hiset, lonum) else insert(loset, lonum) return end @ To convert trees to dags I need to be able to compare two nodes for structural identity, and the easiest way is to compute a canonical representation as a string:\par\noindent [[ node : [fname:patimage(list of edges)] | | (image(node.name):image(node.cs.arms[1].original)) edge : patimage(list of sort(loset ++ hiset)):node ]] <<*>>= procedure nodetostring(n, depth) static cache initial cache := table() /depth := 0 if /cache[n] then if *n.children > 0 then { result := "[" || n.field.name || ":" every result ||:= edgetostring(!n.children, depth+2) cache[n] := result || "]" } else if *n.cs.arms = 0 then cache[n] := "" else cache[n] := "(" || image(n.name) || ":" || image(n.cs.arms[1].original) ||")" return \cache[n] end procedure edgetostring(e,depth) return left("\n", depth) || "{" || patimage(sort(e.lo ++ e.hi)) || ":" || nodetostring(e.node,depth) || "}" end @ Conversion to dag is the usual bottom-up hashing; here I compute the string and then use the string to index into a table. The real work of merging edges is done by [[combinechildren]]. If edge merging results in a single each, the node is replaced by its child, provided the edge really covers all possible values of the field. <<*>>= procedure tree2dag(n, nodetable, depth) /nodetable := table() /depth := 0 if *n.children > 0 then combinechildren(n, nodetable, depth+2) # converts edges to set form if *n.children = 1 then { e := n.children[1] if covers(n.children[1], n.field.hi - n.field.lo) then n := n.children[1].node # all roads to child: hoist it else warning("node with one child doesn't match all cases") } s := nodetostring(n, depth) /nodetable[s] := n return nodetable[s] end @ Here's where I check coverage. Only success or failure of [[covers]] is meaningful, not the value returned. <<*>>= procedure covers(e, width) l := sort(e.lo ++ e.hi) return *l = 2 & l[1] = 0 & l[2] = 2^width end @ The complicated stuff here is identifying a name array. At each node, either all edges go in an exiting name array or a new name array is used. If not, I create a new one. <<*>>= record namearray(field, tbl, hi, codename) # field used as index, table[integer] of name, bound on table, name of this array global natable <<*>>= procedure arraycandidates(n) initial MAXRANGE := 32 suspend e := !n.children & type(e.node.name) == "string" & e.hi - e.lo <= MAXRANGE & e end procedure combinechildren(n, nodetable, depth) initial natable := table() if arraycandidates(n).node.name ~== arraycandidates(n).node.name then { <> } lotable := table() hitable := table() every e := !n.children & child := tree2dag(e.node, nodetable, depth) do { /lotable[child] := set() /hitable[child] := set() addinterval(lotable[child], hitable[child], e.lo, e.hi) } n.children := [] every child := key(lotable) do put(n.children, edge(child, lotable[child], hitable[child])) return end <>= mightuse := set() # name arrays we might use must have right field every na := !\natable[n.field] do insert(mightuse, na) every e := arraycandidates(n) & na := !mightuse do if \na.tbl[e.lo to e.hi - 1] ~== e.node.name then # slot used with wrong name delete(mightuse, na) if *mightuse > 0 then willuse := ?mightuse else { /natable[n.field] := set() insert(natable[n.field], willuse := namearray(n.field, table(), 0)) } every e := arraycandidates(n) & e.lo - willuse.hi <= MAXRANGE do { every willuse.tbl[e.lo to e.hi - 1] := e.node.name; e.node.name := willuse willuse.hi <:= e.hi } <<*>>= procedure namesused(n, result) /result := set() if type(n.name) == "namearray" then insert(result, n.name) every namesused((!n.children).node, result) return result end